I remember my journey when I was introduced to this holistic approach of practising yoga. I always had weight issues and had tried many things from gymming to trying out a healthy diet, but nothing seemed to work. Yoga came as a boon to me and helped me shed those extra kilos. But I had to be very patient and consistent with my routine. I made it a part of my lifestyle and started practising it in my daily routine. Within a few months, I could feel the change in myself and how losing weight made me more confident about myself.
This was just to show you the importance of yoga. Yoga has been since ancient times used to heal the soul and body. It cleanses the system from within and provides inner peace and contentment. Studies have shown how yoga has been a stress buster and relieved many ailments and problems. Losing weight is also one of these. There are many asanas targeting solely to lose weight. Everybody in today’s world wants to look good and maintain themselves. People are very conscious of their eating habits and sometimes dieting to lose weight. But along with that if yoga is also practised, it can give dual benefits. Yoga keeps us healthy and fit. It helps in keeping in shape and maintains the overall health of the body.
Some asanas for weight loss
Let’s discuss a few asanas that are quite effective in weight loss and achieving a toned body.
Virabhadrasana- this asana is useful for toning the thighs and shoulders. It also tones the legs, arms and back. It reduces the tummy fat and gives a flat stomach if practised regularly. It also helps in improving concentration.
Trikonasana- this asana is helpful in reducing belly and waist fat. It improves blood circulation and helps in better digestion. It helps in burning more fat from the waist and strengthens muscles of the thighs and shoulders.
Adho Mukha Svanasana- this asana tones the whole body strengthening arms, legs, back and shoulders. Doing the asana for a longer period helps in toning the muscles effectively and improves blood circulation.
Sarvangasana- this asana helps in strengthening the core muscles and provides the base to the legs, upper body and abdominal muscles. It improves the respiratory system and helps in losing weight.
Dhanurasana- this asana is very effective to lose belly fat. It improves the digestion and strengthens the muscles, thighs, chest and back. It strengthens your whole body and tones the muscles and improves blood circulation.
Surya namaskar- this asana helps in the overall health of the body. It tones and stretches the main muscles of the body, shapes the waist and tones the arms. It also maintains the digestive system and balances the metabolism. It is a warm-up exercise before starting the main yoga. It is a complete package to lose weight and improve the overall health of oneself.
Power yoga is also very beneficial in reducing weight. It is relatively a modern approach to traditional yoga which enhances flexibility and reduces weight considerably. It boosts the metabolism and tones the muscles of the body, which helps in losing more weight in comparison to the basic yoga. Some power yoga asanas like bhujangasana, navasana, savasana, garudasana, etc. help reduce weight quickly and effectively.
Yoga has since ages been used as a tool to effectively cure diseases and problems. From improving digestion, relieving stress to reducing weight, everything is possible with this extremely powerful tool. It is comparatively easy to practice and affordable. So, for the ones looking for some motivation, check out the benefits of yoga and the asanas which will help in shedding those extra kilos from your body and transform you into a new you.
Breath of fire through the left nostril. It takes only 11 minutes a day and it's free!!!
"We are not making any claims, but there is a breath meditation in Kundalini Yoga which according to yoga, creates a \"benign radiation\" in the body, which no virus can withstand. Block your right nostril with your right index finger, raise your left hand up (as if you are taking an oath) and have your ring finger tip and thumb tip meeting. Do Breath of Fire through the left nostril for 11-31 minutes. To end, clasp your hands in front of your face, palms facing inwards, thumbs on top, inhale hold your breath and try to pull your hands apart 3X. Part 1 works on the nerves. Part 2 works on the immune system."
"Breath of fire is fire but the left nostril is water.
The left side of the body is moon but the ring finger is sun.
These oposites create a healing dynamic in the body to spark your immune system and optimize everything.
So have faith in that fact as you breathe.
And also according to yoga, this technique can make your inner talent your outer expression.
It can help you cultivate the gifts you never knew you had.
Make this part of your life and it will make your life.
Let people say what they will regarding these claims.
Practice perfectly and initiate yourself into the society of those who understand what's truly possible."
From the dvd "Yoga House Call" (formerly Dr. Yoga House Call) with Ana Bret and Ravi Singh
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