Re: Different Kundalini Awakening Systems/techniques?
Yeah, I second what 125342 says. Back in 1977 when TM (transcendental meditation) was offering the Yoga Sutres Program, I was one of the people that took the prep courses (it was like 8 weeks). It was a rounding course. The meditator would be in a controlled environment and would slowly begin to increase the amount of meditations (there was also an approximately 10 minute yoga program that one did before each meditation) that one did each day. After one reached a certain peak number of meditations nd yoga sessions per day, then one would begin to slowly decrease the amount that one did each day. So a person would round up and down for a certain amount of weeks. So one could end up doing 5 or 6 meditations and yoga sessions a day. It was quite effective and also brought out a lot of crap. I wouldn't recommend doing it without being in a controlled environment on a rounding course. I don't know if they still offer these courses (I haven't been involved with TM for many years) but each person had to have a buddy and each day one was supposed to walk with one's buddy in order to get a certain amount of physical exercise (one really needed physical exercise because you were beginning to develop a spiritual part of oneself that has been dormant for a long time) and some people could begin to get very strange psychologically when all this garbage started coming out. My buddy's name was Vic and me and him one day were out in the hallway talking with a teacher whose name was Roger (he had had a great deal of success with the program and had attained some degree of higher spiritual development, at one point there was even talk about him one day replacing Maharishi after Maharishi retired, very serious, never joking Roger). I think it was Vic who asked him, "Roger, how long after we finish the TM Siddhas program will it be before we become enlightened?" Roger looks at us as if he isn't sure whether it is time to let the 'cat out of the bag' or continue the ruse for as long as possible and says, "Oh about two years or so". God, what a bunch of naive jerks we were back then!!!!! We were young and dumb. 46 years later and I am still waiting for that 'enlightenment'. I have since moved onto another type of meditation. All I can say is 'Be careful what you ask for.' A good book to read (if you can get it on Amazon is Kundalini- Psychosis or Transendence which was written by Lee Sannella, MD who was a meditator and a psychiatrist and gives experiences of people who were meditators.