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Red Skin Syndrome, Topical Steroids Addiction
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    My Seb Derm is out of control and I have tried eve...   baileyboy   9 y  8,796  C

    My Seb Derm is out of control and I have tried everything. I don't know what else to do - PLEASE HELP!!!

    I have been dealing with skin issues for the past 3 years. I was first diagnosed with rosacea 3 years ago and was prescribed metro gel and a six month course of Antibiotics .

    My skin cleared up great and other than a bit of flushing every once in a while (usually after too much alcohol or exercize) it was practically back to normal.

    After about a year I stopped using the metrogel and went back to a normal moisturiser. Things were fine until a year ago.

    I started getting crusty flaky skin around my hairline. I started using an over the counter anti dandruff shampoo and moisturising more and it cleared up. It would then come and go.

    Around May was when it started to get worse and creeped down my face and my body. Really red, dry and aggressive. I have been to see 3 different dermatologists and been prescribed a plethora of medications (steroid ointments, sprays, steroid creams, Antibiotics ). Some would work for a short time but it would always come back.

    It has gotten progressively worse and at this point I haven't had a clear skin day for over 3 months. It's killing me.

    I started doing research online and decided to try a more homeopathic route - I've cut out dairy, gluten and Sugar and stopped taking the meds. I'm taking probiotics, vitamins and Apple Cider Vinegar. I'm washing with salt water and baking soda but my scalp is constantly on fire and my face looks like its had acid thrown at it.

    I have read a lot of posts and looked at a lot of pictures and to be honest I can't seem to find anything or anyone online who seems like they might have suffered with my severity.

    I've attached pictures so you can see what I'm dealing with.

    I'm currently unemployed as can't leave the house looking like this. I need to get my life back. Has anyone had it as bad as I do? Please tell me what helped you. I need to turn this around before it ruins my life completely.

    Any advice would be very greatly appreciated.

    Thank you






    // (this is me on a good day)

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    Improved Diet equal Eczema Worse   wm88   10 y  3,455  C

    Improved Diet equal Eczema Worse

    Since February I drastically changed my diet in the hope of fixing all my skin problems. From february to may I was on a low histamine paleo diet, then since May I have been on Vegan diet, consuming 60% of my food raw and the other 40% from cooked whole foods....

    I have also done various cleanses during this time, 2 water fasts, 7 Liver Flushes etc etc....

    At the present time, my eczema is worse than ever. I cannot stop myself scratching in the night to the point where it's unbearable. This morning i woke covered in sores due to the scratching that took place in the night. I have tried everything I can think off to stop myself scratching, gloves, socks on hands, boxing gloves but I pull them all off. I even taped some gloves to my hands but simply scratch through the gloves.

    Given my diet is so good is disheaterning than my symptoms got worse, I tell myself it's a healing crisis but cannot be sure. Right now though, I'd just like to stop scratching. I'm not using any topical creams and haven't done for months.
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    Seborrheic D went away when I was traveling.   #189627   10 y  3,863  C

    Seborrheic D went away when I was traveling.

    Hello, about three years ago I went to see the doctor due to a redness and flaking around and in the crease of my nose. After taking some topical steroids(mistake) it got better only to come back worse a few weeks after I stopped using the topical steroids. The redness and scaling comes and goes sometimes lasting 2-14 days. If i go in direct sunlight my skin will start to itch. Recently i went to Mongolia for a month which at the time was around 20% humidity and 20c/68f. My died didn't really change in fact I started drinking alcohol(dont normally drink), But my symptoms went away 100% no redness,no scaling, no itching,nothing. After I got back home(Taiwan)(80% humidity, 28c/83f) I was in my apartment for 1 hour and my face started itching and broke out in red patches on each side of my nose. I am not sure why my symptoms cleared up in Mongolia the only big factor i can think of that change is the humidity or something in my apartment.
  • Dangers of Topical Steroids - ITSAN Video Embedded   RN Educational White Shark   10 y  3,023  C

    Dangers of Topical Steroids - ITSAN

    Dangers of Topical Steroids - ITSAN

    ITSAN is teaming with well-known Washington
    DC law firm to hold companies and organizations
    accountable for the harm unlabeled and
    mis-prescribed steroids are doing.

    For more than a decade, cosmetics manufacturer Mario Badescu allegedly added two unlabeled topical steroids – hydrocortisone and triamcinolone acetonide – to two of its “botanical” products, Control Cream and Healing Cream. As a result, hundreds of people became unknowingly addicted to topical steroids in the product and suffered skin problems from withdrawal after the creams were recalled. Topical Steroid withdrawal wreaks havoc on the skin, causing Red Skin Syndrome, which can include oozing, swelling, spreading eczema and intractable itching for months at a time.

    Hundreds of adults in the ITSAN support group also used Derma-Smoothe FS, and parents of children suffering from steroid addiction complained of using it liberally on their children at a doctor’s direction.

    ITSAN president Kelly Palace says “Many steroid-addicted people have no idea these drugs are so dangerous, and that they need to be labeled with each ingredient, as well as with warnings of potential addiction.” Kelly herself suffered Topical Steroid Addiction and horrible withdrawal. “I was prescribed Derma-Smoothe FS and told to use it liberally – that it was safe enough to put on a baby, contained no steroids, and was a good moisturizer.”

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    Topical Steroid Addiction: Red Skin Syndrome: Cort... Video Embedded   BSA Educational White Shark   10 y  17,055  C

    Topical Steroid Addiction: Red Skin Syndrome: Corticosteroid Addiction & Withdrawal by Dr Marvin Rapaport


    Topical Steroid Addiction

    Red Skin Syndrome: Corticosteroid Addiction & Withdrawal by Dr Marvin Rapaport

    The term ”Red Skin Syndrome” was coined by Dr Marvin Rapaport MD

    Dr Marvin Rapaport found that overuse of topical steroid creams can cause nasty side effects when withdrawn. Common symptoms include weeping, burning skin when a steroid cream is discontinued. In many cases, overuse of potent steroid creams causes the skin to enter a cycle of addiction, with doctors prescribing more potent steroids to treat the worsening skin condition, a never ending cycle.

    [Video Embedded Here]   [End]
  • Help Eczema with feces diagnostic with image Image Embedded   #176895   11 y  4,847  C

    Help Eczema with feces diagnostic with image

    so, I was constipated this entire weekend, and my skin on my face flared up like crazy, and I was wondering if my intestines could be the cause of it. I have been flared up, and use topical steroids (I know baddd).

    Normally when I get off of topical steroids my skin gets worse, and I find myself always constipated.

    I am diagnosed with eczema without a definitive trigger. I have avoided everything, and


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    EC Noob, first dematoligist appointment tomorrow, ...   MikePylon   12 y  2,432  C

    EC Noob, first dematoligist appointment tomorrow, what are the best requests I can make?

    I fully expect the complimentary "Cortisone cream, get the hell out of my office shuffle", but is there anything I should suggest in so far as any kinds of swabs/tests to be done to save me some time in the long run?

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    Flaxseed oil has ruined my life after I applied it...   vexr60   12 y  72,893  C

    Flaxseed oil has ruined my life after I applied it topically on the face, can anyone help me??

    I ordered "Waihi Bush: Flaxseed oil (original)" off the internet to try on my eczema as an alternative to the stelroid ointments I use, so I started taking it orally 1 to 2 tablespoons a day for a couple of days.. But then i tried it directly on my skin with the thinking that because it is very good for the skin when you drink it it must be good for the skin when applied topically.. Oh how I was so wrong.. I put it on my face before going to sleep and woke up next morning looking completely horrid; I had red arcs under both my eyes and they had a starring appearance to them. What the oil had done is made the skin around my eyes so tight and thin that I struggled to close them.

    But it gets worse, a week after applying it to my skin my eyes started to hurt when looking around and the only way to make it less painful was to shut them and as I started to feel pressure building up around my eyes I went to see the doctors about 3 days after i first started getting it at which point was bordering close to unbearable and he prescribed me "eye drops eye lubricant" which I used as soon as I got home and made the pain subside after about 2 days. 3 to 4 weeks later I begun getting these wierd pressure headaches (I don't know how to describe it properly because it does not hurt but it drive me nuts) which gradually got worse over a 7 month period which has just started settling down now and what I think the cause is, is the flaxseed oil has made its way into my facial cavities around the eyes and behind the nose (sinuses and what have you) and caused them to close up and create chronic blockage. On top of all this my eyes protrude outwards and now when I sleep every night my eyes don't close properly, and to completely close it I have to try forcefully (think squinting).

    As a result every morning I wake up with reddish eyes which are very dry and my facial appearance has continually changed over the past 10 months and not in a good way.

    So right now as of the time of writing this 10 months since applying it to my face, this is what the flaxseed oil has done to me: the skin around my eyes has become extremely thin and hollow out (the flaxseed oil has had a tightening shrinking effect on the skin) the skin around my eyes and part of my cheek has lost most of its sensitivity to touch and now sag a bit, my eyes now protrude outwards, I get pressure headaches randomly in varying degress, I get dry eyes and a headache every morning I wake up all, these have caused me to look hideously ugly..

    At the moment I have tried everything I can think of to try improve my appearance and restore my skin around my eyes back to their normal state (firmer, more volume and has feeling when you touch it) so this is what I have tried:

    *eating really healthy eg. fruits (apples, oranges, tomatoes, avacados, lemons etc.), vegetables (cabages, lettice, bok choy, spinach, potatoes, pumpkin etc.), fish like salmon, olive oil, eggs, so far I havent found any improvement eating these types of foods so I also tried eating just fatty foods like deep fried chips atc. on a regular basis but also have found little to no improvement..

    *exercise like jogging for 30mins or walking for 1 hour 2 to 3 times a week

    *using moisturing lotion with vitaman E and elastin actually made my skin more worse..

    So far I havent seen any improvement to my skins texture it is still tight and soft.. (it has a rubbery texture), can someone help me? is there something im missing that I could do? I'm at the conclusion that the flaxseed oil has permanently altered my skin and it will remain like this for the rest of my life. this experience has ruined my life in that I have terrible social anxiety and do not leave the house much if at all some days. So my message to others who may be considering using flaxseed oil topically on their face is DO NOT! it is not worth the risk, unless you know what you are doing and know EXACTLY what it will do to you.
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    Anyone here used Cream made by Little Budda Enterp...   Healme   14 y  3,102  C

    Anyone here used Cream made by Little Budda Enterprises sold on Ebay?

    I am using it and it works nothing else has but I am concerned about the ingredients since they don't list them even though they say they are all natural. No negative feedbacks and everyone that uses it it works.
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