Personally I never wash my produce except maybe dirt ridden mushrooms and it has never hurt me to my knowledge.
I feel it is a mistake to cook especially fry rather than juice or eat raw over this concern. I feel it is overreacting and the food is much more important than the worries you are having to be honest.
Why not get a water filter, I use this one.
We get more chlorine in a 10 minute shower (especially if using hot water) than drinking 10 gallons of water.
So maybe consider a shower water filter. If buying both is too much if you get the shower filter, you can wash produce up there or keep a pan or something nearby to bring water down and wash as needed or do them all at once.
This way you can also make ice or cook with filtered water and also drink it as well as wash produce in it.
As far as H.PYLORI here is how to fix them click on ulcers to see how to fix.
Most water filters do not get rid of fluoride, unfortunately, and I am sure some of the water especially spring water may contain some of the undesirables as well depending on the brand but there is an herb that can do get rid of fluoride which is thought to kill brain cells called tulsi
More info is found here;_ylt=A0oG7mtRwhBSOVkAHghXNyoA;_ylc=X1MDMjc2NjY3OQRfcgMyBGJjawM1c3E4dnBkOTEwdjc3JTI2YiUzRDQlMjZkJTNEWmRkbzRGeHBZRUxNcTFQQklZcHU2UHpncTFCUlc0MlhfVThwTGctLSUyNnMlM0Q0NCUyNmklM0RuUmVCRHhqTmNZdEFfaWtEelFRTQRjc3JjcHZpZANNajhNTlVnZXVyQmVhUl9MVWhCODV3d19TeFouS1ZJUXdsRUFDazFmBGZyA3l0ZmYxLXR5YwRmcjIDc2ItdG9wBGdwcmlkA3BHSnBQUy43VERhejRkMTZjWEppU0EEbl9yc2x0AzEwBG5fc3VnZwMwBG9yaWdpbgNzZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tBHBvcwMwBHBxc3RyAwRwcXN0cmwDBHFzdHJsAzE0BHF1ZXJ5A2Zsb3VyaWRlIHR1bHNpBHRfc3RtcAMxMzc2ODMwMDQ0ODc2BHZ0ZXN0aWQDU01FMjc0?p=flouride+tulsi&fr2=sb-top&fr=ytff1-tyc
Finally, one could take the things that kill these parasites, bacteria, etc off and on.
These things kill bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and fungus or any viral, bacterial, fungal or protozoan infection for when you get flus, colds etc...they always work for me. I have only had a small handful of colds and 2 flues in 30 yeas and they get knocked out in a day or day and half at most when I take this stuff and other natural remedies for these things.
I feel my lack of flus etc is caused by eating a good, whole foods diet and lots of raw foods and juicing and smoothies most days.
So in my case, I never wash produce and nearly always eat raw, health foods, and juice and rarely get sick. I also feel after watching many documentaries and reading case histories that it is raw food that is the biggest healer. I would like to eat more organic but cannot afford it.
But here is that list for the killing of the pathogens listed above (bacteria, fungi, etc)
1 raw garlic (at least 3 or more cloves) I would start taking this daily to make it hard for any h pylori that might slip into the body to be killed.
Garlic is interesting as it is bacteria specific killing only the bad bacteria and leaving behind the good ones in the intestinal tract and vagina unlike doctor antibiotics that kill all the bacteria and this then leads to an imbalance and yeast infections and diarrhea.
It also kills 100% of the bad guys unlike antibiotic drugs doctors prescribe which only kill 99% and the rest can become super bugs not responsive to antibiotics in the future so garlic is very good and also brings stamina and a plethora of other benefits but it must b fresh and raw not pills.
the only garlic supplement that shows any benefit is aged kyolic garlic.
2 organic olive leaf extract/tincture a good brand is herbpharm take 60 drops 3 to 5 times a day for best results,.
If your weight is a lot more or less than 150 lbs use Clark's rule found here
3 oregano essential oil I use oreganol or also can use one from health food store like aura cacia -take as directed
4 grapefruit seed extract--this is bitter so take with a citrus juice to help improve palatability
5 colloidal silver (short term)
I would think you could put one of these in water and then wash it as well for extra assurance perhaps but just take every so often for a week or so to clean up any of these pathogens that may be in the body.
washing with hot water like that may damage the fragile important enzymes and other vital elements.eating raw veggies and fruit and juicing in itself is one of the most important things you can do to prevent cancer. I would also add some home brewed green teas either hot or iced as this has been shown to eat the protein coating that may surround cancer cells in the same way produce does with its enzymes.
I suggest getting the book by Jean Carper called good your miracle medicine.
It is an excellent book based on 10,000 medical studies and has a wealth of info
She has many chapters on foods that prevent cancer in general and various types of concerns as well as many other diseases., It is only one cent used with 3.99 shipping so for $4 it is well worth the money.
You are failing to see eating raw foods as God designed preferably vegan and raw and not refined whole foods are what has cured nearly everything. raw food is paramount to healing. Juices also healed so many many things.
Although I would not do it as it may change the acid/alkaline balance, one could add some raw apple cider vinegar to the fresh juices and that is supposed to kill germs of various sorts and would probably be better than not drinking any juices or green smoothie etc
I 100% raw diet has done just that but even 85% to prove this go to and read a bunch of the testimonies on various diseases and see the many miraculous cures of nearly every disease there is.
If you cannot do that, aim for a minimum of 50% raw and hopefully vegan whole foods as close to nature as they grow.
when you say I will sacrifice enzymes and nutrients and phyto-nutrients to not have parasites etc, you take away the most important healing protocol we have that is certain to help versus one that may not even happen.
Combining raw foods with regular cleansing of the elimination organs (colon, kidney, liver, skin, lungs and blood cleansing) you can keep excellent health despite the pitfalls and toxins of life.
Just cause a germ etc gets in does not mean a strong,. healthy body cannot make it not harmful at all to you when it may be to others if your health is top notch.
most important to health
raw food
organic foods or at least natural wild caught and so forth
vegan foods
whole food-unruined by man's altering it, as close to how nature packs it as possible
lots and of produce and variety
clean water
cleansing of the elimination organs
happiness, affirmations, stress reduction
Also of help exercising and deep breathing, concessional hydrotherapy, herbs as needed in a good form (that is organic or wildcrafted and in tincture form (tea with distilled water is 2nd best).
Don't throw the baby out with the bath is more important to take in raw foods and not cook especially fry things and you can do one of the things I suggested to gain some peace of mind with regular periods of taking those things in the list of 5 which can kill the various germs you mentioned and the strength of the body resistance to these germs with an excellent diet and some regular cleaning of toxins.
As I said, I never wash my produce unless it is real and viably dirty and when I do I often use tap water when I forget to turn the switch to the water filter and never had a problem with the things you mention and almost never get sick..except for the last years when I started eating less healthy foods, I have not had a virus in 30 years even if around sick people and hardly ever a cold and I feel this is due to having a very good to excellent whole foods diet during that time.
it is hard to be convincing if someone is sure they will get these parasites and does so to the point they prefer to cook and drown it is super hot water, but I hope since you asked you might be able to relax on that and focus on building the kind of body that is resistant to disease with things like raw and healthy food, absence of bad foods and cleansing on occasion of the elimination organs especially via colon cleansing.
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