All cysts are the result of iodine deficiency. Iodine is required by every cell in the body, especially for women. Men only suffer hypothyroid & prostate problems from iodine deficiency.
Iodine deficiency results in the following diseases:
* Hormonal problems
* FibroCYSTic breast disease, painful lumps & bumps
* Skin Cysts
* Ovary Cysts (PolyCYSTic Ovary Syndrome)
* Uterus cysts, fibroids & endo, cycle problems
* Hypothyroid
* Brain Fog
Long term prevention - Take the Dr. Brownstein Iodine Protocol:
Short term: Paint over the cyst with 2% Lugols Iodine, if painting over the same spot every day, please cover with an oil after painting to prevent dermatitis, so for example after painting the nipple area with iodine for FBD, cover with an oil such as grape seed oil, olive oil or coconut oil.
Lugols 2% iodine available at Amazon.Com is recommended.(5% lugols might sting very sensitive skin)
Iodine deficiency is a national crises among women. Read the book, "The Iodine Crisis: What You Don't Know About Iodine Can Wreck Your Life"
Iodine Resources Website
Iodine Testimonials:
So bottom line-never suffer from cysts & iodine deficiency symptoms again,
by Luella Isaacs
(The Best Years in Life) Conventional medicine’s answer to fibroid tumors is very often a hysterectomy or other type of surgery and medications – none of which guarantees that fibroids will not return. Nature, on the other hand, can shrink or eliminate fibroid tumors by addressing their source cause and utilizing remedies which create an environment in which fibroids are no longer welcome.
Fibroid tumors are tumors composed of fibrous tissue which generally occur in women during their reproductive years and shrink or disappear after menopause. Most of the time they are benign and cause no apparent symptoms; however, in other instances, fibroid tumors can result in severe discomfort and may include heavy bleeding and pain.
Fibroid tumors are also known as myomas, leiomyomas and fibromyomas. Their cause is not fully known, though estrogen is considered a primary factor in their growth. The jury is out, however, on whether the use of progesterone to treat women with uterine fibroids alleviates or promotes fibroids. One side claims that that lack of progesterone is the cause of tumor growth, while the other side points out that fibroids grow at a faster rate during pregnancy when progesterone levels are high.
Fibroid tumors can vary in size from so minute that they can only be identified under a microscope to very large. They can present themselves as a single tumor or as several masses. Although their rate of growth is generally slow, they can grow quickly during pregnancy. Symptoms include abnormal bleeding (sometimes severe enough to cause anemia), menstrual pain, and a swollen abdomen. Fibroids can also cause infertility.
To read the rest of this article, including natural measures which can prevent, shrink and eliminate fibroids, click HERE.
See also:
The Importance of Digestive Enzymes for Health and Longevity
How to Prevent and Eliminate Fibroids Naturally
A Plant-based Diet Could be Beneficial for Uterine Fibroids
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