All cysts are the result of iodine deficiency. Iodine is required by every cell in the body, especially for women. Men only suffer hypothyroid & prostate problems from iodine deficiency.
Iodine deficiency results in the following diseases:
* Hormonal problems
* FibroCYSTic breast disease, painful lumps & bumps
* Skin Cysts
* Ovary Cysts (PolyCYSTic Ovary Syndrome)
* Uterus cysts, fibroids & endo, cycle problems
* Hypothyroid
* Brain Fog
Short term: Paint over the cyst with 2% Lugols Iodine, if painting over the same spot every day, please cover with an oil after painting to prevent dermatitis, so for example after painting the nipple area with iodine for FBD, cover with an oil such as grape seed oil, olive oil or coconut oil.
Lugols 2% iodine available at Amazon.Com is recommended.(5% lugols might sting very sensitive skin)