You are correct and here's why: caffeine depletes the stress hormone cortisol--low cortisol levels cause hairloss.
Usually, adrenal fatigue (low cortisol levels) is accompanied by hypothyroidism. It is generally caused by iodine deficiency.
For good info on both:
by Tony Isaacs (The Best Years in Life) Recently, it was announced that European researchers had discovered a breakthrough cure for gray and thinning hair: a topical application of a sun-activated compound called PC-KUS (a modified pseudocatalase). However, the researchers may be a few hundred years late with their discovery since onion juice (which contains natural catalase) has been used as a remedy for thin and graying hair for ages. The researchers "new" breakthrough appears to be the rediscovery of a remedy for gray hair and baldness that herbalists have known for centuries: Onion juice. Hundreds of years ago, famed herbalist John Gerard (1545-1612) wrote: "the juyce of onions annointed upon a bald head in the sun bringeth the hair againe very speedily." Today, many herbalists recommend onion juice either singly or in combination with other natural items as a remedy for gray and thinning hair. Read More. See also: Science Confirms an Age-Old Remedy for Gray Hair and Baldness
author of Cancer's Natural Enemy
Hi Sundas! I tried all the treatment options for removing head lice on my daughter who is a volleyball player at school, such as using a headlice comb remover and other ways of killing them. But since she always play outside, they keep on coming in. Good thing I found out that Licealiz is the cure to everything! This is fast, proven, and effective. :)
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