I had atrial fibrilation beginning a couple of years ago and my doc wanted to put me on warfarin. I'm not medically inclined but when I got home I did an Internet search and found the horrible side effects and refused it. The cardiologist is an excellent cardio guy and I don't wish to leave him but I think he now understands that we come to agreements instead of my bowing down to him.
I got in tune with what was the main cause of my afib - which in my case was carbohydrates/sweets and learned that I could control it by cutting them and also taking lots of apple cider vinegar. That aside about 10 months ago I began taking fish oil in massive amounts. I take 10 capsules which has 300 mg of Omega 3 per cap, for a total of 3,000 per day. I get it at Costco and for $10 I think that there 400 caps. Anyway, I began to realize a couple of things. One, when I tested for my Type II diabetes, the blood flowed much easier. Second, my afib went away. When the doc wanted me to take warfarin they were going to do it without the test to determine how thin (don't remember the term, but for oil for automobiles it is viscosity) my blood was. If they ever suggest warfarin again, I'll demand the test first.
I actually cured my afib to the point where I could get back on coffee (how I love it) and drink 4 cups a day without afib. However, a couple of months ago I had a lobectomy due to a cancerous tumor and went into atrial flutter. Am taking meds for the flutter, but sure miss my coffee. All sorts of things get stirred up from that type of surgery so am hoping that the flutter will eventually go away.
Search the 'net and think you will find that Omega 3 is a blood thinner. The Costco variety claims that it is "deep sea" fish oil and that it doesn't contain any of the contaminates. There is also a prescription variety of Omega 3 - (can't remember the name) but it is very expensive.
Hope you find an alternative solution.
right now i also have afib and my docs done mutipal tests and they keep thinking its sleep apnea im on oxigen and soltal and warfalin for my blood but im still havein them ....
i dont think its from sweets or sleep apnea cause i still have em when i drink water for mths and intake less sugers so if any one has any help i could use it ...the docs also did tests on my heart where they shove a tube down ur throght and it all comes out good so plz help!!!!!
Suggestion: Colloidal Silver.
Purported to kill around 650 different bacteria, and viruses.
Get a eye dropper, and leaning your head over on to either shoulder insert dropper into the ear canal as far as you can witout hurting yourself to put CS. sometimes the CS will stop before it goes into canal. Eventually it will. tap your ear from the outside, shake head, etc.
Do both every couple of hours.
Also you can get it into the blood stream "sublingually" by placing a small amount from a cup or small glass under your tongue to get it into your blood stream. Just hold it there, or move tongue around a little. You will attack the problem from both directions.
This is good CS, and you can ask Dr. Ken if he has any idea's. Here is the URL.
Don't take antibiotics.
Good luck
Colloidal Silver will work in the eyes also.
I use it that way, same way, a drop or two until the problem goes away.
It even helps with eye floaters.
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