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Lice, Head Lice Support Forum
  • Are you facing head lice problem? TinyLocks, a hea...   DorothyKing   9 y  4,130
  • I find it a waste to use Listerine as a head lice ...   agnescalay   9 y  4,225
  • We discovered a great lice killing spray without u...   #204183   9 y  4,049
  • My grandchildren treated their had lice problem wi...   #202977   9 y  4,130
  • As a pediatrician I’ve found a small device that c...   willmesi   8 y  4,063
  • Electric Head Lice Remover   North Star   4 y  415

    Electric Head Lice Remover

    Check out the electric head lice remover from the online store, Thursdays.
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    Parasite Help I have Lice living inside my nose   Brethlesss   8 y  14,370  C

    Parasite Help I have Lice living inside my nose

    I have been hear reading everything I can. I have found so much information and some has been a big help. But I have searched everywhere an I have never found any other posting that is even close to what I am fighting. I will try to keep this as short as I can. In September of 2015 I watched my next door neighbors dogs and ended up getting head lice. I had fought head lice once before and thought I can do this again. But my boss was unconcerned that I had lice and would not allow me time off to get this under control. I begged for everyone at work to please pay attention and check yourself often. No one did. So for the last 6 month I have been desperate to kill the lice. I can't get to them, They are living an breeding deep inside my nasal cavity. I can feel them especially at night when they are so active. I have been to many doctors and no one will believe me when I say I have lice inside. They are growing in numbers and I have not been able to slow them down. I purchased the Ivermectin horse paste and I took it for about 3 weeks when I realized it was not doing anything to slow them down. I believe this is my fault as I took such a low dose to start I think they are now immune to it. I even went so far as to buy the Ivermectin suspension 1% from the local farm store. I used this in a glass of juice, I am so scared I even used a dropper to breath it in. I can say this hurt like H**l. But I kept this up for about 2 weeks before I stopped. I can feel them inside under my eyes, down the top (bridge) of my nose as they crawl to the tip. I can now feel them deep inside behind my eyes and it's getting to be very painful. I am at a total loss as to how to reach them. If I could get to them I could kill them in 12 hours with the Neem oil. I live with neem oil in my hair 24/7. I believe that is what might have forced them into my nose and my ears. Please I am asking for any help. What will kill them? What combinations? I am very scared at this point and the emergency room doctor laughed at me when I begged for help.
    I would be very grateful to anyone who could help.

    Thanks in advance Brethlesss

  • SUPER LICE Treatment   RRR Educational drbailey   9 y  1,229  C

    SUPER LICE Treatment

    The natural way to kill head lice is to smother the scalp and hair in olive oil or mayonnaise. Cover with plastic shower cap and let sit overnight. This will smother the lice and will be helpful in combing out the nits. No chemicals needed.
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    Will Diatomaceous earth kill all stages of lice?   bjornbjorn   9 y  2,580  C

    Will Diatomaceous earth kill all stages of lice?

    My daughter has lice and has passed it on to the family. We tried combing after store bought lice treatment. It didn't work.

    It got me thinking, Diatomaceous earth kills parasites, will it work for lice??

    If I mix it in some sort of oil probably coconut, will it kill all the stages of lice, nits, and bugs???

    It should shred up the bugs and eggs shouldn't it? Does anyone have experience with using this treatment?
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    Parasites under scalp/in head   #187856   10 y  2,937  C

    Parasites under scalp/in head

    For the last week I have had a tickling sensation on the left side of my head. It seems to move to different areas but mostly remains on the left side. I went to Urgent care because I thought perhaps its lice or some kind of other outside parasite. At first the FNP could not see anything on my head so she called another doctor and got some magnifying glasses. They couldn't spot anything but light dandruff then suddenly they spotted what they said was lice. I've done two lice treatments but still, that sensation is there. I've checked my own head and haven't found anything. I'm worried that I might have something under my scalp. Any suggestions on what I can do to find out what it is? It is worrying more by day and thought of seeing my doctor and asking for a CAT scan and parasite testing. Any recommendations?
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    Painful Red Bumps Bleeding on my head, please help...   stillsickforayear   13 y  13,361  C

    Painful Red Bumps Bleeding on my head, please help!!!

    I have these painful red bumps that are like scabs on my scalp head that come off and bleed a little. Are they from parasites or lice?
  • Black Cumin(Nigella Sativa) Used to Rid Head Lice ...   mo123   14 y  14,690  C

    Black Cumin(Nigella Sativa) Used to Rid Head Lice Naturally


    How to Get Rid of Head Lice Naturally

    by Fleur Hupston, citizen journalist
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    (NaturalNews) Head lice are easily transmitted by head-to head contact or by sharing combs, brushes or caps. Infestations are common in school children but this is not an indication of poor hygiene or dirty hair. Lice lay their eggs along the base of the hair shaft, close to the scalp. Conventional cures include the application of strong smelling insecticides or shampoos which can be harmful to health, especially in the case of small children. Go the natural route in preventing and treating head lice infestations.

    Preventing Head Lice

    Do not think a problem with lice will not affect you or your family. Inspect your child's head regularly for lice and nits, paying particular attention to the hairline, neck and areas above the ears. If there is an outbreak at your child's school, be even more thorough. To repel lice, comb the hair twice a week with a comb dipped in a mug of warm water containing a few drops of tea tree oil.

    Treating Head Lice

    Ensure that the affected family members use separate towels and face cloths and wash bedding, pillowcases and brushes in hot water.

    Use a fine toothed nit comb to remove lice from the hair, working through the hair section at a time. Repeat the treatment regularly and newly hatched lice will gradually be removed. Diligently repeating this process for at least two weeks is one of the most effective ways of removing head lice without the use of insecticidal shampoos.

    Essential Oils to Treat Lice Infestations

    To kill lice and soothe an itching scalp, add two drops each of lavender, geranium and eucalyptus oils to a teaspoon of natural, unscented body lotion. Massage into the scalp and leave for 30 minutes to an hour. Run a fine-toothed, nit comb through the hair, then rinse well. Make a final rinse by adding two drops each of eucalyptus, lavender, rosemary and geranium oils and 3 teaspoons of vinegar into half a jug of water. Rinse and leave the hair to dry naturally.

    Nigella Sativa is said to be an excellent cure for head lice and other skin parasites. One cup of finely ground seeds blended with a cup of apple cider vinegar, filtered and then applied to the hair is said to be an excellent natural cure for head lice.

    Be sure to visit a qualified homeopath if a child's scalp becomes inflamed or infected or if the above treatment proves to be ineffective. Women who are pregnant or trying to get pregnant should exercise caution when it comes to the use of certain essential oils or herbs and it would be best to get the advice of a homeopath or herbalist in this case.


    Where There is No Doctor, page 200, by David Werner, Published by The Hesperian Foundation, 1994 edition.

  • Lice   ajs03k   14 y  937  C



    About 20 years ago I had pubic lice (yuck!). And then about 5 years ago I caught lice sleeping at a hostel.

    Is there any way lice can burrow into the skin and stay there despite treatment. The reason I ask is that since I started taking collinade silver I have been feeling things down below and notice things dropping off. there is no possible way I could have gotten pubic lice.

    Thanks, Alex
  • Scabies and Lice Image Embedded   Djehuty   15 y  6,138  C

    Scabies and Lice

    Scabies and Lice

    by Djehuty Ma'at-Ra
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    Scabies is medically defined as: "A contagious disease caused by Sarcoptes scabiei, the itch mite, characterized by intense itching of the skin and excoriation from scratching. The mite, transmitted by close contact with infected human or domestic animals, burrows into outer layers of the skin where the female lays eggs. Two to 4 months after the first infection, sensitization to the mites and their products begins, resulting in a pruritic popular rash most common on the webs of fingers, flexor surfaces of wrists, and thighs. Secondary bacterial infection may occur. Diagnosis may be made by microscopic identification of adult mites, larvae, or eggs in scrapings of the burrows." - Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 3rd edition, p. 1052

    The mites that cause scabies are small eight-legged parasites (in contrast to insects, which have six legs). They are tiny, just 1/3 millimeter long, and burrow into the skin to produce intense itching, which tends to be worse at night. The mites that cause scabies are not visible with the naked eye but can be seen with a magnifying glass or microscope.

    So basically and technically, scabies is a parasitic infection and should be addressed accordingly.

    Lice are defined as: "Louse (lice is plural) a small, wingless, parasitic insect of the order Anoplura that is the carrier of such disease as relapsing fever and typhus. Lice are common parasites on the skin and may cause intense pruritus. " Mosby's supra, p. 704

    Pruritus is the symptom of itching, an uncomfortable sensation leading to the urge to scratch. Scratching often results in secondary infection. -Mosby's supra.

    A louse bite is "a minute puncture wound produced by a louse that may transmit typhus, trench fever, and relapsing fever. Secondary infection may result from scratching the affected area. Head and body lice are the most common and are frequently found among schoolchildren." Ibid

    Lice live among human hairs and feeds on extremely small amounts of blood drawn from the scalp. Although they may sound gross, lice (the plural of louse) are a very common problem, especially for children ages 3 years to 12 years (girls more often than boys).

    Lice aren't dangerous and they don't spread disease like the mites who cause scabies, but they are contagious and can be very annoying. Their bites may cause a child's scalp to become itchy and inflamed, and persistent scratching may lead to skin irritation and even infection.

    Unlike the mites that cause scabies, lice can be seen by the naked eye.

    Lice eggs are called nits. These look like tiny yellow, tan, or brown dots before they hatch. After hatching, the remaining shell looks white or clear. Lice lay nits on hair shafts close to the skin's surface, where the temperature is perfect for keeping warm until they hatch. Nits look sort of like dandruff, only they can't be removed by brushing or shaking them off. Unless the infestation is heavy, it's more common to see nits in a child's hair than it is to see live lice crawling on the scalp. Lice eggs hatch within 1 to 2 weeks after they're laid.

    The adult louse is no bigger than a sesame seed and is brownish tan (although lice may look darker on people with dark hair). Baby lice are called nymphs. Nymphs are smaller and become adult lice about 7 days after they hatch. Most lice feed on blood about every 4 to 6 hours, but they can survive up to 3 days off the scalp.

    For some kids, the irritation is mild; for others, a more bothersome rash with crusting and oozing may develop. It's also not unusual for kids to develop some swelling of their lymph glands. Excessive scratching can also lead to a bacterial infection (the skin would become red and tender around the bite area). If your doctor thinks this is the case, he or she may treat the infection with a topical or an oral antibiotic.

    You may be able to see the lice or nits by parting your child's hair into small sections and checking for lice and nits on the scalp, behind the ears, and around the nape of the neck (it's rare for them to be found on eyelashes or eyebrows). A magnifying glass and bright light may help. But it can be tough to find a nymph or adult louse - often, there aren't many of them and they're able to move fast.

    Though they can't fly or jump, these tiny parasites have specially adapted claws that allow them to crawl and cling firmly to hair. They spread mainly through head-to-head contact, but sharing clothing, bed linens, combs, brushes, and hats can also help pass them along.

    Healing From Scabies and Lice Naturally

    Because the itch mite (parasite) that causes scabies burrows into outer layers of the skin, an external approach to healing is primary and necessary whereas internal cleansing is secondary. Scabies and Lice both affect the external skin and are thus skin conditions.

    I suggest performing the Sea Salt Soak daily (c. 45 minutes). Read the article "Sea Salt Soak" in our article section on our website. NOTE: one box of Sea Salt equals 26 ounces. Half of this amount (13 ounces) will suffice for a soak.

    In the case of scabies or lice, you want to add hydrogen peroxide and/or individual essential oils of Tea Tree, Eucalyptus, Niaouli, Lavender, Citronella, Peppermint, Ravensare, Thyme, Vetivert, Oregano and other essential oils with antibacterial, antiviral, antimicroorganistic, antimicrobial, antiseptic, germicidal, and insecticidal properties to the soak/bath water.

    Our NEW Lice & Mite Buster oil drops contain the above oils and can be added to your bath water.

    You can also add herbs (whole form or cut and sifted form) to the soak. Good herbs to use in your soak would include antiparasitic or anthelmintic herbs such as Black-Walnut Hulls, Neem Leaf, Wormwood , Tansy, Epazote, Peach Tree Bark, Male Fern, Southernwood, and Pink Root to name a few.

    If you own an ozone machine, it's best to ozonate the soak water for 45 minutes prior to entering the tub and allowing the ozone to run while you're in the tub for the duration of the soak.

    Use a good therapeutic soap for your soak (when it's time to bathe, usually 10-15 minutes before exiting the tub). Good soaps include Grandpa's Pine Tar Soap, MSM Sulfur soap, Kiss My Face Olive and Lavender Soap, and Dherbs.Com Anti-Viral Soap.

    After each bath/soak, make sure you oil your entire body down with Dherbs. Com Healing Skin Oil. Dherbs.Com contains Neem oil which is a potent destroyer of the mites that cause scabies and most other parasites.

    You can also add Neem oil individually to your soak water. Neem oil is not an essential oil. It is a cold-pressed oil.

    The base of our Healing Skin Oil is olive oil. Research has shown that olive oil smothers and kills scabies and head lice just as castor oil suffocates and kills certain intestinal worms.

    If a person can't afford our Healing Skin Oil, they can use the following oils on the problem areas due to scabies or lice infection: olive oil, coconut oil, and/or castor oil. These oils are deep penetrating and are excellent in skin healing.

    Another good oil to use for the healing of scabies and lice is Karanja oil. It is very similar to Neem oil and traditionally has been used from head lice to herpes. Like Neem oil, it too is not an essential oil but a cold-pressed oil.

    Bentonite clay is also good to use to heal a scabies infection. The clay should be applied to the problem (itch) area and left on for 15-30 minutes and then removed. Bentonite clay can be used daily or as needed. Dherbs.Com offers the best Bentonite Clay on the market as it is mixed with MSM Sulfur and Sea Salt .

    Steaming the skin (problem area) will also help the healing from scabies. A professional steamer will come in handy due to the adjustable arm of the steamer.

    To facilitate healing of scabies and lice, I highly suggest performance of the Full Body Detox followed by the parasite and Worm Cleanse & Regimen and then lastly the Anti-Viral Cleanse and Regimen (optional), all of which will help to cleanse the blood and in turn address the rashes common with scabies and lice from intense itching and thus scratching (pruritus).

    The most effective cleanse by far for eradicating scabies is our parasite and Worm Cleanse & Regimen. After all, scabies is a parasitic infection.

    Okay, now for clothing and bed linens: washing and bathing, application of Dherbs.Com Lice & Mite Buster, and the washing or cleaning of clothes and bed linens are recommended procedures for eradication, natural healing, and prophylaxis against spread of infestation of both scabies and lice.

    Simply add 7-12 drops of Dherbs.Com Lice and Mite Buster to your laundry consisting of affected clothes as well as bed linens.

    Use Lice and Mite Buster oil drops in a diffuser too in every room where there may be lice, fleas, ticks, and other parasites and insects.

    A racap of Dherbs.Com products great for lice and scabies include:

    EXTERNAL: Lice & Mite Buster oil drops, Lice & Mite Buster, Healing Skin Oil, and Bentonite Clay.

    INTERNAL: Full Body Detox (which should always be performed first, before any other cleanse), parasite and Worm Cleanse & Regimen, Anti-Viral Cleanse and Regimen; Blood & Lymphatic Formula, Blood & Lymphatic Tea, and Parasite & Worm Tea.

    In closing, you can naturally heal from scabies and head and body lice conditions and without the use of harmful man-made chemicals.

    Thank you for reading!

    This article is compliments of Dherbs.Com and Djehuty Ma'at-Ra.

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