Thank you I am hunting for the list as we speak. You won't believe it but I have about 4 Black-Walnut trees that produce walnuts every year. And many baby trees I do my best to kill as the squirrels plant them EVERYWHERE. I will save as many green as I can and if you know the source of a good recipe I would be grateful. And to think they have been right here under my nose. ( That's not really funny right now) all my life. Makes me cry. I will get started right away this afternoon and keep you posted. Besides the spray mix is there anything else you think might help to kill them? Would the albendazole-Praziuantel with Iver combo help at all? ( I have the paste iver Prazi)
I have also read about one called Pyrantel Pamoate Suspension?
How long if you wouldn't mind to hazard a guess, should I keep at the nasal mixture? I don't want to stop to soon.
Thank you so much, I'm off to town for some supplies. Brethlesss
P.S. I believe I have had the lice inside my nose for about 7-8 months. It just took me until just before Christmas to realize the itching nose and face.