Help! Sudden onset of allergy type symptoms.
Hi!I started having allergic reactions to food.Last week I had miso soup and felt my lips were itchy, swelling with hot ear so I went to urgent care. They said it seemed to be a mild
food allergy .Two days later I felt like my throat was closing and went to the ER.They said that as far as they can see my throat was not closing, gave me hormones anyway. Went to ER twice with that feeling. GP thinks it is GERD, should use my inhaler, take anti-acids,sleep propped up.The yellow stool/diarrhea that I have had since January has gotten runnier,worse.Have started getting rashes and stomach upset after eating previously fine foods. (yellow squash, ginger)Mostly eating kefir, meats and veggies hoping that somehow this will heal my gut.Introduced a 50billion probiotic resulting in rashes,seemingly increased sensitivity. Light white tongue coating.Could it be bacterial imbalance or parasites? Is there a test for that?Continue taking rash causing probiotics? Diet? Seeing allergy specialist. Diagnosed with adrenal fatigue.Thanks!