was reading the book the iodine crisis by Lynn Farrow and going to start the protocol for my goiter, tyroid symptoms and breast cancer mostly and I was thinking if this helps the thyroid maybe it might also help the parathyroid..if you have some of the other things helped by iodine it might be worth a try as it is linked with some of the same symptoms as parathyroid tumor.
Depression, lack of energy, diabetes, and others
A doctor who tested people found fully 90% of the people he tested were iodine deficient most likely due to the prevalence of bromine/bromide which competes for our limited intake of iodine (woefully short since we need far more than they say and book explains all this) and the bromide usually wins so we have symptoms caused by lack of iodine which particularly affects the thyroid/breast and reproductive areas but all ells need it and this cause bromide toxicity due to the widespread bromide everywhere.
I am hoping this will be the answer to many things I have suffered form since the 70s when it all started.
I am hopeful this is going to be my miracle cure and passing it along to other who may want to research it.
It is just a hunch that it might help parathyroid sufferers but now I am wondering if the excess calcium could make it worst as the doctor who discovered all this said that is one thing that can interfere with successful iodine results but worth a try certainly.
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