Re: low t3 thyroid, depression, what do I take?
Sorry I had not seen this before!!
Yes I did go through about 3 months of high doses of
Lugols starting in Oct. up to 102mg. It didn't really work on me. The t3 meds helped a lil with energy but was still constipated and anxious. Thank goodness Dr yu tested me with dmps challenge and found really high amounts of mercury and moderate amounts of lead. We believe this caused all my issues. I am in 3rd month of chelation and have no anxiety and
Depression is better. I still have feeling of being overwhelmed and brain fog. Need 3 or more months of treatment atleast.
Gut is much better. Could be bc I am taking 200mg of magnesium taurate and 400 magnesium oxide every day. Also Dmsa which is chelation drug aggravates candida until mercury is gone. So I started candida homeopathics and Syntol probiotics for yeast. Much less waterweight bloating. Its great!
I used to drink all those drinks years ago. Would have thought I would have gotten better with
Iodine but with mercury nothing will get better til its gone. I did also read Bromsteins book back when I was taking iodine. Thank u!