Hmm havent tried the taurine .I have been using calm magnesium ,NAC ,MSM and L cartnine with the q 10 .I have heard great things about the Q10 .But it gets really confusing because they say that you can damage the liver with too many supplements at the same time and that would certainly be counter productive to what I am trying to accomplish .I am thinking that at the minimum I should do the heavy C and MSM and Q 10 and milk thistle along with the meds .What do you think ? I am a total newbie to supplements and herbs and vitamins .Everything I know I have learned from the internet in the last six months .Something about having worms crawl in and worms crawl out gets you obsessed with finding a cure ;) Yea I know its not funny but we have to find humor where we can these days .Seriously a person could get totally obsessed with this .I was trying to explain it to my husband (who is symptom free by the way but is a dialysis patient ) .That someone would have to experience this on a daily basis to understand how it can take over your life .You become obsessed with trying to eradicate them .And why shouldn't we be obsessed ???You would have to be nuts to be "okay" with it .It is a fine line however and I try to not research too much these days and if I find myself googling too much I tell myself to chill .Another one that scares me is this morgellons !! These symptoms also seem to fit with it but