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Red Skin Syndrome, Topical Steroids Addiction
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    My Seb Derm is out of control and I have tried eve...   baileyboy   9 y  8,796  C
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    Improved Diet equal Eczema Worse   wm88   10 y  3,455  C
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    Seborrheic D went away when I was traveling.   #189627   10 y  3,862  C
  • Dangers of Topical Steroids - ITSAN Video Embedded   RN Educational White Shark   10 y  3,021  C

    Dangers of Topical Steroids - ITSAN

    Dangers of Topical Steroids - ITSAN

    ITSAN is teaming with well-known Washington
    DC law firm to hold companies and organizations
    accountable for the harm unlabeled and
    mis-prescribed steroids are doing.

    For more than a decade, cosmetics manufacturer Mario Badescu allegedly added two unlabeled topical steroids – hydrocortisone and triamcinolone acetonide – to two of its “botanical” products, Control Cream and Healing Cream. As a result, hundreds of people became unknowingly addicted to topical steroids in the product and suffered skin problems from withdrawal after the creams were recalled. Topical Steroid withdrawal wreaks havoc on the skin, causing Red Skin Syndrome, which can include oozing, swelling, spreading eczema and intractable itching for months at a time.

    Hundreds of adults in the ITSAN support group also used Derma-Smoothe FS, and parents of children suffering from steroid addiction complained of using it liberally on their children at a doctor’s direction.

    ITSAN president Kelly Palace says “Many steroid-addicted people have no idea these drugs are so dangerous, and that they need to be labeled with each ingredient, as well as with warnings of potential addiction.” Kelly herself suffered Topical Steroid Addiction and horrible withdrawal. “I was prescribed Derma-Smoothe FS and told to use it liberally – that it was safe enough to put on a baby, contained no steroids, and was a good moisturizer.”

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    Topical Steroid Addiction: Red Skin Syndrome: Cort... Video Embedded   BSA Educational White Shark   10 y  17,054  C
  • Help Eczema with feces diagnostic with image Image Embedded   #176895   11 y  4,847  C

    Help Eczema with feces diagnostic with image

    so, I was constipated this entire weekend, and my skin on my face flared up like crazy, and I was wondering if my intestines could be the cause of it. I have been flared up, and use topical steroids (I know baddd).

    Normally when I get off of topical steroids my skin gets worse, and I find myself always constipated.

    I am diagnosed with eczema without a definitive trigger. I have avoided everything, and


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    EC Noob, first dematoligist appointment tomorrow, ...   MikePylon   12 y  2,430  C
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    Flaxseed oil has ruined my life after I applied it...   vexr60   12 y  72,887  C
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    Anyone here used Cream made by Little Budda Enterp...   Healme   14 y  3,099  C
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