How do you know if you are indigo?
I saw a special on this topic and decided to look it up. I am 26 years old and began to discover that I had a few psychic/mediumistic abilities when I was aro-
und age 19, I'd have dreams that would come true, they'd happen in patterns like
they'd be distorted, but when the event would happen, I'd have a flashback of a
dream with a strong gut sensation. I don't think I'm necessarily clairvoyant a-
nd I do not have the ability to see aurus. Once I got a few years into my twen-
ties, it became more and more frequent, now it is pretty much on a regular basi-
s, at least a couple times a month I pick up on something going on in my enviro-
nment or things about people before they tell me themselves. I'm also strongly
inclined towards things like music, reading classic literature basically anythi-
ng written before the 19th century, and I feel propelled to learn different la-
ngauges and things like that, but I have a more right brained approach to it as
I like there to be a strong social connection to those things and I dress more
like I'm from new york or L.A but I do not feel the need to prove to society t-
hat I am no different from anybody else even though my lifestyle and interests
are kind of mismatched. If I run into somebody that comes off as being kind o-
f two faced or I pick up on an antisocial, mean demeaner I get the heck out of
dodge the minute that my nerves start to stand on end when I realize this pers-
ons facial expressions/tone of voice/body langauges don't really seem to go to-
gether, I've also always felt the need to make others realize that they should
tune out the things that go around about them and just be who they are and that
they do not have to have their decisions made by a 'stronger' personality.