Hi soulful! When I read about indigos several years back that term just resonated with me very deeply and I felt the same way as you. i believe what's next is reading the books on indigos by doreen virtue. I believe that the conciousness, and knowing you are an indigo is just another tool for your "toolbox" some other tool you can use to go back and reflect on the past using your knew knowledge and see what else that knowledge makes clearer(i.e. patterns or maybe how you can understand you reaction to events or how others reacted to you,etc)and also use the tool in the future...with a clearer understanding of who you are it can only help you towards remembering your divine purpose,there is also a website.. i can't remember exactly, something like namastecafe, i used to look at a while back you might do a Google on it and read it, it has a lot of great info about indigos. I also would encourage you to spend a little more time meditating( advice I should heed myself) because all the answers you need are really within yourself regarding this.
Please let me know if i can help anyhow. It can be so exciting and overwhelming learning something new :)