It might just be that stress causes increased urine flow ... whether or not your adrenals can actually respond to the request to produce hormones.
For me, the frequent urination stopped in the spring of 2011, after doing lots of meditation and breathing exercises.
It might come back if I've had a stressful day, but only lasts for that day.
Interestingly enough, I still had dehydration at this point. i.e. no sweating. So it might have more to do with stress than low aldosterone.
Here is a study where they noted increased urine flow from epinephrine.
" Infusion of epinephrine also produced a transient increase in urine flow "
And yes, chronic stress does many bad things to the body, at lot of them have nothing to do with our adrenals. There is a lot to consider. That is what makes it so hard to recover. "Relaxing" is helpful, but not nearly enough to recover.
It is probably a bit of both. I don't think it's all brain. Being stuck in a state of stress from epigenetics or another other reasons is a factor. That's why my entire family has AF, even those that didn't have very stressful lives.
Here is a study where they exposed future chicken parents to stress. Many stress related genes became activated in the parents (epigenetics).
The offspring of these stressed parents had the same genes activated (expressed). The baby chicks were more agressive and competitive than normal.
That is my family ... we were all born wired. The good news is you can deactive stress related genes with meditation and other environmental changes
But.... don't forget that Hans Selye was able to make ANY rat go through the stages of GAS by exposing them to any stressor. Exercise, toxins, cold, heat ... didn't matter ... same result. You don't HAVE to come into the world with a wired nervous system to go through the steps of the general adaptation syndrome.. But it will probably speed it along if you do, since you don't return to homeostasis after stress has passed.
Eventually, the adrenals can't keep up with the stress signals, even through the stress signals are still happening. I used to feel like my gas pedal was stuck down (nervous system) ... but I just didn't have a very large gas tank anymore.
And there are people hear that respond to HC. They take an adrenal hormone and they feel better.
Women with adrenal fatigue often have irregular menstrual cycles, or they have their cycle completely stop.
Here are a couple of cases of women with no menstrual cycle that started after using HC. So with some adrenal support, this common symptom went away.
Many people use pregnenolone for support and feel better. Progesterone cream was a saviour for me for about 5 years. In 2007, I had a period where my anxiety was so bad, I literally could not breath. Progesterone cream completely stopped my anxiety after about 2 weeks.
There are signs that a lack of adrenal hormones are a factor.
In regards to copper exposure, I think it is more stress and adrenal fatigue lead to reduced clearance, rather than the exposure. Sure if the exposure is large enough, even a healthy person will be overehelmed and their liver won't be able to keep up.
It's funny, because my practitioner for NB leans towards exposure being the usual cause. But my reserarch gives lots of hints that it is more stress and energy availability that leads to accumulation of copper and other toxins.
Stress leads to estrogen dominancce. Estrogen dominance leads to copper accumulation. That is probably why the progesterone cream helped me. It took about two weeks, but it probably lowered my copper levels in circulation.
Copper is removed through bile. Here is a neat article showing fish exposed to stress release less bile and are more likely develope gallbladder problems
The gallbladder sounds that I have been hearing for the last couple of years are completely new. I don't think I ever heard them before. My sisters have mentioned the same thing ... never heard them.
And of course we know that stress reduces Glutathione and Vitamin C, both of which are needed to remove toxins.
It makes sense. Just like stress supresses the immune system, it makes sense that detoxitication stops. Those exposed to chronic stress actually have their thymus gland shrink from under use.
If your energy is being used to fight a tiger .... there is reduced energy available to fight infections, and remove toxins. This make sense in the short term, but is a bad plan in the long term.
When people get to the point of AF, they have even less energy available, so toxins probably accumulate faster.
AF is very complicated. It is not JUST anything. It's HPA, it's mineral deficiencies/imbalances and toxins, it's hyperventilation syndrome, and probably a lot more.
Hans Selye just found out that the animals collapsed eventually from stress. But I don't know that he ever completely got to why.
It wasn't immediate at all. It took two weeks before the anxiety stopped after starting progesterone cream.
And in when I stopped the progesterone cream in preparation for some lab work, it took two weeks for the anxiety to return.
We all have our own little bit of knowledge, and we tend to think that our little bit of knowledge is THE answer.
You are definitely the Benzo man. I don't even know what Benzos are :) Seriously ... I don't.
Never took them, so no need to learn about them.
But with all due respect, you have not researched or pondered copper and it's affects very much.
Estrogen does increase serum copper.
Women that take oral contraceptives have increased serum copper.
"Its use in any dose, form or route has been shown to increase serum copper and ceruloplasmin levels in humans and rats. "
And copper does increase anxiety and insomnia.
“individuals with anxiety had significantly higher plasma levels of Cu”
And hair zinc/copper ratio is related to sleep quality.
“An increasing Zn/Cu ratio in the hair was associated with longer sleep hours (p=0.026),
Anyone doing copper detox can attest to that.
Not sure you were really on the Facebook long enough to make that judgement call regarding success rate. You were removed for badgering people on a support forum :)
It takes a long time to detox. Below is a trend of my copper over the last 2.5 years. 8 times the top of the reference range. Still trending up.
Aluminum, mercury, arsenic, lead are all trending up as well. As I continue to get better, they are coming out faster.
Yet I still feel good since the coffee enemas keep stimulating bile flow to clear what is being pulled into circulation.
I have symptoms going away that I didn't even know were symptoms. I had severe jaw pain at the dentist for about 20 years. Could not keep my mouth open since my jaw hurt so bad. That is gone.
I had chronic pelvic pain for about 12 years ... that is gone.
Not all, but some of the people that struggle with NB are the ones who don't like doing the CEs. My wife went away for a long weekend, kept taking here supplements, but didn't do the CEs. By the time she got back, her eyes were burning, she had a metallic taste, nausea, cramps all over.
Onwards credits NB for her success, Hope4myadrenals is doing well, I am doing well. Marie64 was able to taper off HC an her menstrual cycle started again with NB. And of course Laredo via culter protocol.
You are only seeing the posts that reinforce what you believe. You never seem to notice the positive ones.
You mentioned that the GABA link should have worked immediately. But it didn't.
It took 2 weeks. And feel free to look through my old posts. I have mentioned that many time that it took two weeks to reduce my anxiety.
Not to mention the pubmed links I posted previously that estrogen dominance inreases copper, and copper increases anxiety and insomnia.
I don't need the Zanex. I'm calm.
But in the same way you get tired of trying to explain adrenal fatigue to Natway, it gets a little tiring trying to explain and defend the copper connection, detox, and coffee enemas to you.
If you feel you can save the world from Dr Wilson ... have at it.
I don't like a lot that he says either. But his beliefs have nothing to do with his protocol.
If you were an aethist, would you avoid a doctor that believed there is Omnipotent God. Because to an aethist, that is a super crazy belief system. Flip it around ... to many people, it is insane not to believe in God.
Dr Wilson has taken Dr Ecks work, continued it, and added a few things to improves detoxification success.
"I was on that group. You were definitely arguing with everyone.It's been a couple of years. I remember it getting heated, and you were gone."
Factually incorrect. I was with Dr Lam two years ago and working on a big event around this time. No facebook for me. You may have me mistaken with someone else. Where you a lurker on that group who never joined in then use is as ammuninition later one...I believe they refer to that as troll like on the interweb. Didnt you accuse me of troll like behaviour earlier?
"I know Marie was tapering. I don't know that she completely came off"
You insinuated that she did with your wording, again what you picked up on what i wrote, using wording that can support the oppsotion of an arguement.
"Umm... Dr Wilson is a little different than Hilter. So that analogy is a little off"
Not particularly, if you ever studied history, WWII and Hitler himself. The sociopathic tendencies are extremely similar. I personally believe Dr Wilson, before he became the frail old man who has a low stress tolerance has done some very bad things in his life.
"He is sexist for sure, but he is trying to help people for very little money"
REALLY. In the UK you can check buisness accounts of all publically traded companies, I imagine it will be the same in the US, why not have a gander at his, the ones you can see, the shares he will have in Endomet etc are probbably hidden from the tax man.
"Again .. given your history of negative posts regarding copper detox as a protocol, don't you think that is to be expected"
Yes Feo, and I apologised to you before, so time to move on and stop living in a memory.
"How touchy are you with Natway about the existence of adrenal fatigue? So yes, I am on the defensive with you on this subject"
Natway is a whole different calibre! but fair point.
"You chased Natway to his other forum because he got under your skin in regards to the existence of adrenal fatigue. So you are not quite a Zen master either :)"
No Feo, if i remember rightly without doing a Natway and dragging up the thread, you on your anonymous account declared a vote that Natway should be banned from here, that was a little more proactive in the chasing that moi.
Anyhow, very bored of this one. Nice gaba copper links, ill have a read later.
Heres a song for you to drift the afternoon away,
Love, Me
Copper blocks GABA receptors, which is another explaination of how copper directly increases anxiety.
Maybe that is why reducing estrogen dominance reduces anxiety.
Higher estrogen leads to higher copper, which leads to blocked GABA receptors.
Just don't act so cocksure in you knowledge. Because you sound like you know who.
You have a tiny sliver of knowledge. So do I. So have an open mind. Some of what you think you know for sure now may be wrong.