Hi everyone. I have a LOT of issues and I need all the help I can get in figuring out what to do. I know that the information is out there, but I get these terrible headaches that severely limit my ability to use the computer to about an hour at most a day. Just pointing me in the right direction or telling me where to look would already be a great help. Advice would be even more appreciated. I’ve posted this on a few other forums as well. Thanks in advance!
I know it’s a lot to read and skimming the main topics should be enough, but I wanted to put some details in case it will help in any way. My two main questions are on the bottom if you want to skip directly to that.
27 year old male with symptoms for 7 years that are getting progressively worse
I had rheumatic fever, fatty liver, and a heart arrhythmia between the ages of 9-14. They have all since been resolved.
I was on penicillin 500mg 2 times a day for those 5 years
I smoked a lot of cigarettes, marijuana, drank a lot, and took ecstasy between the ages of 16-20
I was on the standard American diet with all processed foods and literally NO fruits, veggies, supplements, or exercise.
**Headache between/behind eyes, pineal gland, third eye, sinus**- The number 1 symptom I have is a headache/pressure that is located around my eyes/pineal gland/third eye/sinus area. I’m not sure what the specific part that hurts is, but it is in that general area. Everything I describe as a headache refers to this. It feels like there’s a pressure in that area right between my eyebrows and feels like someone’s poking the back of my eyes or something. It’s worse in the morning and any type of focusing makes it worse. Computer use is the worst, tv more tolerable, reading books more tolerable, etc. But there is always some kind of pressure there. I am able to use the computer for an hour at most a day (and only at night). Even glancing at my phone can give me a headache. Any focusing can make me dizzy, nauseous, and a variety of other issues, but it seems to originate or be the most noticeable from that area. This took me 2 days to write.
Other symptoms- I have a variety of other symptoms as well including weight loss of 50
pounds in two years, ear fullness, tingling in hands and feet, exercise intolerance, and basically every other physical, mental, and emotional symptom out there.
I’ve had all types of conventional tests done that all pretty much came back normal.
Adrenal fatigue
I took a saliva and urine test at my ND’s office in Feb
She diagnosed me with adrenal fatigue borderline exhaustion.
My cortisol levels were 4.7 morning, 2.9 midday, 2.9 evening, and 2.5 night. Range is supposed to be 7-10, 3-6, 2-4, and <1.5 respectively.
My epinephrine is 5.4 ug. Range is supposed to be 7-12
Dopamine is 87.8ug,. Rnage is 30-45
Serotonin is 50.8 ug. Range is 120-185
GABA is 8.2uMol. Range is 4.7-7
Everything else came within range
Took the supplements (mixtures) she gave me and felt a lot worse
I stopped taking them for about 2 months and have stopped seeing her
Digestion/Absorption issues
I’ve lost about 50
pounds in 2 years without trying
I used to be hungry every three hours no matter how much I ate although it has changed recently. I can eat a small snack and be full for five hours and eat a huge meal and be hungry in 3. The same thing can super fill me up or barely fill me up. There is no rhyme or reason to it.
My appetite has dropped significantly and I can barely eat.
I have changing
food intolerances . Sometimes something bothers me, other times, they don’t. I thought I’m intolerant to foods high in fiber or salicylates but sometimes they’re okay. The only ones that seem consistent are grains, dairy, and gluten.
I’ve been gluten free for almost a year, went on a candida diet, no carb diet, eat only organic, cook everything myself, cut out caffeine, sugar, EVERYTHING im not supposed to have.
I’ve tried food combining, eliminating foods, high carb, low carb, no carb, high protein, no protein. Nothing helps. It’s always random.
Elimination issues
I have constipation for almost 5 years and go 2-3 a week at most. The consistency is always different.
The first time I noticed stool/bowel issues was when I first quit smoking cigarettes. It has gotten worse in time.
I’ve tried high fiber (although I have a very hard time digesting it), magnesiums, psylium, and water to no avail. Like the digestion, it’s random.
I do pee a LOT. I feel like I pee more than I drink and im always thirsty. Not sure if that’s how my body is trying to get rid of toxins.
I also get a lot of nightsweats. I wake up drenched even with the AC on although its only on my legs. Not sure if this is an attempt to rid toxins as well.
I’ve gotten one
colonic so far which didn’t really do much.
I don’t think it’s an inflammatory disease because my doctor tested me for inflammation using three different markers and htye all came back negative
Liver/gallbladder congestion
I’ve had a pain in my liver/gallbladder area for a few years now.
I don’t seem to be able to digest fats so I think I may have stones blocking my flow of bile
I’ve attempted one
Liver Flush so far which failed to produce any stones.
I took chanca piedra for two weeks and stopped last week.
Took a stool test which showed high levels of candida but no other parasites.
Went on strict candida diet with antifungals and seemed to get rid of a lot of Candida
Greatly improved my anxiety and panic attacks
I think the candida may have come back recently
Not sure if I could have a tropical
parasite as I went to the philipines 2 years ago and got sick there. Weight loss started about 7 or 8 months after I came back although I was having other symptoms way before that
No real symptoms except I pee a LOT and there are bubbles in my pee
Heavy Metal Toxicity
Im pretty sure I have this as I used all kinds of things with chemicals and metals (cologne, etc)
I also used to smoke weed out of aluminum foil pipes…
In preparation for the liver flush, I took malic acid for a week and experienced insane symptoms of headaches, nausea, and all kinds of other HORRIBLE symptoms.
I found out form another CZ member afterwards that malic acid chelates aluminum.
My vision got a LOT clearer afterwards but the headaches stayed the same.
I used to swim a lot so I’ve been exposed to a lot of chlorine
Im not sure if the headaches I have are my sinuses. I ‘ve gone to an ENT who said my sinuses are not bad.
I bought a neti pot but don’t want to use it as im scared of stirring something (toxins) up
Sinus would also seem like a symptom and not a cause
I’m not sure how much I believe it, but I’m considering EVERYTHING. Computer makes me feel the worst, tv a little better, kindle, even better, and books/paper the best (although none are pleasant) although it could just be the brightness
Possible Hypothyroidism
Something keeps telling me I have a thyroid issue.
I had 2 blood panels done which showed normal thyroid function. One on 6/10/11 showed TSH of2.80, Free T4 1.23, and Total T3 of 105.
Another on 3/23.12 showed TSH of 2.5 and Free T4 of 1.3 which are all normal.
I know however that there are more markers for thyroid and that they aren’t always right.
I have never seen an endocrinologist
My mom is hypothyroid and experienced a lot of the same symptoms (especially digestive) that I’m experiencing before she was diagnosed. She also recently developed thyroid nodules.
My dad’s sister is hyperthyroid
I have ALL the symptoms of hypothyroid except I am losing weight instead of gaining weight.
The main one is the cold intolerance. It can be 60 degress outside and people are wearing shorts while I m wearing a long sleeve.
In the winter, I would have a tank top, undershirt, t shirt, sweater, and a down jacket and I would still be cold when im indoors.
I was in the hospital 2 months ago for heart palpitations (they didn’t find a reason) and everytime they took my bp when I was sleeping, it was below normal and would become closer to normal but still low after I wake up.
They took a blood sample from me when I was sleeping and said my thyroid levels were off. They retook it when I woke up and said it was okay so they weren’t concerned.
Recently, I’ve noticed that I get weird spasms and pulses in my neck/thyroid area
My neck feels swollen
I’ve been having a sore throat and my throat is uncomfortable.
I plan on asking my doctor to send me to an endocrinologist, but like every other specialist, I’m at the mercy of what the doctor thinks and whether he will take my situation seriously. Then I’m not even sure if he/she will be competent.
Iodine deficiency
I just discovered
Iodine a few days ago so I’m somewhat limited in my knowledge…
From what I understand,
Iodine deficiencies can cause issues with the pineal gland which can affect the eyes (and maybe my headaches?)
Was on a standard American diet my whole life. Barely ate any seaweed or any food high in iodine
ENT thought it might me something with my ears so I went on a low sodium diet a year ago
After going on the Candida diet in January, I started cooking my own food and barely used salt.
I just realized that I use a tiny tiny sprinkle of salt a day at most for the past 6 months
I don’t eat any processed foods, so there’s no other way for me to get salt
I CRAVE chips (not sure if it’s the salt, oil, or chips I crave). When I start eating, I cant stop
I just started adding a tiny bit of pink himlayan salt yesterday and today.
After both times, I started feeling the pressure behind my eyes and very very weak and lethargic. It went away faster today than yesterday. Not sure if it’s from the iodine in the salt?
I just ordered a bottle of Lugol’s
I’m not taking anything right now except for digestive enzymes (DigestGold from Enzymedica)
Adrenal Fatigue- Dr. Lam’s Protocol
Digestion- Take HCL. Take Ox Bile, go on specific carbohydrate diet, second opinion from another GI
Elimination Issues- Water enema, coffee enema, oil pulling,
Bentonite clay baths, castor oil packs
Liver congestion- Take herbs, take chanca piedra, liver flushes
Candida/Parasite- Take herbs. Possibly humaworm?
Kidney- Not too familiar
Heavy Metal Toxicity- Andy Cutler Protocol
Sinus- Not sure…
EMF- Grounding/earthing pad
Hypothyroid- Not sure. Just thought of this a few days ago… Iodine possibly? Go see endocrinologist
Iodine- Just started reading about this. Salt loading, Lugol’s with companion supplements
This is basically a compilation of all the things I’ve come up with and done recently. Any input on any of the things I touched upon are certainly welcome.
I have two main questions:
1. For those who are familiar with thyroid issues. Is it possible that my issues are thyroid related or are they just separate but interconnected like a domino effect? I just feel like no matter what I do or try to address any of the issues, I see a minimal improvement at best but feel the same overall, which is very crappy. If it is thyroid, how should I proceed? I’ve bought Dr. Mark Starr’s book titled “Hypothyroidism Type 2” to hopefully get a bit more info.
2. Given that I have all these issues, in what order should I tackle them and which of the methods that I listed (or that you can recommend) would be the best for tackling each one? A recommendation on how to proceed or what you would do would be appreciated. Ie. Work on elimination first by doing oil pulling, then deal with digestive issues by taking probiotics, HCL, then heavy metal chelation by a method you recommend, etc. This is just an example. But something that would make the most sense. Either in order, simultaneously, or both. I’m currently not taking anything except digestive enzymes, so please mention even the most trivial things like take a probiotic.
It’s just hard to figure it out because it seems like they all affect the other ones. For example,
Liver Flushing would stress the adrenals, the relationship between
parasites and liver flushing, etc.
Thank you very very much for all the help. I feel like there’s so many things I have to address, I’m just not sure how to specifically and in what order. Thank you once again