Original thought is possible but only happens very rarely. The great physicist, Eddington, said the deeper science goes into matter the more it becomes evident that things are thoughts. The reverse is also true - thoughts are things. You can throw your thoughts and hit somebody with them. People do that purposely to others. Its been called voodoo black magic. The opposite can be done also. Healing thoughts can be sent to others that are great distances away. Thoughts are things and things are thoughts. Perhaps you remember a man by the name of Uri Geller. He was a guy that was doing experiments on thought energy. Somebody would hold a spoon and Uri Geller would stand 10 feet away and with only thoughts of bending the spoon, it would happen. He went on the BBC television and performed the experient live. Not even Uri Geller could believe what had happened - in thousands of homes many things got bent, fell down and were affected by this. Thoughts are things, and can be very forceful. It means that thoughts are being thrown around from everywhere by everyone. Have you ever looked at your own mind. It is just a chatterbox, thoughts are continuously flying in all directions. You are broadcasting unnecesarily, everyone is broadcasting unconsciously and unnecessarily. The amount of thoughts that are being thrown around makes it quite dangerous. The further back you go, the more and more peaceful the earth was. Now there are greater numbers of people that are living on this planet than ever before, and everyone broadcasting all kinds of thoughts. There are thick clouds of thought all over this earth. The whole world every day is becoming more and more miserable, it is because the are more and more people on the earth than ever before. And just about everyone of them is unconsciously throwing around their thoughts. One should be very careful of their thoughts. If people are not very conscious then they can create much misery for themselves and others. Like a double-edged sword. It is what is happening. That is why whatever goes on in this world everyone is responsible for. If there is a hell on earth, then everyone is responsible. Bush and Cheney are not alone responsible for the Iraq war, everyone is also responsible. The only person that is not responsible is one that is capable of having a silent mind. Only a person that can put his mind aside will not be broacasting, will not be receiving broadcasts from others. Such a person is only capable of having an original thought. And that original thought comes when one is a silent empty vessel, it comes from the original source where all things come from. You can call it God, Existence, truth, infinte potential or whatever you want. And those that are receive that original thought know perfectly well that they can not claim it as their own. It cannot be claimed by the ego. Because the ego can not be present when it comes. It comes from the Source of all things only when the ego is not. But to say that the concept of the Source of all things, God, Truth, Beauty is ‘your’ or 'my' concept is a bit disingenuous, if not laughable. And to call it some name (ininite potential), a name that has been used by a countless numbers of people and organizations, to label it something that has been used by many others previously, is not being very original. The term "Infinte Potential" has been used by the following (and more if you research it): David Peat author of Infinite Potential: Life and Times of David Bohm, Andrew Cohen - founder of EnlightenNext Magazine, Paramahansa Yogananda (article called "Our Infinite Potential"), Sraddhalu Ranade -
In other words come here to planet earthy, but don't participate. And you came why?
No thought is impossible if you are of this realm.
There are only three mysteries in this existence: life, death and love. Only two of these have any certainty. Once one is born there is life. Then death will be most certain to follow. Love is the only mystery that is not for certain. There is no guarantee that it will happen. It may or may not occur. There is only a possibility. One can live their whole life without experiencing love. And Love is totally illogical. It can not be contained within any intellectual concept... as you define your "infinite potential" as being - a concept. The experience of love can only happen outside the realm of the intellect, with dropping of the ego - which is a state of no thought, an egolessness. With these words of yours 'No thought is impossible if you are of this realm,' it is obvious then, that you have not yet experienced the higher states of love. Without that experience your so-called "infinite potential" remains quite limited. From my experience, it is something that I can suggest is not something that one should miss. Without this experience of love, one's life would be just a sheer wastage.
Cheers turiya
InnerCalm wrote: No thought is impossible if you are of this realm
turiya wrote: it is obvious then, that you have not yet experienced the higher states of love. Without that experience your so-called "infinite potential" remains quite limited. Spudlydoo says: More assumptions.
Now this statement is an assumption of yours. With this statement, it shows that you also have, as of yet, not experienced any higher states of love either. Now I am beginning to understand your appeal and attraction to IC's intellectual persona. Its because you are of the same caliber of person who has the 'belief' that the intellect is the center of the universe. For IC, you and others that are jumping up and down about this so-called "Infinite Potential", as a concept that contains all other concepts and beliefs (which is really - just another belief), have never risen above sex as being the definition for the word 'love'. Don't misunderstand me. There is nothing wrong with sex. It is the basic form of life energy. And one has to begin from somewhere... it can be very useful for moving deeper into this existence. Through sexual orgasm one can also achieve a 'no thought' experience, the love experience. Which lies above the basic desire for sex driven by the hormones . But of course one must be capable of having an orgasm. If there is too much a fear of death or too much wanting to maintain control of the situation, then this may be the reason(s) why you have not experienced this state for yourself. Don't take my word for it, go in and have a look at this for yourself. For me, experiencing higher states of love (state of 'no thought') is a realized experience. First it was experienced through sexual orgasm with a partner. In sexual orgasm, it is possible to be aware that the mind stops functioning momentarily. (Try to see this for yourself instead of immediately reaching for a cigarette or engaging in conversation.) Rising higher, it was then experienced by just being with another - just sitting next to the individual would be enough for the thing to occur. Rising still higher, the experience happens when being completely alone, without anyone else being there to be the so-called 'cause' of it. It is as though it is being in love with existence itself. These days it can happen at various moments when I least expect it. Somtimes when I am driving my car, other times when I am sitting in front of the fireplace, or simply outside in nature. Each time it occurs, a deep gratitude is felt for being allowed to have the fortunate experience. A non-expecting mind plays a significance. One thing I know for certain when it will not happen is when the intellect is engaged in intense or serious thought. Again, don't misunderstand me. You can also experience this for yourself. And you don't have to join a religious cult organization as a prerequisite. All it takes is to be aware of the gaps that are found between two thoughts, between two words, that pass through your head. Sex with your partner is one of the best available moments for this to be an opportunity for this to be experienced - And again, there is no need to have a belief, just have a look at it for yourself. Cheers -*- turiya
Since you are not reading what I have been saying, I will repeat it.
There is no certainty that the experience of Love will ever happen. There is no guarantee. It may happen, it may not. It all depends on you. I can say to you from my own experience - to miss the opportunity of experiencing love would make this life a sheer and utter wastage.
I can suggest: do not continue to miss this opportunity for yourself. Because Life slips away all too quickly. You will find all the games you are playing, trying to prove to others that you are right and others are wrong, that they are fools and you are the wise one... is absolute and compete stupidity.
Do not believe what I say, just have a look within your own mind and see all the clutter and noise that repeats itself over and over and over again to yourself. There is no need to argue or debate about it. All it takes is a look. A simply look at yourself.
Enough for today -*- turiya
...from my experience is not some ultimate goal to reach... Well on this we agree. I don't see 'love' as some goal to reach. The fact of the matter it is the very nature of who we are. It is already the case. It isn't a goal to be achieved because Love is already the case, it is just covered over by the conditioning of the society - the clatter of noise and clutter of what is thought to be treasured knowledge accumulated within the intellect. The whirlwind of circular logic that you are propounding is just adding more crap on top of what has already been collected - more dust on the mirror of consciousness, more layers of skin added to the onion.
Enough is enough! It isn't a goal to achieve because all goals are in the future, and the future never comes. Love is the case right now! At this very instance it is available...
If you really believe that your "infinite potential" is a concept containing all other belief systems, then why are you so opposed to other ways of self discovery? Why so much conflict with others? The best way for others to come out of false belief systems is when they feel they have discovered that it was false for themselves, not when it is imposed on them from the outside from others. Imposition will only cause an opposition - the defense mechanism of the other will be activated. The shields will go up. Have you not consider how it is/was the same for yourself when you came out of your conditioning?
I have experienced the state you and other's within the yogic belief system call "love" or "bliss." There is the possibility that you had chosen a poor teacher (guru means teacher), seeing how much your mind moves on these boards, I would not hesitate to suspect that this was the case. But I seriously doubt that you have ever experienced it. And absolutely you cannot say that your experience was identical to mine. I suspect that your definition of "having experienced" is just another head trip. You've read it something somewhere, processed in your brain and collected bits and pieces here and there and have stored it in your mind - Perhaps you may have witnessed it from the outside (not an actual particpant), but not an actual living experience of it, not an existential experience of it. Just all intellect, an intellectual understanding. Which is no understanding at all. It all remain fictious in your imagination. Not a real understanding whatsoever, in fact, all is misunderstood. Conflict is what you seek because it strengthens the ego, it is for ego gratification. That is what you appear to identify with.
Why are you even communicating at all? I am here basically to exercise my left brain a bit. I have always been here ready to support you in what you had initially posted when you first came to curezone. Up until I became aware of how you seek to generate conflict, your method of setting people up so you can later dump crap on them, lay a quip down on them, a degrading remark, and then later came more conflicts. Personally, I have no interest in debating, the back and forth and up and down, the in and out. The debate forums are good for those that need to put off steam. But not good for the healthy to read such posts. Why would anyone want to wallow in anybody elses vomit?
This is curezone. I am here communicating today because of the false idiot pundit gurus like yourself who are capable of doing much more harm to others who may be authentically looking for a way out of the labyrinth they feel they have fallen into. Already lost, you encourage those to become even more lost within the web of your circular logic - ["Infinite Potential" a cave within a cave within a cave... within a cave, ad naseum] only to lead others deeper into the mire that may take them a much longer time than what is left in their lifetime in order to dig themselves out from under.
The way to clarity is not by adding more crap on top of the crap that is already there but clearing out the attic. This cannot be done by placing another belief system on top of the already existing belief systems. [Yes, your "infinite potential" is just another kind of belief system.] It can only be done through a cleaning process, a process of unlearning. It is like removing layers of skin from an onion. Each layer of that crap that is a part intellect.
But you keep misunderstanding. You keep putting your own interpretation on top of whatever is written. Funny you preach of filters, it is always about the filters of others, and not about your own. Otherwise your language would change. It remains the same. Like most people, you are in the habit of looking outwardly at others, condemning and making judgments on others. The arrow is always pointing out at others. That same arrow can be a double headed arrow. But it seems you will not allow it. Are you above having it be as such?
You misunderstand when you interpret that laying the mind aside is to be done without ever picking it up again, attaining to a state of 'no-mind' is to remain forever. The point being is that everyone has been conditioned to continually keep the mind moving. And no one has shown anybody where the switch is to turn it off. The emphasis is on learning how to turn it off. To have the machine running continuously creates a sickness. If you go for a walk, you will use the legs. But when you come back home and sit down to relax and your legs keep moving unnecessarily, then you are sick. The mind thinks it is the master of your house. It needs to be reminded that it is in fact a servant, a tool to be used when it is needed. Instead, it is in a constant state of chitter chattering - most of the time it is absolutely unnecessary. This constant movement creates a constant tension in the body. The body gets sick because of it. One needs to know where the switch is. Finding the switch is what meditation is about. Once the switch is located then you can turn it on and off when it is needed. Yours is always on, too. But you don't want to look at it. Because seeing it, you will know that you are also absolutely insane. Just like everyone else.
The mind is a great tool but it runs continuously. No one knows how to turn the mechanism off. It is unhealthy to keep it on all the time. And the world is a mess because of it. The emphasis is on learning how to switch it off. It doesn't mean that one moves to a cave in the Himalayas and never uses it again. Don't be such an idiot by pasting over you own interpretation of what is being said.
Cheers -*- turiya
I have experienced the state you and other's within the yogic belief system call "love" or "bliss." There is the possibility that you had chosen a poor teacher (guru means teacher), seeing how much your mind moves on these boards, I would not hesitate to suspect that this was the case. But I seriously doubt that you have ever experienced it. And absolutely you cannot say that your experience was identical to mine. I suspect that your definition of "having experienced" is just another head trip. You've read it something somewhere, processed in your brain and collected bits and pieces here and there and have stored it in your mind - Perhaps you may have witnessed it from the outside (not an actual particpant), but not an actual living experience of it, not an existential experience of it. Just all intellect, an intellectual understanding. Which is no understanding at all. It all remain fictious in your imagination. Not a real understanding whatsoever, in fact, all is misunderstood. Conflict is what you seek because it strengthens the ego, it is for ego gratification. That is what you appear to identify with. Assumption after assumption after assumption. Why are you even communicating at all? "I am here basically to exercise my left brain a bit. " Ego. Ego. Ego. And perhaps to hear oneself talk and pontificate. How do you know how much this person meditates or does not meditate or how quiet his mind is? More assumptions. "Like most people, you are in the habit of looking outwardly at others, condemning and making judgments on others" Look within yourself, turiya and see who is preaching and judging. I did not walk away from christianity to embrace hindu dogma. I find infinite potential beyond ALL belief systems, and that is why I resonate with the concept. When I was seeking, and got very, very quiet, I realized I did not want any more flavors of ANY one's preaching and pontificating. "I am here communicating today because of the false idiot pundit gurus like yourself who are capable of doing much more harm to others who may be authentically looking for a way out of the labyrinth they feel they have fallen into." Actually, the discussions on the debate forum has done me a whole lot of good! They have given me words for what I already knew.
And you speak of balance? Walk the talk I don't think so.
Philosophy, logic, reason. belief, ideas, manipulations, cleverness, intellect, politics, - your center of the universe - is all of the left brain. You can deny the right brain its proper place. It will only result in a dis-eased mechanism. Deny if you like. It will not change the way things are, the law of the Universe will have its way.