Blog: Master Cleanse;40 days to a new way of living.
by ger1

Day 25 and lovin it!

I have officially lost my mind. Thank God!

Date:   6/9/2007 3:57:40 PM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 4028 times

I just watched Jamie Oliver on Food Network and now Nigella Lawson is making cupcakes. lol I can hardly wait until I can start cooking again. Actually, I wasn't cooking much at all before the cleanse. I was eating out a lot, spending a lot of money to eat badly.

I want to get back to cooking because I am so inspired! I am inspired to create beautiful food, colorful, textured, and fresh. I can hardly wait to make a multi-colored tomato salad like I just saw on tv, full of herbs, garlic and vinegars.

I went to Capers Health Food store in West Vancouver yesterday and spent about 2 hours combing through every isle as I continue my quest of gathering healthy ingredients to cook delicious meals at home. I asked many questions and had great conversations amongst the organics. Gary,(store guy) was more than happy to share his knowledge and wisdom with me and the others who couldn't help but stop and become a part of our, as it turned out, spiritual conversation.

Two hours later and a bill of $170 bucks(yikes), I was on my merry way, driving along the beautiful West Vancouver coastline. Smiling to myself with great satisfaction and excitment. I could hardy wait for what is yet to come. So far I have spent $300. I still have to pick up canned beans,tomatos and all of my fresh produce and herbs when the time comes.

I have also been buying things like Caster Oil, Coconut Oil, Castile soap, natural shampoos and some organic type makeup that drove the cost up a lot! I had to buy staples like Tahini and organic honey(for my face), sauces, vinegars and things that I won't have to buy again for some time.

I am doing relief foster care today and my grandbaby is coming for a sleepover tomorrow night so I won't be able to rearrange my cupboards till next week. I only have 15 days left on the Master Cleanse, it really doesn't seem like much having already gone through 25 days.

I have been pampering myself and putting myself first during this cleanse. I sleep as much as I want, dry skin brush, detox baths with candlelight and chant music, coconut oil on my skin, castor oil on my hands and eyelashes, fresh strawberry and peach face masks, oatmeal body scrubs, natural manicures, coffee enemas, a couple of P&B shakes a day starting day 15 I think, prayer, meditation, positive affirmations, journaling, a bit of gardening and a lot of information gathering and recipe collecting.

I have experienced deep feelings of acomplishment and with out a doubt, the Grace of God and the universe is showing me that I am headed in a direction that will serve me, and in turn, help me be of service to others. I have lost a great deal of the weight that was tying me down and taking up too much space in my head. I function way better when I am on the lighter side of myself.

I feel really good about taking care of myself. There is an energy that comes with change and loving self that flows out into the world and touches others. Everything I do has a deeper more vibrant feel to it like, um, like instead of looking at the flowers and trees I am the flowers and the trees. I am in tune with the songs of nature which is my Higher Power.

That probably sounds airy-fiary to some but really I am think that when I stopped eating I stopped stuffing feelings (good and bad) and started taking stock of my life and the life around me. I found there is way more out there than I am presently taking part in. I have been playing it safe(stagnate)in my lovely little apartment with my cats and my plants.

Since being on the cleanse I have begun to feel in a multi-sensory way again, and through this process have found a renewed sence of spirit and lightness that has propelled me back into an awakened state of being;on the inside of life, a part of the whole. I want to live out loud and push myself to try different things like riding a bike and going to plays and God forbid maybe even go on a date or two!

I am excited to be going to school and having a new career. It is like my new fridge for my new healthy diet, I get to have a new career for a new and improved me! I will most likely go to school to be a drug and alcohol counselor as long and my Long Term Disability people let me go in that direction.

I can hope it goes that way but I don't know what it is I am meant to do. I will let go of the outcome, get out of the way and trust God and the Universe to put me on the right path.

Thy will not mine be done!


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Comments (20 of 28):
Re: ideas ger1 17 y
ideas lilly1 17 y
Thanks Lilly I wil… ger1 17 y
transition thought lilly1 17 y
Re: Question?? ger1 17 y
Question?? trinity2018 17 y
beautiful picture lilly1 17 y
Re: self care the … ger1 17 y
Re: self care the … lilly… 17 y
Re: self care the … ger1 17 y
Re: ~Enthusiasm~ ger1 17 y
self care the grea… lilly… 17 y
~Enthusiasm~ Zoebess 17 y
Transformations seunim 17 y
Day 17 katiemarie 17 y
Re: sweet nana lilly1 17 y
Re: sweet nana ger1 17 y
sweet nana lilly1 17 y
Good Morning vegeymom 17 y
~giving up meat~ Zoebess 17 y
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