2/1/14: A new month, new goals and new achievements
My daily journey toward a healthier lifestyle, a happier life and finding peace in my own world.
Date: 2/3/2014 6:32:51 PM ( 10 y ) ... viewed 11018 times February 1, 2014
“No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.” ~ Hal Borland
It was nice to sleep in a bit, but with Mekong that was almost impossible, as she wanted to crawl as close to me as possible. It was a lot nicer as I could tell it was a lot warmer, as I wasn't holding a chill as I was before. I actually was a bit motivated more then I was been the last week. I laid in bed (at 6:00 a.m.) listening to the Saturday morning gardening show with Ron Wilson. I listened to them until it went off at 7:00 a.m. That is when I tried to sleep in a little bit, but Mekong didn't want me to do. I ended up sleeping in a little bit before I got up around 9:30 a.m.
I didn't do much, but take a shower, get dressed, walk outside off a bit, and then come back in to sit and read. It was pretty much a very boring day.
I should be focusing on my newest goals for the month of February, but do you think I started them? No. I just relaxed and read the whole day.
D. talked to me a little bit and we ended up debating on Facebook for a while (as he posted a good debate) and I watched what others were saying, as a lot of people can just get crazy with the posts. D. has figured that his intellect doesn't get far, so he just jokes with them with stupid answers. I know he is joking, but the rest of the people just kind of go crazy, and try to get him to rationalize on what he is saying. I have to say that it did cause me to laugh at some of the memes that he posted in the debate thread.
I talked to my Dad for a bit when I went to get my free personal pan pizza from Speedway. I had this coupon for a free personal pan pizza which was only good until February 5th, so I decided to use. I have to say that I was a little bit excited as I haven't had anything like pizza since some time in December, so this was going to be a real treat for me. It wasn't very big but that was okay with me. I had spend most of the day reading, so to get out of the house, and talk to my Dad was good for me. We talked about the weather, and what I would be doing the rest of the day. I told him not much. Well, he wasn't doing much either, as he is on oxygen and can't get out much because he has no immune system anymore. So I have really no excuse for getting out (other then I didn't want to spend money) like my father does. So I ordered my pizza and used some of my Speedway points to get a 44 ounce Ice tea. It didn't cost me anything so I was able to stick to my budget (Yeah, me!). I have to say that when I got home and took the first bit of that pizza was like being in heaven. I forgotten what it was like to have something like pizza. It was jut the right size too. I think it was about 8 inches in diameter. It didn't seem like much, but to my belly it was perfect.
I guess that is what I have to remind myself. Just because my belly isn't stuffed, doesn't mean that I am not full. Well, on this case, I was full! But I guess what I need to re-teach myself is that having a full belly doesn't mean eating until I am stuffed. It means eating a good proper portion and just saying to myself that I am full. That way I am not eating over my portion as well as eating more calories then I am burning. Now, that ice tea was delicious as well! I think I drank half of it over the next 2 hours, but since I was already full with my pizza, I didn't finish it (which is a good thing). I probably didn't need a 44 ounce drink, but since I haven't had anything like ice tea in a couple weeks (other then a Sparkling ice since January 18th) I thought I would treat myself out. And I have to say that it WAS a treat. It is amazing how something so small like a personal pan pizza and an ice tea can feel like I was eating a delicious burger and fries from McDonalds! And the pizza was probably healthier then a burger and fries. I am just glad that I have gotten to the point where I don't need the junk food to enjoy food. And when I do treat myself out, like I did, I really REALLY enjoy it and I am thankful for it. That is how it should be. It should be a treat and not an every day or an every week thing.
I am kind of proud of myself regarding this.
I have been able to lose about 6 or 7 pounds. I was about 150 pounds at the beginning of the year, and now I am 143 pounds. I know that I probably will gain a couple more pounds, but being 143 pounds is better than 150 pounds on January 1st, 2014. I think exercising a bit has helped and keeping the junk food away. Just imagine if I can lose a bit more and tone my muscles up more. I could really be going somewhere with what I am looking like. I can tell even now, that my face is a bit thinner and my obliques are more defined then they were starting January 1st. I think that doing squats or jumping jacks (when I am doing them) have been making a difference in the shape of my body. AND that is ALWAYS a good thing. It is takes only one step at a time when it comes to making changes in one's life.
And this is a change that I am taking slowly and surely. (I kind of hope that the Cowboy finds it appealing as well. )
The Things that I accomplished already today are:
February 1, 2014
√ Make my Bed
√ Feed, love and snuggle with my kitties
√ Read A lot
√ Check my pipes
√ Work on my Budget
√ Call my Dad
√ Take a walk
√ Wrote my morning pages (3 pages)
The Things I want to accomplish before I go to bed:
February 1, 2014
Take a vitamin
Read more
Wash some clothes
Do some dishes
WORK ON BUDGET: I was able to keep to what was budgeted, other then the spare $10.00 that I used to buy Subway subs (They were $5.00 a sub for the month of January. I had to!) I think I did great!
WRITE IN JOURNAL 7 TIMES: I wrote my morning pages (3 pages). It felt a little strange writing when I had down any writing in my journal for the whole week. I was really behind and felt bad that all those weekly memories, new ideas and creative thoughts are gone. I really need to keep up on this. It is part of my reading of the “Artist Way” book that I was trying to read back in December. It is a way that I am trying to connect to the “creativity” that I have lost. I am doing horrible at it so far. I am suppose to keep a morning journal (3 pages as least) for 3 months. And as well as I am suppose to take myself out on a $5.00 creative date (like a movie, or buy paints, etc) that will inspire creativity in my soul. I am failing at that too. Great.
FINISH A BOOK: I was able to finish Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, which was like 800 pages in all. It had 6 books in it. I read like a madman, so I could finish it. I finished it around 4:00 p.m. I wasn't able to finish Martin the Warrior by Brian Jacques because I didn't realize I didn't have it until I got home late Friday and was going to pick it up to read it. I left it at the office. So I just focused on finishing another book on my Nook that I hadn't finished. It was the God of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs. I hope to finish that on Sunday as it is a short book. I will have to find the next one so I can read it as well. I read the Princess of Mars last year, and I really liked it.
WRITE 1,000 WORDS ON MY NOVEL: I didn't work on this anymore this week. I know it is sad, but I at least accomplished 705 words. I could have pushed myself more, but I came into this weekly goal unprepared as I choose a novel that I had nothing to work with it. I really need to prepare more. I am really seriously thinking about launching this goal into next week as well, as it will do me good to continue on it if I can.
CROCHET 5 TIMES: No. I haven't started this yet. But I find a couple cute crochet patterns for mice and a sweater for the mouse that I could knit. Now, I just need to start this. Like SOON!
READ BIBLE 7 TIMES: No, I haven't started this, but I was seriously thinking about going to church on Sunday. I thought I might go and see Buckeye Chuck see or not see his shadow on Sunday and then just go to church after wards. I don't know if I will do it. Because that would mean I would have to motivate by 6:30 a.m. In the morning on a Sunday, which is not a weekday, which I do not need to be at work. Yeah, I doubt I will do it, but I am trying to get myself to. At least it will be a step.
SAVE $10.00 IN SAVINGS: $10.00 will not come out until next week on February 7th, when I get paid again. I don't have the money this week because of bills, unfortunately. But it will be nice to see $90.00 in my Savings account on February 7th. It is slowly building up!
CREATE A PIECE OF ARTWORK: I doodled a little bit the other day. It doesn't replace really sitting down and creating something, but I am slowly working on this goal. I really would love to start drawing and creating more piece of artwork, then I have in the past. I used to do things like this all the time.
WRITE ROUGHT DRAFT OF BICKLE STORY: I didn't work anymore on this goal, but I did pull Bickle out and play with him a little bit. I thought playing with him would help me feel more in touch with be creative with him. I forgot how cute the little crocheted winter coat he had, and the little red felt scarf he had that I made him last year (2012). I have a little brown boot some where that I started but didn't finish making the 2nd one yet. I think I will also launch this goal into next week as well.
WATER FAST: I have decided to start my small water fast on February 3rd. I hope to water fast until February 11th or the 12th, but I will just have to see how far I can get. I don't want to push myself too much.
Here is that I completed in the month of January. My goals broken down in the weeks
Goals for January 5th -January 11th, 2014
1. Work on Budget √
2. Write in Journal (4 times) √
3. Check on 2006 Ford Focus balance √
4. Finish The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan √
5. Crochet at least 4 times
6. Read Bible at least 4 times
7. Save $20.00 in savings √
Goals for January 12th -January 18th, 2014
1. Work on Budget √
2. Write in Journal 7 times √
3. Finish a book √
4. Crochet at least 5 times (Bickles, blankets, granny squares)
5. Read the Bible at least 7 times
6. Save $20.00 in savings √
Goals for January 19th – January 25th, 2014
1. Work on Budget√
2. Write in Journal 7 times
3. Read the Bible at least 7 times
4. Finish a book√
5. Crochet and knit at least 5 times
6. Plan garden√
7. Save $20.00 in savings√
Goals for January 26th, - February 1, 2014
1. Work on Budget√
2. Write in Journal 7 times
3. Read the Bible at least 7 times
4. Write 1,000 words in my novel (Semi done)
5. Crochet and knit at least 5 times
6. Create a piece of Artwork (kind of)
7. Save $10.00 in savings
8. Write rough draft of Bickle story (Semi done)
I am proud to say that I was able to keep Working on my Budget/Balance my checkbook all four weeks. I was also able to accomplish finishing a book all 4 weeks as well. I finished reading 7 books in 4 weeks. I was able to saving $60.00 out of the scheduled $70.00, which is great too. The one thing that I was only able to keep up on only some of the time was writing in my journal. I was only wrote 12 entries in the last 28 days. I wrote one entry in the 1st week, six entries in the 2nd week, four entries in the 3rd week and only once in the 4th week. It seems that I did better in the 2nd week, then I did any of the weeks that I had the goal. The two most neglected goals were Crocheting and reading my Bible, which I hate to say that I did not accomplish doing anything on it. Not even once. That is horrible. I noticed that in the last week of my goals, that I only got 2 things accomplished (And plus one more, as I found out that Finishing a book wasn't even on the last week, even though I finished one as if it was) while I got 3 other goals were only semi done (Writing 1,000 words on my novel, Create a piece of artwork and Write a rough draft of Bickle story)
Now, I have to ask myself, why have I failed on those items as well as not even accomplishing part of others. Am I over loading myself with goals or am I just making the task too much for such a short period of time? Or am I just being lazy. Part of it is, just being lazy, as it has been too cold for me to motivate, when my trailer is not as warm as I would like it. (Like there is no excuse for me not being motivated due to cold today, as it is nice out, and I am not cold, yet I didn't do much more then read.)
If I have a motivation issue then I need to figure out how I can get myself motivated. I noticed that I was a bit more motivated when I got up and listened to my MP3 player. Maybe that is what I need to do, when I first get up so that way I am motivated to get other things done. I also know that part of my lack of motivation is living alone and being depressed. I have nothing really to look forward to. No one to impress but myself. Not saying that I need someone to impress, but feeling loved or looked upon as needed is nice. I just feel so “blah” and when I feel that way, it affects everything in my life. My motivation, my looks and my thoughts. I really need to work on finding a “switch” to help me “turn on” instead of “turn off” like I have been with my depression.
So next week's goals are:
Goals for February 2nd 2014 – February 8th, 2014
1. Learn Numbers in French
2. Write in Journal
3. Find Gardening notebook
4. Take a picture of Bickle in two places
5. Crochet/Knit
6. Finish a book
7. Read the Bible
8. Buy Valentines cards and send out to Nursing homes ( I just realized I can't afford this)
9. Water Fast
10. Tune Guitar
11. Write 1,000 words in my novel
12. Finish rough draft of Bickle Story
Now, some of these are not hard. And others do not have an amount on them (like how many time I need to write in my journal or read my Bible, so doing it once or twice would be good) I would love to buy a bunch of Valentine's cards for nursing homes, but when I set the goal, I though I would have more money then I do. So I will settle for making and sending the Cowboy's daughter, A. and S. a valentine.
Hopeful I will be able to accomplish more this week then I have in the last couple weeks (Especially when it comes to reading my Bible, crocheting or writing in my journal)
All I can do is be hopeful and try to be as motivated as much as possible.
D.G. Texted me around 7 p.m. And asked if I was going to come over and drink with my neighbors. I have to say that I didn't respond, because he has creeped me out a little over the last couple months. He is a friend of my neighbors, which I really like them, but D.G. Just tries to hard to be my friend. The last time he walked me over to my own trailer (back in October) he tried to kiss me, and almost pushed me up against my own trailer, as I was trying to get away from him. I told him that I didn't appreciate it that he was trying to kiss me and invading my personal space. He had been drinking. And I don't like it when a guy drinks yet turns into a totally different person when you are alone with him. He wouldn't even talk to me when I was over to my neighbors' house, but chats my ear off on my deck and then tries to kiss me. NO, I don't move like that. So, I didn't go over. Mostly because I was busy reading and just snuggling with my cat, Mekong. I know it sounds lame, but I don't like the feeling I get from being around D.G. I am was glad that he didn't bug me very long, because I really hate ignoring someone when I know that I am doing it with a purpose. Maybe when the weather is nicer, I will go visit my neighbors, and if he is over there, I will socialize. I just not very social when it is cold out. I just want to hibernate most of the time. Plus, all three of them smoke, and I don't. I hate coming home smelling like I have dipped in a smoke stack. During the Summer months, it is nicer, because I am outside and it doesn't happen. But when I am indoors around smokers, it is just really too smelly for me.
Well, good thing is that I finished my book. And even had time to debate on Facebook with D. before I went to bed.
MY FOOD LOG FOR: February 1, 2014
DRINK: Water
SNACK: (About 11:30 a.m.) Subway 6 inch Spicy Italian sub with provolone cheese with spinach, green peppers, onions, lots of black olives, yellow banana peppers, and Mayo.
DRINK: Water
LUNCH: (About 2:00 p.m.) Subway 6 inch Spicy Italian sub with provolone cheese with spinach, green peppers, onions, lots of black olives, yellow banana peppers, and Mayo.
DINNER: One personal pan pizza (Fresh made From Speedway Cafe) with Sausage and Mushroom
DRINK: 44 ounces of Brisk Raspberry Ice Tea (Not drank all at once, of course)
DAILY MORALE: Bored and lonely.
POSITIVE THING: I finished a book.
EXERICISE: Walking, 1.21 miles
WATER INTAKE: Approximately 17 ounces
WEIGHT: 143 pounds
INITIAL STARTING WEIGHT: 147 pounds (1/20/14 -1/24/14 (5 days))
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