Blog: New Fast - Nov 2013
by exposure

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Day 24 - feeling Great

Date:   11/23/2013 9:11:24 PM   ( 12 y ) ... viewed 1146 times

Missed another blog day yesterday, never got to it, having an awesome time now on the fast - spent yesterday out doing a bit of a job around noon, came home and put in a stint of gardening, re-potting things, planting some new seedlings out & weeding the big mess of a front yard my real estate agents left me when they cut back waaaay too much off the massive pine out front turning a perfect pine needle carpet floor into a mess of weeds and sunlight... slowly, 2 or 3 years on it's starting to look more like grass - still needs a lot of tlc - down on hands and knees pulling, snipping... can't quite run a mower over this stuff...
Was a beautiful day for it, sun was out - late afternoon, just idyllic -- the last couple of days I have been on more water, less juice, tea etc - just running around a lot - doing yoga, busy and active - did a lot of meditation lst night which was really profound. Feeling thankful for the fast and the state it's brought me to - feel openings in my practice (yoga, meditation, etc) my body getting soooo much healthier, ability to stretch out increasing dramatically - getting much stronger again in my yoga -- it's all going really well & I'm proud of myself for not caving in last week to the few tough days and breaking the fast - feel amazing after getting through the small pressure of that time - my tongue has started to go pink now, so I must be very detoxed by this point, as I know how long it takes usually for me to get that -- got a bit of supplies yesterday and today - some raw milk and goats milk for my tea and some kefir which I'm going to start keeping again and having a small half glass of in the mornings. Got some watermelon and yams for the juicer and a bag of organic apples... still have lots of those wonderful leafy beets and spinach in the garden.. have some broccoli leaves growing out there as well - not sure if the plants will produce any broccoli for me, but the leaves are potent and delicious in my juice - use a few of them from time to time... Still not having a lot of juice, just the one or two a day - usually a kind of apple,beet,spinach,carrot in the morning and if I have an evening one tomato, pickle, spinach, carrot - can throw in a pinch of himalayan salt and pepper - very nice savory veggie drink... Bought a drinking coconut as well - it's there on the counter for when I get the urge... so very well stocked up to go the next week/10 days - went to a farmers market not too far from home today - amazingly the only one in a massive city that these raw milk producers come out to - so what a find, had a few little sips of the milks and kefir when I got home and just wow - the best goat's milk I have ever tasted, kefir as well... very real - the way it should be... have decided to just keep up this fast - well, not a new decision lol... sticking with the plan, feeling great - maybe now, 24 days in will start to have that small bit of kefir in the mornings and mix up the juice a bit - and just keep going like that for ?? as long as it feels good -- intensify the yoga now I'm getting stronger & look at heading back into the gym a few afternoons a week when its quiet... only me and the seniors.. just the way I like it... when I wind down the fast, I've decided to do that with a gradual increase to a full glass of kefir and a cup or bowl of broth... will just keep going until I transit into that phase - and stay on that with the rest more or less the same for another good length of time... after a while, I'll do a bit of fresh orange juice and start having a bowl of sprouted sauteed mung beans with lemon -- might just stick to a diet like this - say, keep the fast up as is till around Christmas, than slowly transit onto the broth stage through January -- these are my thoughts thinking ahead, want to look at some calorie counts and give the intermittent fasting lifestyle a try after all of this -- so going to be researching and putting together options for that - will post in the hopes that it can help others :)
All for now, 2 PM Sunday the 24th - have made it brilliantly through most of November now and loving it - trucking on

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Re: Nov 1/2013 Sta… expos… 12 y
Re: Nov 1/2013 Sta… kermi… 12 y
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