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BUNNYpants and SIPPYcup - Eclectic Menagerie
by Aharleygyrl

306 blog entries; 17 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 1,824,754 times
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  • I Really Don't Understand...   by  Aharleygyrl     17 y (43 replies)     5,643     Reply   FCK   TinyMCE   1     View 20 Messages [1 to 20 of 44]   21-44       Blog: BUNNYpants and SIPPYcup - Eclectic Menagerie
    • Hope this helps a little, HG.   by  #18637     17 y     2,538     Reply   FCK   TinyMCE   2
    • I am not sure any of us here on this earth really understand !!   by  kerminator     17 y     2,544     Reply   FCK   TinyMCE   18
      • Re: I am not sure any of us here on this earth really understand !!   by  Aharleygyrl     17 y     2,616     Reply   FCK   TinyMCE   19
        • Re: I am not sure any of us here on this earth really understand !!   by  #18637     17 y     2,525     Reply   FCK   TinyMCE   20
          • Beautiful Poem.   by  gypsy13princess     17 y     3,189   21     Shown messages 21 to 44 of 44

            Enjoyed reading the peom. Change your perception, change your life.
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          • Re: I am not sure any of us here on this earth really understand !!   by  Aharleygyrl     17 y     2,518   22
            oh, ok, these comments are difficult to follow sometimes, the way they are listed. i missed this one. i like like Pat and Joyce because they appear to be genuine. they have the means to get a message to a broad audience and i don't feel they abuse it. i do no discriminate against a preacher just because they are on tv. marilyn hickey and her daughter are good people too, just i don't like it when maryiln raises her voice, so i don't watch much. i do not believe those shows that have the people standing there and they blow on them and they fall, or the ones that get out of their wheelchair and say they can walk. i have heard too many phoney stories about that. but, i will tell you, my great grandma went to see oral roberts when i was a kid. her leg hurt so bad she could hardly walk. she said he healed her. that woman was a saint, so i don't know. i was either very young or not born when it happened, but i was told about it many times by my mom. if it were not my grandma, don't know if i would have believed such a story, but she raised me for my frst 9 yrs and she was as honest as the day was long. the poem is nice, but i still cannot understand why some people have to suffer, especially children, when people are praying. everyone says prayer will work, much of the time it doesn't, even if a nation is praying.
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            • Re: I am not sure any of us here on this earth really understand !!   by  #18637     17 y     2,464   23
              I don't think all televangelists are phonies. I think Joyce Meyer has good messages. I have very mixed feelings about Pat Robertson. I like Joel Osteen very much. But remember, they are still human beings. I do believe big miracles can happen as far as healing, etc., but they don't happen for everyone. If it's biblical you're looking for, just remember one thing, they don't call Him God the Father for nothing. When you're little and learning and your parents don't let you have something you really want, boy do you get p****ed off! They are unfair, horrible meanies. But don't you realize later they knew what they were doing even if you didn't understand it at the time? I feel it's the same with God. His will be done, not ours. We don't understand now, but in time perhaps you will. If there's no suffering, there's no growing and learning. You ask why some and not others. Why did my son end up handicapped? Well, why not? Who am I, the queen of the world? It just happens for whatever needs to be learned or done at the time; the good suffer with the bad. That's life, period.
              That being said, if you keep banging your head against the wall looking for an answer to why, you're going to make yourself nuts. I spent years doing that. I still wonder why, but I've learned to live with it and know I have to wait to find out why, and you will, too. You sound so much like me the past 14 years. That's why I keep responding to this thread. I'm hoping to say something that will help you even a little because I know what it's like to keep wondering. I drove my friends nuts, my family nuts and probably the people on this forum nuts, but nobody ever gave up on me and eventually I began to accept things. I battle it every day still. I don't think I'm helping at all. I'm sorry. That's all I really wanted to do because so many took the time to help me on Curezone over the years, and I was bad.
              I've read lots of your posts on other subjects and I think you're a really sweet soul. I wish you were my neighbor. We could commiserate with each other.
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        • Re: I am not sure any of us here on this earth really understand !!   by  kerminator     17 y     2,565   27

          Lady: your Blog really rocks...

          Sorry to be so late on this reply, but have been down on the coast; this past week... Maybe I can catch up on where we were...  Well we will get back to some of the how and Y's of life and GOD!!   This is not a know it all view; just some wisdom collected over the years...   

          The obvious if you really think about it;  This that why we were all given "Free Will" to use; other wise if GOD intervened every time something did go a certain way  or other...  Then there would not be any free will or personal decisions made by us human mortals on this earth!!  DUH!!  

          But since we have  the, i.e.: Devil, Satan, Boogie Man, or just the bad guys; which are the opposition in all things;  Then they would have  complete control and we humans would be Meir "Robots"....  HUH!!  You can see that folks??  

          Now where does that leave us??  Well it is either total domination as directed by the 'Devil" or a life of "Free Agency" as allowed by " GOD" ; so we can decide who we would like to follow...  Believe me; we will follow one or the other!!  So as you can see the real problem is to try and not fall under the realm of the Opposition or Devil; who has many tricks or stuff to enslave people....  i.e. Gambling, Dope, uncontrolled sexua| behavior, meanness, murder, robbery, rape, on and on etc...  

          Hopefully you can get the BIG PICTURE here; folks...   BTW: I could not have made this up; even if I wanted to folks... HUH!!   If you believe otherwise then stop reading this;  because you do not have a prayer of ever understanding what is going on in this world or the ETERNITY to come...  I feel sorry because you are truly mislead and/or lost...

          Now I will continue to discuss what I have learned about this world and our part in it on my web site @   That way I will not cause too much discontent here on CZ blogs...   My book a novel; based on an adventure - mystery book { With some serious views on our pathway of Life.} should be out this fall...  ( Everyone should plan to get several copies to help my retirement fund! :-)  

          It will contain the Quest of the "Spirit Warrior"....  Enough of the unpaid spots; really I will be getting down to the more elementary things of life!!   

          Sorry that I can not make it more simple;  but this has been going on for ages...  

          Thanks Lady:  Keep up the "Cool Blog" with all the diversity and variety of replies...   

          See Ya... Kermit    

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          • Re: I am not sure any of us here on this earth really understand !!   by  Aharleygyrl     17 y     2,548   28
            well, thanks kermie. i am going through a bit of transition in my thinking,don't know where it will lead me. i have tried so hard at times to be a christian and believe, but too much bad happens and i am just not certain right now if there is this god that many speak of. the whole adam and eve thing with us having a paradise until we sinned and someone had to die so we could sin, just doesn't set well with me and it has proven not to be a real good time on earth, with all the destruction and sickness and death, etc.... no one has been able to prove it definitively either way, although both sides say they can. i just don't was real tough losing tammy faye at 65 and it's real tough losing my cousin to cancer when he is a good guy. he suffers so much and he has always believed in god and been good, so it just doesn't make any sense at all why god supposedly heals some and not others and answers some prayers and not others. i mean, this lady was on 700 club and she said that God healed her foot. well, that is all well and good, but others are dying a miserable death and are not healed, yet they believe and have everyone praying. ifit is all a test of faith, well it's a sick test, i'm sorry. thanks for your post and support, i appreciate it
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    • Excellent question!   by  #69242     17 y     2,764   29
      I don't know why anyone would choose to believe that God can answer our prayers or fix our fate...lets consider all of the innocent children who suffer in our world, some brutally murdered and tortured by their own parents. Don't you think if God could save anyone or protect anyone He would help the innocent children??? My 80 yr old neighbor, who knows how I feel on this topic, came to me one day and said, "I was driving in my car and I lost control of the wheel, but by the grace of God I did not crash and I was saved." I said, "I would call that lucky." If God could go around saving all the old people from crashing their cars then surely he could save some children from getting raped or murdered, right???

      For me, it is much easier to believe that God can't help us here on earth, but he loves us and wishes us the best!!!

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      • Re: Excellent question!   by  AHarleyGyrl     17 y     3,160   30

        Well, I watch Joyce Meyer and 700 club and they are big on prayer.  They say you have to do it and God answers them.  It still does not explain why some are not answered.  But, your explanation doesn't make sense, either, because it is said he knows everything and can do anything, etc....  He would have to be some sick pervert to kick back and say, "I wish you the best.", knowing of all the horrible things that happen to many people.  Everytime I want to throw in the towel, that there is no God, not one who exists now and loves us, I still cannot answer the question..where did we come from?  It is possible we came from molecules and atoms and junk, but it is hard to grasp that because our concept of being is dependent on a beginning..and that doesn't suggest how all the molecules and atoms came about in the first place.  I sometimes think it is easier just to believe in God so that those kind of questions don't need answered.  But, when one sees all the pollution and destruction and sickness, ect... in the world, it makes it very hard to swallow.  Carlin is pretty funny on the subject:

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        • Re: Excellent question!   by  #67299     17 y     2,756   31
          some things cant be explained. cruelty and terrible circumstances exist. this doesnt mean there is no god

          if id go on a new-age rampage id say from what ive read, that the universe/people always need growth. disasters, wars and other things seem to be a learning process

          cant be white without black, etcetera. how would we able to VALUE happiness without having experienced some portion of blackness

          not everything is in gods hands though. we have our own responsibility in trying to deal with governments and institutions which bring us down
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