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BUNNYpants and SIPPYcup - Eclectic Menagerie
by Aharleygyrl

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  • I Really Don't Understand...   by  Aharleygyrl     17 y (43 replies)     5,672   1     Shown messages 1 to 20 of 44   21-44       Blog: BUNNYpants and SIPPYcup - Eclectic Menagerie

    By AHarleyGyrl

    This bothers me.  We lost Tammy Faye to cancer with pain and we lose many othes.  She had a nation praying for her.  My Aunt went through the same suffering, had many people praying, and she died with a bible in her hand and was a regular church goer.  I watch the 700 Club a lot and they are always having these healing stories.  People will hear one of them praying for a condition or disease to be gone, and the person claims it and God heals them.  What is the thing?  He picks and chooses?  Were the people who suffered and died not watching 700 Cub, or should have been and they's be ok?  Years ago I heard the reason some die is because God wants them in heaven.  But, I have heard that no one gets there until he returns, so they are just in limbo, waiting.  I mean, there are serial rapists and murderers older than tammy Faye, who will never even see the light of day again.  What is the deal?  Can someone explain to me why some people are getting healed and some are not?  Are some diseases too hard for God to get rid of?  I don't get it.

    Some would say Tammy is a bad person and deserved it.  So, do people who get sick not get healed by God because they are not good people?  That would explain a lot, but I really thought Tammy was a wonderful person.  Is there something I don't know?  They say God doesn't punish.  Ok, so, I am confused.  So, if you go get yourself a disease and pray and pray and believe God for a miracle,  and it doesn't happen, does that mean he just doesn't think you are worth saving?  Can we view the people who are healed as better people in the eyes of God?  And, what about the children who get diseases and die?  Many are innocent, and despite many prayers and faith, they die.  it seems like such a waste of life when we have tons of criminals out there hurting and killing good people every day...or are they hurting and killing bad people?  Is there something we don't know?  So, how are we supposed to pray and believe when around us we see people doing this to no avail?  Some would say, it's God's will, don't question it.  So, if that is the answer, I guess I wrote all this for nothing, and probably many others have, too. 

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    • Hope this helps a little, HG.   by  #18637     17 y     2,549   2
      Dear Harley Girl,
      This world is a mess, no doubt, and so many questions, the biggest of which is "Why?" I often wonder this myself. Who doesn't? Stop to consider, "Why not?" I have had many tragedies in the last 14 years, just one after another, and they were catastrophic, which lead to extremely severe suicidal depression and anxiety, the likes of which I hope never to see again and would never even wish on the devil himself. These days, while I have been left with the aftermath of these catastrophes and they will be with me the rest of my days, I have a completely different outlook on life. I would not have been able to have this outlook if I had not gone through what I have been through. While I would never and could never go through it again, I wouldn't trade the life experience I gained for any amount of treasure on this earth. It made me the person I am. Who said life is supposed to be fair? Who said life isn't supposed to be hard? It is all of these things and more. I believe in God. No, I KNOW there's a God. But he's not a God of hellfire, brimstone and punishment. That is the biggest load of claptrap that's ever been sold to the frightened and vulnerable since the dawn of man. God doesn't punish or judge or hate or condemn. We do these things to ourselves and each other. Bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people. That is simply life. The rhyme or reason of it we are not privileged to know, and quite frankly, I don't care why anymore. Everything under the sun happens for a reason, even if we don't know it at the time. Something good can come from every single tragedy that has ever happened. I know that seems like the ultimate paradox. Why does God get blamed for everything? How come we can't lay where it belongs. It belongs to us. We poison ourselves and our planet and then get p***ed off when God doesn't step in to heal and fix things. We sound like a bunch of petulent children. The truth is simply that sh** happens and we have to accept it or live life in a constant state of agitation. (Believe me, I know. I've done this. I know whereof I speak.) As for people dying, everyone dies. Would you want them to live forever? No matter when or how anyone dies, it's always too soon. I know I don't want to be here forever. My father, whom I adored all my life (daddy's girl here), choked to death one year ago today, 8/4. He was all alone in his house, and it makes me crazy to think of the terror he went through not being able to breathe. I wasn't ready for it, but it happened. I never blamed God because he didn't do it. It just happened. I cry for myself, not my father. I know he's in a better place. We cry for ourselves when these things happen because we are left to deal with the horror and grief of it all. Those that move on couldn't care less about the crap they leave behind.
      The best piece of advice I can give is: Learn acceptance. Acceptance sounds easy, but it is the hardest thing anyone can ever learn to do. It is a constant, everyday battle to accept. It's human nature to rail against the unchangeable and try to fix the unfixable and ask why. And if you pray, pray for the strength to be able to accept and pray for strength to get you through, pray for peace of mind. These are the things that will give you contentment. If life were easy, what good would that be? We'd have nothing to measure things by, we'd learn nothing. Everyone would walk around like lobotomized robots. It's so true that that which doesn't kill you makes you stronger. As the Rolling Stones so eloquently put it: You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you get what you need. Huge difference between the two. I hope I have helped in some small way. These are just some small things I have learned on my own path.
      If you're into reading, I might suggest M. Scott Peck, The Road Less Traveled, and the two sequels, The Road Less Traveled and Beyond and Further Along the Road Less Traveled. I personally would dump the 700 Club, but that's just me and I have my reasons for that one.
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      • Re: Hope this helps a little, HG.   by  gypsy13princess     17 y     3,167   3

        "I have a completely different outlook on life. I would not have been able to have this outlook if I had not gone through what I have been through."

        Think about it: When we are blissful we're so happy go lucky, but when something dire happens that's when the learning comes in. We can only learn through negativity- you "hit the nail in the head". Once more, you could probably sit and speak to someone and they can learn from your wisdom.

        Wisdom is a compass. Earth is the school. Sooner or later we all graduate.

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      • Re: Hope this helps a little, HG.   by  Aharleygyrl     17 y     2,635   13

        Thanks for taking the time to write this.  I really appreciate it.  Yes, I feel the same way, that we have messed up the planet.  i can see why some would blame God since he made us.  One sad thing is that there are many of us who would not mess up the planet, but we have to be a part of the collective whole who does.  They are the one who control that because they have all the money and resources.  I think the main reason I wrote that blog is that yes, I know stuff happens and all that, but people are always talking about the miracle they received from God.  It would be way easier for me to accept all the bad things, if it were not for those who inform us of these proclaimations.  So, it bothers me when someone says, for example, "I had cancer and by the grace of God, I am cured";  Whereas, others pray and pray and believe and they may die at 40 of cancer, no matter what they did.  So, it would be far more easy to accept good people dying if not for those who say they are only alive because they prayed to God. 

        The answer to your question, is yes, I  would want them to live forever.  Sorry, if that sounds weird, but some people are so precious and I don't think anyone who is good should ever have to die.  I just lost an ex-boyfriend to cancer.  He was 7 yrs older than me and he battled it 10 years, in and out of hospitals with operations and such.  My other ex-boyfriend would have been far more deserving, if anyone is, lol.  I'm sorry about your dad.  Yes, I know we are upset for ourselves, but also for them because they don't get to be here.  Life is a great thing, but the death thing is not good.  I do believe our death is very greatly affected by the pollution man does to the earth.  So, we deserve to have the cancer rate 1 in 3 (quickly approaching 1 in 2), but on the other hand, there are some of us who would not pollute the earth and are helpless to die at the hands of those who do.  For all the greatness man does, his system overall is extremely flawed and self-destructive.  It is hard to be proud to be a part of it at times.  To answer your other question, yes, it would be good if life was easy, life in general, sports and the like could still be hard. 

        I have tried to read the road less traveled and was not able to comprehend it at all, so it isn't a book for me.  I read at a graduate level, but could not read it.  The 700 Club, well, I watch it because I think Pat Robertson is a very good person and he really believes in God.  I like to watch those who I feel are sincere, which is why I watch Joyce Meyer (, also.  Your comment helps a lot, but accepting bad things happening to good people is especially hard right now because my cousin is dying of cancer and he is only 52 and has kids who are just starting college.  He is a good person and never smoked or drank or cheated, yet his cancer is the type that smokers and drinkers get, the drs told him.  It makes no sense to me that he should die and leave these kids without a father and then you hear others saying they prayed and got healed of cancer.  I don't know how well I am going to be at accepting such things, but thanks for your comment.


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        • Re: Hope this helps a little, HG.   by  #18637     17 y     2,622   14
          You sound like me not so long ago. I understand the angst you feel. I've always been curious about a couple things, though. Those among us who know there is something better than this (even though this can be very good at times) why do we fear death? There are worse things than death. Trust me on that one. We're just passing through. Do good as much as you can, have as much fun as you can. Enjoy this gift as much as you can. If people truly believe in God, why be afraid of passing from this? I fear people passing because I'm going to miss them and I hate to see others grieve. Let's not think of death as a bad thing. Try to think of it as going through a door.
          It seems as though you're reading too much into praying and receiving these "miracles" that you're hearing about. Let me ask you a question before I go on: What exactly is a "miracle" to you? I may not be able to get back to this thread until tomorrow, but I'm really interested in what you think a miracle is.
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          • Re: Hope this helps a little, HG.   by  Aharleygyrl     17 y     2,536   15
            well, i listen to joyce and pat and every day the talk about the miracle of prayer, so hard not to listen. a miracle is you pray for something that has no scientific basis for being able to happen otherwise. liek if i prayed for the world to be flat and all of the sudden it was. or, if i prayed that an abcess in a tooth was gone when it was very bad, and it goes away forever (it cannot just be for a year or 2 or so and then come back, because tooth abcesses can do that). the latter is a more difficult one, though, because the immune system is quite something and people would argue the body did it on it's own. i think there is definitely a gray area. i have been thinking about this and i guess maybe there are no miracles. the only one i can think of is those from the bible, like a virgin having a baby.
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        • Re: Hope this helps a little, HG.   by  #18637     17 y     2,512   16
          By the way, Harley Girl, if you want to talk about unfair. Very close friends of ours just lost their 16-yr-old son to stage 4 brain cancer. He went in the hospital on a Tuesday for tests to see why he had severe headaches and died Friday. This was 3 months ago. You talk about unfair. When I say these are the best people I've ever had the privilege of knowing, this doesn't even begin to touch the surface of what they have done for others. Their son was the quintessenial "good kid." Honor student, musician, baseball player, headed to college to be a lawyer and just damn nice. I don't think it gets any unfairer than this. Believe it or not, they are turning it into something positive the best they can and it has strengthened their faith like you wouldn't believe. I don't know why Nate had to go, but I like to think of the fact that there is somebody in the hereafter who can be doing some good for rest of us poor wretches that are left here.
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    • I am not sure any of us here on this earth really understand !!   by  kerminator     17 y     2,556   18

      Understanding life is a full time job Dear Lady, as you already know...

      Maybe some of my blogs into the meaning of life can help; or at least I try!! This is a heavy conversation; and I do not know the total answer... Here we go!!

      First there are many voices talking to us all the time, most are just trying to get you to follow or fall into their way of thinking...   My only idea is not to recruit anyone; just to present the Plain Truth...  Don't follow me!!

      I have seen a lot; heard a lot and know a little...  One of the things I have been able to understand in this life,  for sure;  is that everyone born has a free will and the opportunity to use it...  Now as you know many people either do not choose to use it or else they fall into one of the groups or controlled crowds... 

      The next thing we see is that GOD gave each of us a free will; and the opposition wants to control everyone...  It comes down to free will or control!!  Think about what you have seen or know that has happened and see if it either fits Freedom or control... HUH!!

      Now the next thing to understand is that we [human] are just responders...  We either choose to accept, deny or ignore ( which is a no vote) the things placed on our pathway of life...  The things here on this earth were placed here to aid, or allow us to learn and hopefully respond in the affirmative manner to the will of GOD in our limited life!!  Again the choice is ours or yours...

      Once this plan went into effect it will move on until the perfect will of GOD is completed...  Like it or not!!  Our whole point of existence is to learn and respond to the items placed on our pathway of life!!  Where we spend Eternity will be the result of the decisions we made and how we lived this earthly life!!  Again like it or not!!  At times I feel lead to write these TRUTHS OF ETERNITY!!  This is not for any personal gain, believe me; I can not save anyone, only point them toward the Truth!! Just think on these things that lead people in the true ways of love!!  God is LOVE!!  Without love all else is a waste!!  

      This is where most people find themselves; in some control group or form of religion; that is only self serving or benefits some one else...  Everyone should ask them self:  " To what purpose am I living my life, beyond the daily necessary maintenance??  Am I helping others?? "  If not then I am as a leaf blowing in the wind; always moving but going no where!!

      Heavy, Heavy!! There is more but I will have to stop for now as we discuss the reason of life!! I will post more on what I understand is GOD'S purpose of our life on this earth!!  Of course I can not speak of anyone except for myself, and what I have learned, so far in this life...

      See YA, Kermit  The Good LORD willing!!

      BTW: like your pic...

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    • Excellent question!   by  #69242     17 y     2,780     Reply   FCK   TinyMCE   29
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