Tony Isaacs Has A New Forum 18 y
Natural Health, Cancer, Longevity and Home Remedies
read more
Naked Anorexia Billboard 18 y
Stopping Traffic!
With piercing eyes and jutting shoulder
bones, an emaciated, naked young woman stares down from a billboard just erected
in the center of Milan, Italy. The woman, a French actress, says she’s been
anorexic for 15 years and weighs a startling 64 pounds. She’s posing naked for
Italian fashion label NOLITA to help raise awareness about the deadly eating
disorder during the city’s world-famous Fashion Week.
Shock anorexia billboard annoys fashion
Jess Cartner-Morley
in Milan
Wednesday September 26, 200 ... read more
More Children Being Treated For Bi-Polar Disorder 18 y
September 3, 2007
by Benedict Carey
The number of American children and adolescents treated for bipolar disorder increased 40-fold from 1994 to 2003, researchers are to report on Tuesday, in the most comprehensive study to look at the controversial diagnosis. And experts say the numbers have almost certainly risen further in the years since.
Most experts believe the jump reflects the fact that doctors are more aggressively applying the diagnosis to children, not that the number of new cases has gone up. But the magnitude of the increase is surprising to many experts, who say it is likely to intensify a deb ... read more
I'm going to get your goat 18 y
by Robert Cohen
Each day, I receive hundreds of EMAIL inquiries, and I can always count upon receiving at least one question regarding goat’s milk.
On October 10th (Section 14, page 14), the New York Times promoted goat’s milk as an alternative for those who cannot tolerate cow’s milk.
”To Find Goat’s Milk and Cheese, Find Some Goats.”
The author of that story, Joseph D’Agnese, wrote:
”If your body can’t tolerate cow milk, goat’s milk often makes a suitable alternative.”
Such a statement might very well be considered medical advice, and could result in a deadly prescription for on ... read more
Cure Tooth Decay: Heal and Prevent Cavities 18 y
Remineralize, Halt, and Prevent Cavities Nutritionally without
Dental Surgery or Fluoride (90%+ Success Rate)
Tooth Cavities Can Heal
No longer do we need to
continue to fool ourselves that we do not know the essential causes of tooth
decay. The causes are known, and the prevention is both possible, necessary
and the only sane next step.
”After the nutrition was
improved, the tissues of the pulp built in secondary dentine thus reincasing
itself in a closed chamber.” - Weston A. Price, DDS
What you see above and on
the cover are two x-ray images of the same tooth from one individual. The two
downward projections represent the roots of the tooth. In the center o ... read more
Quackwatch and CureZone 18 y
CureZone does not rely on Quackwatch
as a valid source information.
Here are examples why...
Homeopathy: The Ultimate Fake
by Stephen Barrett, M.D.
American Cancer Society’s Guide to
Complementary and Alternative Cancer Methods (2000)
Reviewed by: Stephen Barrett, M.D.:
The American Cancer Society’s Guide to Complementary and Alternative Cancer Methods discusses more than 100 methods that it characterizes as ”complementary” (used along with standard treatments, often with the hope of providing symptomatic relief) and/or ”alternative” (used instead of standard methods). Each entry provides a brief description and overview followed by information ... read more
Coffee Is Number One Source Of Antioxidants 18 y
Coffee Provides More Antioxidants Than Any Other Food Or Drink.
Men who drank more than six 8-ounce cups of caffeinated coffee per day lowered their risk of type 2 diabetes by about half, and women reduced their risk by nearly 30 percent, compared with people who did not drink coffee, according to the study in Annals of Internal Medicine.
Coffee provides more than just a morning jolt; that steaming cup of java is also the number one source of antioxidants in the U.S. diet, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Scranton (Pa.). Their study was described today at the 230th national meeting of the American Chemical Society, the world’s largest scientific society.
"Americans get more of their antioxidants from coffee than any other dietary source. Nothing else comes close," says study leader Joe Vinson, Ph.D., a chemistry professor at the university. Although fruits and vegetables are ge ... read more
Cat Is Back! "An Other Cup" 18 y
The Artist formerly known as Cat Stevens, Folk/Pop Icon, returns to music
some 30 years after converting to, and dedicating his life to, Islam.
The "Tillerman" has "An Other Cup"
It was 1982 when a friend introduced me to Cat Stevens’ music. Wow. But he was not singing anymore; She said he went off to be religious instead. I
thought what a waste of talent. He changed his name to Yusuf Islam. My favorite song was ”Father and Son” and to this day it makes me cry because it
is so true of many father son relationships. I still listened to his music and still do, always hoping for his return. I happened to watching the Biography
Channel and they said Cat was coming back. Below is a video of ”Father and Son” recorded on 29th April 2007 by the BBC; I’ve been wa ... read more
Przytul Się Za Friko! 18 y
(Free Hugs In Poland!)
He's Just Not That Into You 18 y
The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys
Greg Behrendt
Editorial Reviews
From Publishers Weekly
It’s a classic single-woman scenario: you really like this guy, but he’s giving mixed messages. You make excuses, decide he’s confused, afraid of commitment. Behrendt, a former executive story editor for Sex and the City—and a formerly single (now happily married) guy who knows all the excuses—provides a simple answer: he’s just not that into you. Stop kidding yourself, let go and look for someone else who will be. After all, as Behrendt sensibly puts it, ”if a (sane) guy really likes you, the ... read more
Man In Black 18 y
Johnny Cash
The End 18 y
of the World
She Frickin' Blocked Me 18 y
la la la la
That's My Job 18 y
Conway Twitty
Oprah Today 18 y
Discussing bad language, censorship, and demeaning women
By AHarleyGyrl
If we could teach our young girls to not speak to any boy or man who disrepects them by calling females bitches and ho’s or saying nasty sexua| remarks, we would be a much better nation. But, it is very difficult. Every time I do this, I am called gay or told I need sex or told there is something wrong with me or I am called nasty names. I deal with this nearly every day because of the internet. I am constantly messaged by these types, calling themselves 11inchcock and names like that. I tell them I am Christian and to get a life. They demand that I change my screen name, ... read more
Cow's Milk, Almond Milk, Rice Milk, Soy Milk? 18 y
With recent news about the price of milk on the rise to unprecedented costs, I decided to post this "deadly poison" information about milk. Why pay even more than ever just to get sick?
When I grew up, milk was a
staple. Everyone had it, even the family who ate health food and were
eccentric. It is hard to believe that Curezonians would drink milk, as
they are more informed than the general public. Now, Dr. Mercola of, believes raw cow’s milk or goat’s milk is ok and actually healthy.
I believe we can get those nutrients elsewhere and click here for raw milk info. Milk doesn’t have hardly
any vitamin D. It has to be added (fortified). Milk also is a poor source of calcium. But, high amounts calcium actually interferes with absorption of calcium a ... read more
Cow's Milk Part II 18 y
This is a continuation of information on the effects of deadly Cow's milk
Dr. Julian Whitaker’s
Health & Healing
TOMORROW’S MEDICINE TODAY October 1998 Vol. 8, No. 10
Dear Reader,
In the movie Men in Black, the character played by Tommy Lee Jones draws the
distinction between a ”person” and the mass of ”people.” He states, ”A person is
smart, but people are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals, and you know it.” In
other words, we do a whole lot of things as ”people” we would never do as
”persons. ”Health & Healing readers are ”persons.” You are making the effort to
educate youself, refusing to buy the prepackaged party line dish ... read more
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