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Re: acne, facial hair, sagging suicidal.. help
deedee Views: 21,671
Published: 22 y
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Re: acne, facial hair, sagging suicidal.. help

Dear acnesick, I feel your pain, and I hope you find a lot of support here. Everyone here has been wonderful as far as suggestions and support. While I have not had the extent of your problems, I know what it feels like to never want to look into a mirror again. I clean makeup off at night and put it right back on again so as to avoid comments from my own family.

I suggest a couple of things: First, try changing your diet as suggested above. I used to be a vegan also, and found out terrible things about it after it was too late to save my health. First of all, that diet leaves you deficient in zinc, Vitamin A and Vitamin B12 among other things. You should definitely try adding eggs, and fish to your diet to increase levels of good fats. These good fats help your whole system to function better. Try Fish oil from Carlson Labs to get an extra boost. Take zinc (no more than 100 mg. per day), and Vitamin A. You can take 100,000 iu per day for about 2 weeks without any harm (unless you are on prescription medicine), then back down to 10,000 iu per day. Also you can try beta carotene in larger amounts, but beware: not everyone can convert it into vitamin A, especially if you have thyroid problems. And beta carotene and vitamnin A are NOT the same. Vitamin A is only derived from animal products and is extremely important for the skin and mucous membranes. And be sure to balance with a good multivitamin, and remember your B vitamins!!

You may want to look into the cleansing on this site. The bowel cleansing could especially help your situation. Sometimes infections in the body will come out into the skin, or will show up as Acne if your liver is overloaded. You liver becomes overloaded when your bowel is toxic, and when it is overloaded with drugs and poor diet.

Lastly, you might consider some herbs that are supposed to balance hormones such as saw palmetto for testosterone problems, or vitex which is supposed to work wonders for balancing female hormones. Perhaps progesterone cream would be helpful for you. And did you ask your OB/GYN about Polycystic ovarian syndrome?? It can cause numerous symptoms, including acne, and excess facial hair, or body hair, also called hirsutism.

I hope this helps, and please do not give up on your face or your life. I know how frustrating it can be, since I'm still looking for answers myself. Remember that anyone who doesn't want to be your friend just because of your skin really is NOT a friend. Focus on the positive things you bring to others and to the world, and try to visualize yourself with beautiful skin! Eventually it will happen.

Take care, and please let us know how you are doing real soon!! Deedee


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