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Re: acne, facial hair, sagging suicidal.. help
SeaSalt Views: 21,468
Published: 22 y
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Re: acne, facial hair, sagging suicidal.. help

well im quite sure i know one thing that will help. someone by the name of wai pretty much figured it out, or maybe not but made a little book for the net.. well if you're frying those vegetables and fruits that is the problem. try eating them all raw for 2 weeks and see how it h as improved(it most definately will be gone :) ) that is the problem. cooked protein. and if you're not eating vegan for religious reasons or your own other then Acne start consuming raw egg yolks (only the yellow part). make sure they're good eggs. just bought from the store with no cracks and such. 3-4 days is fine im sure. just do it to be safe. dont worry too much about saminella. it is in 1 of 40,000 eggs. but people are scared.. heh. and saminella usually isnt fatal anyways.. but just to be safe right? yeah, you can consume raw salmon and tuna at sushi bars. just order something called sashimi.. the rice is cooked so you cant have the tuna rolls and stuff.. well good luck with that! im sure it will help. and so u dont lose much weight you better start consuming some extra virgin olive oil.. a bit every day.. maybe 3 table spoons to start? since you're already skinny this should help you.. or if u want to gain weight have more! no cholesteral. if you're eating fish and eggs you will have the protein to workout at the gym and have muscle gains. ttyl

good luck!

and i really reccomend the Liver Cleanses here.. a parasite cleanse would probably be enough, but still. liver cleanse will probably help dramatically after the first 3 times!


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