Hi, to start off I want to tell you that I am so glad that you are open with the problems you are facing, and I'm grateful you don't want to face this alone. I had a pretty unfun bout of
Acne when I was about 15 or 16. I tried, I think about 3 prescription products, that overall, didn't help. Then I got Proactive (spelling?). You may have seen informercials or advertisements about it. It really worked! I don't think it took an extremely long time for it to work, either.
I haven't used the Proactiv for a long time. I think I stopped because of the price. It got my skin back on to clearer days :)
I don't remember all that I've used since then. Right now I am using Johnson's Clean and Clear continuous control cleanser. It has about 10% benzoyl peroxide, so that's helpful. I have also used an over the counter cream called Zapzyt - it really helps too! If you haven't tried it, it may be beneficial.
I just read something about blackheads, because I have some of those - I read Queen Helene's Mint Julep Mask worked really well so I got some yesterday. I've only used it once, so I don't know its full effects yet, but its tube states that it, "helps dry up
Acne pimples, rinses away blackheads, helps shrink large pores."
I really hope this helps you.
Well, I've dealt with
Acne and lots of products - I hope these help.
I know you stated you've had problems with facial hair - please rest a little easier, I'm a girl who's pretty hairy too :)
I've used wax strips and stuff, and I find plucking to be good for prominent and dark hairs. It may take awhile to get them, but if you take your time and take breaks it probably won't seem like such a chore.
You wrote something about sagging skin and wondering if it's too late in life to change it - here's the answer: no! :)
I'm not a fitness expert, but you could probably get some help from professionals for a relatively cheap price (I've watched the commercials on tv about deals that go on with gyms, so you might want to call some to see what they provide and for what price). I also know there are some gyms taht are made just for females, so that may be a comfort (I know I'm more intimidated when there are males and females in a workout zone), so maybe there is one in your area.
Please, and most importantly, of all of this, find someone you can talk with about your suicidal feelings. If you don't feel comfortable talking to anyone you know, please call a church. Most likely, pastors will be more than joyful to try to help you. If you encounter any that aren't interested, please don't take that as personal rejection, and keep trying until you find one who does. I don't think it will be a problem, but I am trying to cover all areas just in case.
Please know that you are special. I know you've had much difficulty, but please know that good will come from this. I am almost certain that you will be a more compassionate and kind person because of the problems you have had, and the world needs compassionate people. I also believe you will be less likely to judge a person before you know his or her personality.
I know too, that your problem, and I am not trying to make light of it, is probably not as noticeable to others as it is to you. I know that most of the time I notice something about myself, and I may be extremely insecure about it, it is less noticeable to others. I'm not saying I don't think you have skin problems, I very much believe you. I just want you to know that you are your worst critic. Another thought: if anyone is rude, please try not to dwell on it. There are lots of rude people out there, and they will say rude things for whatever reason they do.
Thanks for taking time for reading all of this :)
I'll be praying for you. You are so valuable!