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thank you and I welcome any further suggestions
acnesick Views: 21,183
Published: 22 y
This is a reply to # 9,414

thank you and I welcome any further suggestions

Really appreciate your having taken time to write. Yes it sure would help to know what all she had to quit eating. Could you please let me know. I am already on a flush diet though not any standard one. I am on juices- V8, fresh juices, cranberry juice and soy milk and intend to go along depending on the changes I see on my skin) (for protein because I am also doing my work outs to tone my muslces and need some source of vegan protein).

No, I can't use the cleanser you mentioned because I have a pretty oily skin though it is relatively less oily during this cold weather (right now). Actually I am not a cosmetic person- have never used cosmetics on my face except for the ones I tried in the past for Acne cure execept lipsics and eye liners.Since two days I have also been using the Mint julep masque that someone mentioned- and it seems to be helping but i don't know what to do with the dry skin because it has turned slightly dark due to dryness but is oily enough to not warrant any moisturizer (I anyway would not want to put any moisturiser on my face- because if i do, it anyway turns oily after a while and I have to wash it dry). Even without anything on, I have to wash my face every three to face hours and if don't wash for longer than that, I usually get a new pimple or two which sometimes very often becomes a cyst).

Like i said, my present steps to counter this problem include the diet I mentioned above, use of this mint julep mask twice a day and use of clearasil cleansing pads in between. Am debating whether or not to stop using it. It did help dry the old ones- although it does not stop the recurrence of new ones.

Thanks for listening and hope to get more inputs from all those of you who have any advise to offer.


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