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Re: acne, facial hair, sagging suicidal.. help
  Views: 21,351
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Re: acne, facial hair, sagging suicidal.. help

Hi. It sound like you need to do some serious cleansing. Also, have your hormones checked. You can do this
yourself with saliva testing. Natural progesterone will probably help you but I would highly suggest that you check
your levels first so that you can monitor them. You must avoid any products containing soy! Soy is a phytoestrogen
(plant estrogen). It sounds like you already have to much estrogen and the soy is just making it worse. Check out and read about liver congestion and hormones. I think once you start to cleanse your liver you
will notice many improvements. Also, check your nutrient levels. You are probably deficienct in many things. Lack of
protein and amino acids can cause sagging. Start taking Chinese bitters and do the liver/gallbladder cleanses and
load up on vitamins, minerals and amino's. Try to find a naturapath in your area that can help you with your hormones....
it does sound like you might have polycystic ovarian disease. This is where the body produces to many hormones. Cleansing
should help this.

I hope this helps.


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