Vaccine detox, HPV eradication
SO, I’m here to try and eradicate/destroy the HPV virus, as well as the genital wart caused by the Gardasil vaccine!
Background, in early 2016, I dated someone who would end up being my first (and as of now only) sexual partner. I found out in May of 2016 that he was cheating on me, thus, I had to make sure to get full STD screenings. I was cleared of everything, but discovered I had mild cervical dysplasia, after my first Pap smear. I used my student run clinic as I was still in college then, and the Nurse Practictioner was nice and told me not to worry about it too much as it’ll likely clear on its own, but to come back in a year to have it checked again.
So a little over a year later, and still being very single and without sexual activity, I decided to check on the abnormal pap from the year before. This time I went to a new clinic, as I had a new job and new insurance. So during my pap I had a hard time opening up, I was super tense and I just attributed it to my lady parts not being used for over a year. The GYN, said it would be likely she wouldn’t get good results with just the speculum because I wasn’t opening up enough—it was sort of a struggle. After wards she suggested to me I get the Gardasil vaccine, to help protect me from different virus stains in the future, at 25, I’d never had the shot, cause I was never sexually active. So I trusted her opinion and took it, it was very painful and I had sore muscles and weakness for weeks (but I digress).
Also the results of my pap came back the same, with mild cervical dysplasia but I guess it was a bit inconclusive, so I was asked to come in for a colposcopy which after all my research the last couple of months I decided not to pursue.
After my appointment I noticed that I was burning/stinging in my perineal area which I attributed to irritation caused by be speculum, I rubbed some neosporin but after a while noticed the burning/stinging sensation was almost constant. Maybe two/three weeks after my pap and shot I decided to feel down there to see if there was anything down there and sure enough, there was 3 very tiny raised growths. I started freaking out and the first thing that came to mind was herpes, even though when I had my std screening I was cleared for that, and I hadn’t been sexually active since then so I wouldn’t know how I could have got it. It took a while but I realized it was probably warts. I went through a phase of thinking it was just skin tags and wasn’t a big deal. I browsed different forums, did lots of research and kind of hoped they’d go away.
A few months later, I was to go in for the second round of Gardasil vaccination, again, the pain in my joints and muscles were unbelievable, I was always in pain, and again, a week or so after, another “growth” shows up this time near my anus. This time I have no choice but to admit they were warts as it actually looked like a typical wart, which I had come across during my research. I did some research and it seems other people have had that reaction, warts showing up after the shot. I’ve done all types of research and I honestly just want to get rid of HPV.
Right now the things I’ve learned of are AHCC (mushroom supplement), Beta Glucan,Olive leaf supplement, oregano oil, baking soda/ACV, etc. Etc.
I found someone on YouTube who claims to have eradicated her HPV by doing ACV/Baking soda baths, or douches, also doing a tonic with it and eating cleaner. She gave me her private number and we’ve communicated.
When I initially thought my growths were herpes, I found a YouTube channel that talked off oregano oil and clean eating,etc. Even though the advice was mainly for Herpes, he was basically saying the regimen was for any viral infection. I ordered the oregano oil, and Olive leaf supplement and just kind of sat on the for a few months.
I found another YouTuber who said she cured her HPV using AHCC supplements, and inserts with lemon oil and lemon grass. So i brought all those supplies
I’ve been trying to eradicate the warts by putting a mix or baking soda and ACV on them, like the one person was in contact told me to do, but they burned entirely too much and made me uncomfortable for days. So couldn’t continue.
So the kicker here is I had my third shot scheduled for today which I of course did not do. A month ago I emailed my GYN to tell her what I was thinking about the growths and the vaccine, she didn’t really respond with anything except telling me she’d have to look at it, I this point I wasn’t sure there were a hundred percent warts. I saw her today to be sure, and she confirmed they were. But very tiny and easily treatable according to her. So she treated them with acid. I’m to contact her in 2 weeks to see the progress. She also says indefinitely that the vaccine didn’t cause them because there are no active cell virus in the vaccine. I don’t know what to believe. She seemed like she was being honest, she says it’s a coincidence. But I know my body and those things only occurred after my GYN visits! A part of me wishes I didn’t do the chemical treatment but I’ve tried different things the last couple weeks that don’t seem to be working and I’m embarassed and upset they’re there. So if the chemical method is what’s required to get rid of them. I will do it.
So as I believe the vaccine is responsible for the warts, I would like to detox from it. What methods does anyone suggest?
Also, here are all the products I have
ACV/Baking soda: for baths, and tonics, according to YouTuber
AHCC/Beta Glucan supplements: 3000 mg AHCC, 600 Beta Glucan, taken an hour a part on emotion stomach,for 6 months according to another YouTuber.. I should add, I researched AHCC and it’s been used in studies and verified to actually “eradicate” HPV. This YouTuber is a bit different from me though because she had the CIN3 which is high risk cervical dysplasia, which is cancer causing. Apparently the ones I have aren’t associated with cervical cancer. She also recommends making a mold of coconut oil, lemon and lemongrass to be inserted into the vagina at night.
Oregano oil, olive leaf: herpes man on YouTube, he also suggests not eating anything but berries and leafy greens and Fiji water—tbh he’s sort of a kook but his advice seems to make sense.
Any help or advice would be appreciated! Thank you.