I was shocked an appalled when I tried to contact every single person of importance at Susan B. foundation.
I had completed my traditional therapies, my stage IV metastatic disease was terminal and here I am!
No Evidence of Disease!
I was euphoric and feel like God personally guided me through this process. Immediately I faxed, called, emailed dozens of people at Susan B. Coleman foundation to let them know they can stop running.
The only contacts I received were when they wanted me to give them money, "To help find a cure." Haha!
I don't mean to single out this foundation as the NCSN, ACS, are just as bad only lower in hype and profile.
I was shocked, betrayed, appalled and sickened that no one in the research department would call me back,...I got their fax and faxed of a release of information and also my scans,....proof! Still,...no call back.
I guess they didn't realize I was a lawyer.
The advocacy group I used stated that all foundations were like this.
"They don't really want to find a cure, they want to keep searching and doing experiements so that they can keep their jobs." This would include Arthritis Foundation, Lupus Foundation as well.
I beat my disease, (i didn't say cured) and no one cared,...not a one. No media, no doctor, no foundation gave this lawyer the time of day.
I wanted to share with the world that by combining basic alkaline and oxygen therapies, you can beat this disease.
So, I urge everyone not to give away their hard earned money to bogus causes.
You can stop running now and quit searching for the cure!
Almost every part of my cancer protocol is found right here on curezone!
Yes, instead of the cure we were promised 40 years ago when the so-called "War on Cancer" was declared, we have instead seen cancer become a bloated industry and the people who profit from it, as well as those who cause cancer, have largely taken over our institutions such as the NCI as well as virtually all of the larger foundations. Their continued existence and profits, including the cushy salaries and benefits of the charitable organizations, depends on NOT finding a cure for cancer.
Breast Cancer Deception - Hiding the Truth Beneath a Sea of Pink
The American Cancer Society: Running WITH the Money and AWAY From the Cure - Part 1
The American Cancer Society: Running WITH the Money and AWAY From the Cure - Part 2
As I emailed you privately, I would love to have you provide a bit more information to share here and elsewhere for those who are looking outside the mainstream box to beat and avoid cancer.
You are 100% correct. These "non-profit" groups do not want cures because they fail to exist the day one is allowed. Look at the MDA Telethon hosted by Jerry Lewis. Rife was curing MD back in the 40s yet each year it is the same old "we are looking for a cure". More it is like we are looking for a bigger paycheck. The officials for these organizations do not work for free because they care about people. They give themselves very generous paychecks written from those donations. Even Jerry Lewis is paid handsomly to host the telethon.
Another thing that irks me about the telethon is the people needing thew help that they never show. Namely the older "Jerry's kids". These kids are paraded in from the cameras when they are considered young and cute for more sympathy and thus more donations. When these kids get older though they are cast aside and hidden from the cameras. Each year during the MDA Telethon Jerry's ex-kids protest outside the telethon for their abandonment after they outgrew their cuteness. But the cameras never show this.
Breast cancer, or cancer in general, is no different. Extremely effective cures for cancer have existed for over 100 years but they never mention these. Chagas are one of the most effective herbs there are for cancer and has been used for hundreds of years for this reason. But they are virtually unknown in the US even though they do grow here. Ozone therapy is also an extremely safe and effective cancer cure. It fights cancer through a variety of mechanisms and cancer cells cannot build a tolerance to it. Once a machine is obtained the cost of oxygen and electricity for each treatment is less than $0.05. These machines are not only cheap to run, they are cheap and easy to build and people can easily give themselves treatments at home making ozone therapy a major threat to pharmaceutical, FDA and cancer organization profits. Ozone is also highly effective against a long list of other diseases making it a financial threat to the whole medical industry and many other non-profit disease organizations.
Back in the 50s they found that podophyllumtoxin derived from mandrake root and savin junipers was extremely effective against 6 forms of cancer including breast cancer. These results were reported in both the Journal of the American Medical Association and the Journal of the American Cancer Society back at that time. So what happened to it? It was shelved because a successful cancer treatment was to much of a financial threat to too many non-profit groups, medical schools who survive on research grants, the pharmaceutical companies and many other groups who make money directly or indirectly from disease. These include plastics (IV bags, syringes, medical machines, etc.), electronic companies (medical equipment), chemical companies (pharmaceutical drugs, disinfectant supplies), ambulance manufacturers, construction companies, paper and cloth companies (gowns, diapers, surgical coverings, medical records, etc.), metal fabricators (surgical tools, beds, IV stands, etc.), the media, the mortician, etc. Disease is a massive industry making more money and employing more people directly and indirectly than even the oil companies. Therefore safe and effective disease cures for cancer and many other major diseases will NEVER be allowed as long as greed and power rule
What is a shame though is people are so brainwashed in to thinking they really are running to find a cure. A friend of mine went to one of the Susan G. Komen Run for the Cure events and tried to tell them that breast cancer cures already exist they wanted to lynch him. People need to wake up.
I encourage people that if they really want to help people in need donate your money directly to the people who really need it. Watch the news to find these people. Maybe someone who lost their house to a fire, or someone looking to help pay for medical expenses, etc. Don't give money to these non-profit organizations who are only looking to write big fat paychecks to their executives.
I have received a lot of requests for the protocols I used.
Breast cancer with mets to the lung.
First I want to say this:
I had professional guidance every step of the way and spoke with professionals on a daily basis to ensure I was doing things right!
Like most of you, I was desperate and was overwhelmed by all the natural information that is available on the web.
I was ready to throw the kitchen sink at my disease as I was not ready to die. I had started a ton of herbs and stuff but my chemistries still climbed higher and higher.
Thats when I sought professional advocacy from people who had already been there and done that.
Today, I still do not believe i am cancer free, it's like a dream.
People are emailing me asking for my protocol but my protocol was based upon blood chemistry, body weight, blood type, previous treatments, medical history, and also based upon my ability to perform these therapies correctly. Based upon tolerances, income and so much.
I had a natural path, a primary care, and oncologist who decided to get back into the game after he sent me home to die.
The most important part of my protocol was and advocacy group made up of cancer patients who had been through the very same things I had been through,...they were the laison between natural and traditional doctors,...they rallied everyone to become a team instead of bickering siblings.
My oncologist called the natural guy and the advocates, "A team" funny remark coming from the same man who sneered at my IV port for ascorbate infusions.
This is not a disease to play doctor with,...this is not a disease to be guessing at what will work and be be throwing the kichen sink in ammateure fashion at such dangerous foe.
Oxygen theraies, quite frankly all do the same thing,...they create a buildup of peroxide in the cancer cells. However, if you don't get oxygen inside cancer cells,...you are waisting your time and money.
I was given the option of ozone. It was recommended that I instill ozone rectally or per IV,...not drink it.
Ozone I believe to be the most efficient way to cause peroxide formation as it is pure oxygen,...and having college chemistry I understand the equations.
Naturally, if all of this oxygen therapy forms peroxides, then why not just do peroxide infusions and skip the converstion process?
If you were to cross reference most of the highestly touted cancer therapies, you will see they all can cause hemolytic anemia,...well, what causes hemolytic anemia? Peroxide!
Why? People who are deficient in catalase can't break down peroxide. Peroxide destroys red blood cells.
So, my protocol consitsted of cesium and rubidium and it was hard to get dosing up due to tolerance issues. But because I had professionals guide me, (natural path did not use cesium) I was able to reach target doses within a week.
I also performed IV infusions of ascorbate because I was already getting them 3x week at natural path. My advocates busted their butts to get these as daily and done inside the home.
I also used dmso, which I did not like but it was temporary adjunct so I put up with the side affects.
The dmso was used to potentiate all therapies, and is highly absorbable into cancer cells.
Alpha lipoic acid, is, in itself a cancer treatment. See townsend letter on pancreatic cancer.
I also took Coq10 400mg, coconut oil, molasses! I added hemp seed oil later on.
All of these therapies were initiated and layered with weekly blood markers CEA, uric acid, and lactic acid. Also tested potassium every week as well.
From my traditional doctors I was given oral insulin, nalexone, tagament, and cardiac glycoside similar to the ones in oleanderin,...only this was payed for by insurance.
Before I started on the cesium I did three days of detox using molybdimum alternating with chlorophyll. I drank one gallon of water every day. I got 30 minutes of sunlight, but in oregon, alot of clouds so I bought tanning lamp.
I got iv minerals that included silver, zinc citrate, potassium citrate, calcium citrate. Citrates, like nalexone inhibbit fermentation.
My diet was low glycemic and organic foods only.
As soon as my markers started to show cancer cell death,...I stopped titrating up ascorbates. I got additional blood work to protect myself from sudden severe tumor lysis,.....all of this was because I had an advocate who was worried that my cancer would suddenly let go and kill me anyway,...so we controlled the rate of aptopsis,...which if you read about it, is like bubbles coming off the cell in pieces, and is an attempt at the cell to get rid of whatever is a threat to it,...be it peroxide or heavy salts.
It took ninety days of aptopsis to become NEOD,...I remained on protocols for one more month and then went to daily maintanance from there forward.
Thanks for all your feeback and supportive emails.
Oxygen theraies, quite frankly all do the same thing,...they create a buildup of peroxide in the cancer cells. However, if you don't get oxygen inside cancer cells,...you are waisting your time and money.
I was given the option of ozone. It was recommended that I instill ozone rectally or per IV,...not drink it.
Ozone I believe to be the most efficient way to cause peroxide formation as it is pure oxygen,...and having college chemistry I understand the equations.
Naturally, if all of this oxygen therapy forms peroxides, then why not just do peroxide infusions and skip the converstion process?
If you were to cross reference most of the highestly touted cancer therapies, you will see they all can cause hemolytic anemia,...well, what causes hemolytic anemia? Peroxide!
Why? People who are deficient in catalase can't break down peroxide. Peroxide destroys red blood cells.
It is a little more complicated than that.
First of all ozone therapy attacks cancer through a variety of mechanisms. The primary one is through the formation of peroxides (lipid and hydrogen peroxides), which is not the same thing as people generally consider as oxygen (O2). As ozone (O3) and its higher allotropes (O4 and up) react with water in the system trace amounts of peroxide are formed. But this peroxide is not dangerous, and is actually beneficial. What a lot of people do not realize is that the body generates hydrogen peroxide all the time for a variety of purposes. This includes direct pathogen destruction, activation of white blood cells and to directly destroy cancer cells to name a few.
The enzymes involved in the production of the hydrogen peroxide are the superoxide dismutases (SOD). But SODs does not only produce peroxide but they also break down peroxides to protect healthy cells. On top of catalase (CAT) and SODs there are still a variety of peroxidases that also break down peroxides. Therefore a deficiency of catalase alone is not going to lead to peroxide damage to healthy cells.
Another important fact is that ozone stimulates the production of all these enzymes. In this manner ozone stimulates self protection of healthy cells provided the proper concentrations of ozone are used.
The primary effect of ozone on cancer though has nothing to do with forming peroxides outside of cells or with getting oxygen within cells. As the ozone reacts with the lipids in the cell membrane the ozone releases singlet oxygen (O), which in turn reacts with the lipids forming lipid peroxides. These peroxides are formed by this reaction in both healthy and malignant cells. The lipid peroxides enter in to both cells. The difference is that cancer cells lack CAT, SOD and peroxidases and therefore are unable to break down the peroxide the way healthy cells do. Since malignant cells are unable to break down peroxide the peroxide swells the cancer cells until they burst. This is why ozone is specific to killing cancer cells as opposed to healthy cells.
I posted a more detailed explanation of ozone and cancer including a study showing the selectivity of ozone on cancer cells here:
Bottom line is that there is no safer or more effective therapy for cancer than ozone when used properly. And cancer cells cannot develop a tolerance to ozone the way they can to herbs, drugs or radiation. In addition, unlike other therapies ozone actually addresses the various causes of cancer as well. Cesium, DMSO, etc. do not do this, nor have they shown the effectiveness against cancer.
Here is a very interesting presentation by Joel Topf about uric acid, fructose and Hypertension.
Unfortunately, the sound level is not too good ...
But the topic is very good.
from Newsmax.com
Baking Soda Could Stop Kidney Disease
A daily dose of baking soda, the common kitchen staple used for cooking, cleaning, and treating indigestion, could dramatically slow the progression of disease in patients with chronic kidney disease. British scientists say the white powder, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is so effective that it could spare patients from having to undergo dialysis.
“It's amazing,” said study leader Magdi Yaqoob, renal medicine professor at the Royal College of London. “This is the first randomized controlled study of its kind. Baking soda is not classed as a drug so this study has never been tried before.”
Researchers studied 134 patients with kidney disease. One group received a small dose of sodium bicarbonate in addition to their regular care. The patients were followed for one year. At the end of the study, only 9 percent of the group taking baking soda showed a rapid progression of their disease, compared with 45 percent of those who did not.
In addition, those taking baking soda were much less likely to progress to end-stage renal disease and require dialysis. In fact, the rate of their decline in kidney function was similar to the normal decline seen with aging.
“A simple remedy like sodium bicarbonate, when used appropriately, can be very effective,” Yaqoob said.
According to Yaqoob, baking soda prevents inflammation in kidneys by limiting the production of ammonia.
“This study shows baking soda can be useful for people with kidney failure,” Yaqoob said. “This cheap and simple strategy also improves patients’ nutritional well-being and has the potential to improve quality of life and of course a clinical outcome that can remove the need for dialysis.”
I like your avatar , but your math has me scratching my head. It looks like you took the 9% from one group and added it to 45% from the other group to come up with 54%. I think what the figures show is that 91% of the group that took baking soda did not have a rapid progression of their disease, while 55% of the control group who did not take baking soda did not have a rapid progression of their disease.
All the best,
I personally do not take baking soda and am no authority on the subject, but I note that the study referred to only gave a small dose (a single tablet) daily to the group that had the good results. I wonder if the results might have been even better with a bit higher amount? Of course, don't overdo it!
See: http://www.news-medical.net/news/20090902/Study-reveals-that-baking-soda-bene...
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