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hair falls out every 4 - 6 months/candida/parasites/PH
  Views: 6,765
Published: 14 y

hair falls out every 4 - 6 months/candida/parasites/PH

I will try to make this brief...For 3 years now, my hair will begin falling out of my head. It is an even falling out, but it is a lot. This will last for 1 - 2 months and then it will get better. Around 4 - 6 months later it will happen again. Everytime this happens, I test my thyroid, my hormones, my iron, etc, etc, etc. Every time the tests come back okay.

I have been on a vigorous search as to what my issue is. I have been to multiple DR's and they just want to put me on biotin, fish oil, B vitamins and gelatin which I don't think are making that much of a difference. So through my research I am beginning to think this is a candida issue.

My theory is that because my tongue is white in places and because I have had indigestion issues (low stomach acid), that I have a yeast infection in my body that is manifesting as fungus on my scalp and consequently crowding out my hair from it's follicles. I have also been testing my PH and I cannot get my body to be alkaline. I have an alkaline machine and i am drinking PH 14 now for almost 2 months. I am finally no longer in the PH range of 5 but am up to 6's during the day. So it is an improvement. Is it correct that an unbalanced PH can lead to candida? Also, is it correct that if you have candida that you probably have other parasites? I am wondering if my hair falling out is also following a parasite life cycle. I'm not sure, but I've decided to cleanse for parasites during my candida diet. I'm so desperate to go back to having a full head of hair that I'm willing to try anything now.

During my cleanse, I am seeing little round balls, little white things and now some black things in my stool. Is that a parasite?

Also, I know emotions can cause candida, so I've really been working on relaxing, but seriously, could I be living stressed for 3 years? I can't imagine it's all from stress.

I really could use some input. I just want my hair to stop falling out and it's scary that I can't get this cycle to end. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.


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