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Acidic body but high urine ph....Help!
lisaann1 Views: 6,565
Published: 14 y

Acidic body but high urine ph....Help!

A couple of years ago started checking my urine and saliva pH and both would normaly be in the 5's to low 6's. I tried eating more healhty to get the pH up, but quickly reverted back to my normal eating habits.

For the last couple of months I've noticed cloudy urine usually once or twice a day. I pulled out my old pH strips and found my urine to be highly alkaline like 7.2 - 8.0. I've since been checking the pH everytime I go to the bathroom for last week or so and my results are generally in the 7 - 8 range, with my first morning urination around 5.8. I know that I cant be healthy enough to be truely alkaline. I have pre-diabetes and am 40 lbs overweight. Recent blood work shows slightly low potassium, low-normal sodium and low/normal carbon dioxide/bicarbonate. I have been eating more veggies in the past several months since my pre-diabetes dianosis, but surely not enough to be in an alkaline state. So my question is why is my urine pH so high when I know I must be more acidic than my urine is showing. Also, my saliva is in the 6 - 6.4 range. How can I correct this imbalance?


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