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  • Past Life Workshop in Toronto on March 29 with Dou... Image Embedded   anne h.   16 y  6,288

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    Past Life Workshop in Toronto on March 29 with Douglas James Cottrell

    Miracle Transformation Events™ Douglas will be conducting a Miracle Transformation Event™ on Sunday, March 30 in the Toronto area. All are welcome at this uplifting afternoon of meditation and energy healing. Receive a personal laying on of hands healing by Douglas. Learn to develop your own innate abilities in an atmosphere of unconditional love. By donation. 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM, Scarboro Missions, 2685 Kingston Road at Brimley, Scarborough, ON. For more information about any Douglas’ events, visit ... [Image Embedded Here]   [This message is long. Retrieve the whole message]
  • Re: How many past lives can one have?   #53449   16 y  6,188

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    Re: How many past lives can one have?,_The_8.4_Million_L...

  • Many times I have had clients ask how many lifetim...   hypnomark   14 y  5,645

    This is a reply to # 755,378

    Many times I have had clients ask how many lifetimes they have had. I often give them the opportunity to ask questions of their subconscious mind, though many times their guide may come through or ....

    Many times I have had clients ask how many lifetimes they have had. I often give them the opportunity to ask questions of their subconscious mind, though many times their guide may come through or perhaps a group of spirits that help them may come through. Or the same thing may happen during a life between lives session.

    The answers we get to this question of how many past lives have I had is usually very general, and may be one something like many or a lot or hundreds. This is not what they are looking for, but it is the most common response.

    In response to the question how many past lives can one have, I would say the answer is as many as it takes to learn all the lessons your soul needs to learn. Eventually your soul may get to the point that you no longer need to incarnate in a physical body, then you can stay in the spirit world and help others who are in the physical.

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    Proof of a Past Life   Librastar70   19 y  5,149

    Proof of a Past Life

    I was just wondering if anyone has come across proof of a past life. I have been able to recall many past lives and have been searching for proof. I don't have any previous names to recall so it is difficult. Looking for any reply's.
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    no past lives get real   bellaismad   14 y  3,302

    no past lives get real

    nothing happened before you were born this is nonsense and wishful thinking. this is something little children would believe in not eductaed people
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    I remember many past lives. The time I remember m...   Gossamer502   11 y  7,079  C

    I remember many past lives. The time I remember most vividly is...

    I have been remembering past lives for many life times. Typically, ideas like this are very difficult to share, because a person may be excommunicated or burned at the stake.

    I remember many past lives. The time I remember most vividly was in Ireland. I was the first person ever born named Kevin, the Prince of Leinster.

    I had recollected a past life from a previous time. This inspired my motivation to seek knowledge.

    So at my request I began studying to become a priest. By the age of 7 I had completed all the reading requirements to become a priest. But, for smoothness in the society, I was not officially a priest until I became older.

    I remember much of my experiences, in that lifetime. If you would like to know more about what I remember please inquire.

    One of the more significant details, of this time and the first person named Kevin. Is that Kevin went into Catharsis in 618 at the age of 120, in the Catholic churches "Process of Making a Saint." The details of this process were atypical, and a bit gory and graphic. If you would like to know about that please inquire.

    This "Process of Making a Saint" is denied by the church, and if it did not happen why would it be denied to have happened?

    So, Kevin, in the process of becoming Saint Kevin, went into Catharsis. At this point, it would make sense to identify the connection between Saint Kevin and the 13th bloodline of the Illuminati.

    The 13th bloodline of the Illuminati is the Merovingian line, also known as, the Jesus Satan line. I like to explain it like this:

    The Jesus - Saint Kevin - - Saint In ---- Satan line.

    If you are still following what I am saying allow me to move to the next section of ideas.

    The purpose of Freemasonry is to shroud the secrets that allow the return of the deity that would be known as the second coming of christ, or anti christ, or Lucifer/ son of god, or Satan ( who is actually Saint Kevin ).

    I remember the time when St. Michael defeated the Monster Satan that people read and hear about. If you would like to know about that time please inquire.

    Most people have heard of the Freemason Phrase, Manifest Destiny. There are multiple intended definitions from this phrase. Typically, taught in schools is that, it was the belief that the Europeans that had discovered the land of North America were entitled to that land by some god given right. But, there is another definition not as widely recognized: Manifest Destiny is the action/process/series of events that will bring about the return of a deity. Whether it be the Antichrist, Satan or Christ.

    Though the mindset of many individuals that are in fraternities at this level tend to gravitate toward Satan and the Antichrist.

    Okay, so not to get stuck on that tangent. If we jump ahead in time to the 1980's. Satanic Ritual Abuse was prevalent all across the United States. There are connections between Satanic Ritual Abuse and Project MK ULTRA, and Project MONARCH. Typically, Project MK ULTRA and Project MONARCH used trauma based programming. MK ULTRA may be more closely associated with the study of hallucinogens and the effects on people. I know more about Project MONARCH. Project MONARCH used trauma based programming to turn young girls into sex slaves, and to make a few Manchurian Candidates.

    My understanding of Manchurian Candidate, is a person that has been programmed to perform specific actions at a particular time. Typically, to kill a specific person. This "mission" may be unknown to the individual, or known.
    So that is where I fit in. I was in Project Monarch, but I think that what they wanted me to do was wrong so I did not do it. I did experience many bad or traumatic things; I used this as motivation to remember what happened to me. So, I can share my experiences in an effort and with a hope that things like this will not happen to anyone else.

    One of the more interesting experiences I had was at Bohemian Grove. I was taken there at a young age. I rode in a car on an asphalt path. It almost look like a very hilly golf course, because the grass was cut all nice as far as the eye could see except it was covered with trees. Except the trees were grown in rows. Somebody had to have planted them that way.
    Then we stopped and talked to a person standing at the side of the path. This happened three times. Each time the person displayed a different badge. One was from the FBI and the other the CIA and the last one NSA. I do not know if this was an official government operation, but the security seemed to be. If they were not on duty and those individuals displayed those badges for any purpose like this it should be viewed as impersonating an officer of the law.

    So after we parked, I walked around. I was told that there are different pathways to different areas. Some of the pathways lead to areas where the extremists of the different popular religions/denominations would exercise there version of there beliefs in seclusion.

    In walking from one area to the next there were small pathways that were lined / surrounded with trees. Above the pathway, between the redwood trees were dark metal sculptures of some sort. It could have been made of cast iron, but I could not tell there were too far away. The sculptures depicted demons and tortured souls trying to escape from the metal... or something like that. I was told the purpose of these was to create a negative aura or perception for the people that would pass by them.

    A little while later, I was brought up on stage for a ceremony. The people told me I am CARE. And that I am there leader. And that if I come back to this place when I am older, I will be there leader. And that means I can have all the drugs and sex I want. And that they would put in the Cremation of CARE ceremony. That consists of a large metal cage, that would be moved over an incinerator. I do not see how that could be a good idea.

    So, I have not gone back because I do not particularly like pain. And well the Cremation of CARE ceremony sounds more than painful.

    And, I remember 1367 years of Catharsis... Pain is something I am trying to avoid. If you would like to know about what I recollect from that time please inquire.

    And as you have read, my experience from one life to the next sort of blends together into one long set of memories I have. I remember back before recorded history exists. I may not remember all the details, but I do have some secrets.

    If there is anything you would like to ask about please ask. Any questions inspired by my post or any questions regarding anything in life or existence, I would like to share what I think may be relevant. And I will be honest, If I do not know or am unsure I will say so.

    be kind to others

    Saint Kevin

    Thank You Kindly

  • My past life lover or soul mate?   angela21   12 y  2,598

    My past life lover or soul mate?

    Hi. My name is Angela Johnson and I am 21 years old. I found no other place to go and share my problem so i came here. Though I know this thread doesnt fit dating and is more of a spiritually themed post, i request to PLEASE answer my post keeping spirituality/past life and soul mates in mind.
    PLEASE answer me, i NEED HELP

    In 2003 i was 12 years old and while i was asleep i heard a voice the voice of some people addressing something very significant about him.I might have seen him very faintly but i didn't see his face or anything. This significant thing actually happened in 2004 but i heard in 2003.

    I did not hear of him again till 2008 nor i knew who he was but i did remember what the voices said about him all throughout the years.
    In 2008 31st March i saw him coming down the rampway and i immediately recognized him as the person whom i heard about about. And then the people at his workplace said the same significant accomplishment i heard several years ago.

    I was immediately attracted to him but i was just a admiration because of the way he looked and his talents because he is 11 years older to me. I was 16 that time and he was 27.
    I felt a very strong bond with him since day one. I could relate a lot to him. I don't know why but i felt very close to him as if i already knew him. I felt we must have been siblings in the past life but I did not pay much attention to him because i thought he was way too old to be even thought about.

    I only admired him for what he presented himself as.This wen on till 2009 till my feelings were just admiration.
    I had a lot of expectations from him and he stood on them which made me admire him more. I was awaiting the results of my final exams (May 2009) and i still remember fondly that i had put up his picture on my computer as my lucky charm and i did come out with flying colors. And he was excelling in his job.

    But in early 2010 (Jan- Mid March) i totally forgot about him since i got new boyfriend. But in just 2 months again something happened my boyfriend broke up with me and then in April i suddenly began developing feelings for this man.
    Whenever i would close my eyes i would see his face his actions which bothered me a lot. I constantly told myself what is he doing in my mind but those feelings refused to go. I constantly battled against my feelings but failed..

    So it continued until a strange thing happened on 4th January 2011. I had my pre board exams and i read a few of my messages of my ex bf which made me upset i thought he was better than this man younger not attached. I compared him and felt bad.
    Moments later when i tried to think about his man he refused to show up. I tried so hard to remember his face but no avail. I spent two days in misery feeling extremely upset as if someone had died not even even looking at his photos helped.
    Finally i prayed to him sincerely to forgive me for comparing him with my jerk of an ex and to please come back. Slowly i could see him but very faintly. The next day i felt a lot better and when i went for a shower jet black water came out of my hair as if i had not washed it for years! though i shampoo each day! And after that he was back in my head and i was cheerful again

    My affections grew and 4th May 2011 again i had a vision while i was asleep in which i saw him celebrating with a blond. I checked and found out that He had received a huge boost from his company on 3rd May and was involved with a blond at his work.

    He was sporting a beard and i loved him in that look but all of a sudden he shaved it off. When i saw him shaved i was upset and secretly hoped that he grows it again and he did grow it again.

    In November 2011 my mom got this box from the market which had his full name imprinted on it. I was shocked I couldn't believe it. His full name and initials on it! I still have the box and it still amazes me. His name is uncommon nobody knows him but how it was imprinted on the box is a mystery.

    In December 2011 he took a break from work but i had a dream in which i saw some articles stating sidelined from the company's biggest bash and the earliest reports about his break was exactly what i dreamt about.

    In March 12 i had a strange sensation. I was asleep but i felt as if someone was having sexua| intercourse with me. I felt that sensation of having a deep penetration twice and then i woke up with the fear that i might get pregnant. I knew i wouldn't get pregnant but i was scared .He stopped but i felt the sensation of the penetration inside me throughout the day

    I dearly wanted he attended all of his parties of the bash alone. I saw him in suits with the beard and he made my day.
    But once again in April i had this vision of him on top of me having sex with me. He had his clothes on but again i felt the soreness throughout the day.
    Same thing happened in July.

    I am very torn. I dont now what to do, where to go. I cannot replace my feelings for him because it doesnt go away. How can I get over someone when hes always with me?
    Whats happening to me?
  • Dream of my dead grandfather   Amateur Philosopher   12 y  1,559

    Dream of my dead grandfather

    I had one in a dream with my grandfather once:

    I was living with my grandmother at the time and in the dream I saw my deceased grandfather coming out of a building. Stunned to be seeing him, I ran towards him and passed my arm around his and started walking with him. He was wearing a suit (as he usually did) and was using his walking cane. He smelled like my grandfather, felt like my grandfather…

    “Why are you appearing to me like this?” I asked him.

    “Have you been having any spiritual contacts lately?” he asked me.

    Well, I was just starting to frequent a spiritual center at the time, so I said yes.

    “But why aren’t you with us anymore?” I asked.

    Read the rest here:

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    I do remeber vivid things from my past life and so...   cerasela   20 y  5,236

    I do remeber vivid things from my past life and so does my Daughter about her past life.

    Dear friends,
    I am 34 years old Romanian woman, I am not a psycho or anything like that, I am highly educated and fairly normal(I say fairly because of some 'strange' things that I am different from other people in the way I see life/people and the way I 'feel' people, rather than getting to know them first...I hope it didn't sound complicated). Also, I was able to give messages from recently departed ones to families in grief and one time, somebody's dog that was just recently put to sleep had a very interesting message for his adoptive family that made A LOT of sense to them. I guess this is called being a medium? I hope so, because in every one of this instances, the grieving ones were very relieved and in each case I somehow knew things that only their family knew and that really helped the people in taking me seriously and gave me confidence to talk to them and share what I 'felt'.
    I do remember about my past life that I lived in the same town I was born. I remember being a woman, Jewish, I remeber details about the house I lived in last(like the wooden squeeky stairs) and I remember like today that I had a best friend, A DOG...I remebered exactly where I used to live and on the land my house used to be, the city built big apartment buildings(in Romania). But I asked very old people and they were surprised that a girl my age knew that we had a Jewish neighborhood there. I also 'remeber' feelings, like I remember the trust and love I had in my black dog and a loneliness and longing that I can't make any sense of. Speed up to today, I don't know one word in Hebrew, but when I heard the blessing that a Rabbi's wife said in Hebrew at the table(in 'Sex in the City'), I started crying uncontrolably and I felt like I was coming home after a very long departure. That was very strange, it was a spontaneous reaction that really shoked me.
    I 'remembered' all this when I was 17, after a very nice nap I had with my first love. Don't laugh, but I think that we can bring back memories ONLY if we are happy or experience a very strong emotion(which that day was total peace for me, waking up next to my beloved that was sick with cancer and realizing that he was still there and life was good). I also believe that children remember absolutely everything untill they are at the age when they express themselves and after that, they are 'bombarded' with the new life, that takes priority and their past life memories 'faint' more and more.
    Anyway, I don't remeber names, but I 'know' I died in 1967, of a broken heart(depression?). Again, don't laugh, I am dead serious. And another thing I remember is that I was never married.
    That's my story about my most recent past life.
    I was told by a very dear and spiritual ladyfriend that I met here in America, that there is a very good reason for me being here, with no Family other than my Daughter. She told me that she 'remembers' me and my Daughter from Lemuria...
    My life was very 'busy' for most of the years since I immigrated to America and I really didn't have time to be very spiritual, but I know that with love and faith I will remember more things and I will find the reasons for many things that happened in my life.
    My Daughter remebered how she died in her past life. That was when she was 5 years old and it was a very chilling experience for me.
    That's my story in short, I hope it makes sense and it was worth your time.
    Sincerely, Cerasela.
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    Question on Reincarnation.   Baz   13 y  2,279

    Question on Reincarnation.

    I have an interest in reincarnation but I have a question that troubles me. When humans first populated the Earth and the population was sparse and we were spirits. Where did we reside and how long before we were re-born? I have this idea that there must be Billions of spirits waiting to be re-born which means at some point the Earth will be vastly overpopulated. Obviously that cannot continue so how is this to be avoided? . The other thing I have been thinking about is when the Universe dies and is reborn where will we be? I hope you can understand what I am getting at as reading it back it doesn't look very legible.

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