Re: I do remeber vivid things from my past life and so does my Daughter about her past life.
Hi dear Cerasela,
I read all of your posts and I'm very happy and grateful to know about what you experienced. I don't think you are "weird" at all, as you mentioned several times. I think what IS weird is to deny these unexplainable parts of ourselves. While I myself don't actually have any memories of past lives, I can say I have always felt a sadness, a huge deep sadness, that I cannot explain. At one point I visited Greece, where my father grew up, and while alone in a room my grandfather built, I began to sob uncontrollably for some time. Like I had some huge deep inexplicable connection to the place. I am an American, and have only been in Greece very little.
Anyway, there is so much that cannot be explained. I have a dear friend whom I know ONLY via Internet chat. We have the most unusual psychic connection, to the point where we can remote view to each other's location, describe what each is wearing. My friend can now tell what's coming up for me in my life, and so far he has been right on. And most recently, I was chatting with him live when I had the horrible feeling his life was in danger. Without disclosing specifics, as my friend is very private, I will share that with my information he was able to escape a very dangerous situation, although he was seriously injured by an attacker.
Thanks again for your sweet insights. I feel you are a very dear, loving, sensitive, and gentle soul.
Love Mike