Re: Proof of a Past Life
Hi, Libra
My 'proof' may not be the kind you're looking for but for me 'proof' at current can be pretty subtle. I am finding things I am very drawn to, like interests, hobbies, schools of thought, etc. They keep reappearing with fervor because it a foundation well laid before this life expression and is beckoning my progression/expression with it.
Other proof is with people I know - family (husband & children especially) and close friends. Finding a genuine comfortableness with them, just 'knowing' them energetically, 'feeeling' who they are. It is too familiar to be just of this lifetime. Especially with my best female friend I've grown super close to within a short amount of time - I truly feel we are 'sisters'.
There are many clues - many I probably don't see or feel yet also as I Am expanding.
It is all quite subtle at the moment and I hold the possibility that stronger realizations may come as I expand and develop awareness.
And then there's the proof that others have given me - telling me I have had past lives with this person or that. What I've found however is that it only confirms my original intuitions - issues that kept repeating, why I'm so drawn to certain experiences, etc. It did help to get that confirmation though and gave me a broader perspective which at the time I couldn't see.
I am curious why you feel the need to search for proof - it seems the recalling is quite proof to me! To have visions, that sounds very concrete to me!!! Looking deeper though, there is a deeper reason why you're asking the question - looking for something... (thinking out loud, rhetorical question)