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Re: lugol and heart palpitation?
RR by High on Water 16 y
Here ya go, read a few of my earlier posts to see what I went through - I must tell you that I still have had
since then!
Praise to God and His Blessed Iodine!
I simply got THIS LINK by using the keywords ”heart palpitation, bromide, and detoxified” as keywords in the iodine supplementation search engine here at curezone!
15,533 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: not absorbing iodine?
by High on Water 15 y
I had heart palpitations for ten years when I started supplementing with iodine back on 26/Jan/07.
I had a night early in February of 2007 when I was especially cold to the core (yes, thyroid problems), and put 15 drops of the detoxified iodine on my belly.
I did have a ’scary’ episode of quickened heartrate that lasted less than ten minutes. I believe the bromides that were stored in iodine’s rightful place within my heart chambers was ’chased’ out.
To this day, I no longer have heart palpitations.
Look back three years ago...I posted on it then, too.
11,627 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Low-Salt Diets May Be Dangerous for Heart
by wombat 17 y
yep, and I’m wondering about the effect of bromide on heart function and transitory increase in heart palpitations reported by forum members...
1,525 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Molly is Painting
by High on Water 16 y
Well, I must admit when I had the ”scarey heart episode” (of which I believe a bunch of bromide was chased out of my heart and replaced with the proper halogen), it was after I PAINTED my stomach with 15 drops of ”detoxified” iodine”!
This was over two years ago now. Before that episode, I had a heart arrythmia, palpitations, and a slow heartrate (59-62 bpm).
Ever since that episode, my heart has not given me one iota of a ”lick” of trouble nor discomfort.
So yeah, I think painting works just fine! The proof is there for me, anyway! This was straight iodine, however - I was takin ...
2,316 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Magnascent iodine (iodine in nascent state)
by High on Water 12 y
Getting anyone to do an ”official” study on the matter would be like pulling teeth.
Back in February of 2007 I was on detoxified then, and IT chased (what I believe was) bromides out of my heart.
Haven’t had palpitation one ever since, AND, I painted it on my belly! Wasn’t even taking it orally, yet.
Cooll thing? I’ve had an arrythmia ALL my life, with fainting spells that started at age 7.
Haven’t had heart problem one since 02/Feb/07!
6,769 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Standard Process
by High on Water 18 y
I, for one, would be very interested to learn how you do on it!
We are all pioneers here. I am one of the rare few here taking detoxified iodine and have had phenomenal results! (I’m OFF of my hypothyroid meds - my breasts are no longer thick and lumpy and rubbery - and my heart no longer has palpitations, no more arrythmia, and it has a better heartrate!
What you may be interested to know, is that for the EIGHT days I was waiting for my detoxified iodine to arrive, I took the leftover Standard Process Organic Prolamine Iodine tablets that I had on hand. Four years prior, I bought t ...
12,784 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: heart palpitation came back with iodine
by High on Water 16 y
I had (worse) palpitations in the very beginning of supplementation, as well. I no longer have palpitations AT ALL!!!
”Stick-to-it”-iveness eventually resolved that issue. I know way back in early 2007 Vulcanel posted an article about bromides in a heart valve.
Perhaps the iodine chased out some more bromides.
I totally believe that the body PRIORITIZES where the iodine goes. The sicker you are, the more severe the detox discomfort. The heart being ”addressed” first doesn’t surprise me in the least.
Don’t give up
Hang in there
But you may want to start low and titrate up ...
8,871 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: a resounding NO
by High on Water 18 y
So, when I had those nasty-severe-scary heart palpitations in the very beginning from putting 3mg’s worth on my belly ( 15 drops-worth of my then very new, yet unknownst to be oh-so-potent detoxified iodine), I should have put even more iodine on my belly?????
I’m asking, because around the same time, Vulcanel had posted something about bromides getting stored in the region of the heart. I’m thinking that the sudden-onslought of a LOT of iodine dislodged too much all at once, and caused the scary palpitations and arrythmia...believe me, it was sudden - and scary as hell!
Are you s ...
4,440 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Iodine Debate
Re: drinking distilled water and the absorption of Iodine?
R by Ginagirl 14 y
I would recommend to not drink only distilled water as it lacks the elecrolytes your heart needs to run smoothly.
Before Iodine, Salt, real salt was calming to my hypo T heart; I had palpitations, missed beats, deep hard pounding etc.
”Electrolytes are substances that, when placed in water, can carry an electrical charge. Electrolytes are required for almost every physiological function, such as maintaining water balance in cells, making enzymes and creating energy. Two of the most important electrolytes to cell function are potassium and sodium, according to the ”Textbook of Physiolog ...
6,890 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: iodine to the rescue
by High on Water 16 y
Having been one to have the palpitations of which I believe was iodine chasing bromides out of the heart I wish to add something here.
Those palps were very scary, and a peaceful prayerful mind is important. Having said that, oxygenation is important too. If one finds themselves in that situation in the future, remember this:
Breathe deeply through the nose, and rhymically exhale through pursed lips. This will help keep your heart pumping through the process of the bromides getting chased out of your heart.
Don’t give in to fear.
2,204 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: ummm, IODINE.
by wombat 16 y
”Is there a practical and simple way to lower the body’s burden of fluoride and bromide? It has been known for sometime now that bromide competes with chloride in the extracellular space and that the total molar concentration of bromide plus chloride remains constant. (8) This concept has been used to decrease extracellular bromide levels by saline loading. However, the presence of bromide in the thyroid gland (9) and the central nervous system (10) suggests that there is another intracellular ”pool” of bromide, not respon ...
2,138 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: still need help on that link
by trapper/kcmo 18 y
perhaps this will do:
”Is there a practical and simple way to lower the body’s burden of fluoride and bromide? It has been known for sometime now that bromide competes with chloride in the extracellular space and that the total molar concentration of bromide plus chloride remains constant. (8) This concept has been used to decrease extracellular bromide levels by saline loading. However, the presence of bromide in the thyroid gland (9) and the central nervous system (10) suggests that there is another intracellul ...
1,410 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: fluoride toxicity depends on iodide supply...
by wombat 17 y
”Is there a practical and simple way to lower the body’s burden of fluoride and bromide? It has been known for sometime now that bromide competes with chloride in the extracellular space and that the total molar concentration of bromide plus chloride remains constant. (8) This concept has been used to decrease extracellular bromide levels by saline loading. However, the presence of bromide in the thyroid gland (9) and the central nervous system (10) suggests that there is another intracellular ”pool” of bromide, not r ...
3,435 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: I think I'm onto something
by High on Water 17 y
Bromides taking iodine’s rightful place in the heart probably came from me. I remember reading something on a pdf file that (I thought) Vulcanel posted well over a year ago. I could be remembering wrong, but it sure made sense because after my initial racing heart episode of taking a lot of iodine in my initial days of iodine supplementation, and then no more episodes like that, it made sense to me that the influx of iodine literally ”chased out” the bromides and ”took its rightful place”.
Probably not an accurate way to describe what happened MEDICALLY, but it was weird how fast the he ...
2,548 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: UT not a good idea whilst supplementing iodine
by wombat 15 y
Iolite is absolutely correct, it’s really not a good idea to practice UT whilst supplementing iodine. The ”brown pee” was not a joke, that’s bromide. You can hear all about Flescha’s son peeing brown in this audio:
Not only do we excrete bromide in the urine, we also excrete fluoride, chloride, mercury and lead.
Halogen imbalance syndrome by Trapper and Vulcanel:,281,2962&q=567
Guy Abraham, MD....on detoxifying the body of unwanted halides: ...
2,462 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Fluoride Poisoning
by grizz 11 y
This listing underscores the need for iodine to detox Fluoride, bromide & chlorine out of our cells that require iodine. Boron should also be taken to help get rid of fluoride:
Possible Symptoms of Fluoride Poisoning
Please Note: Having one or more of these symptoms does not necessarily mean you are fluoride poisoned. This page is offered only as a guide, which can help you determine whether fluoride poisoning is a possibility. Only your doctor can diagnose and treat you.*
Arthritis – stiff, painful joints with or without swelling; painful feet in morning
Asthma ...
427 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Re: there is not sufficient data to support this supposit...
by wombat 18 y
There is no ”average”. We’re all different, have different histories, varied exposure to fluorides/bromides/heavy metals/pharmaceuticals/non ”food”, etc..
We have different physical/medical conditions as a result of the infinite variations of the various factors cited above.
We are a test group... :)
I think that I can safely say, though, that very few among us regret having started on this journey..
Guy Abraham, MD....on detoxifying the body of unwanted halides:
”Is there a practical and simple way to ...
1,192 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: halogen displacement
R by wombat 18 y
If nothing else, listen to the 2 hour Flescha audio contained within this link:,281,2962&q=509
Guy Abraham, MD....on detoxifying the body of unwanted halides:
”Is there a practical and simple way to lower the body’s burden of fluoride and bromide? It has been known for sometime now that bromide competes with chloride in the extracellular space and that the total molar concentration of bromide plus chloride remains constant. (8) This concept has been used to decrease extra ...
2,312 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: probably
by wombat 18 y
why rush it?
You just started, why stress your body’s eliminative function? Go slow, build up, take companion nutrients, make sure you’re supporting eliminative channels. The poisoning didn’t happen overnight, it’s cumulative, you’re not going to get rid of it overnight. You have youth on your side, you’ll be fine:)
I think dosing like that, early on, is a waste of iodine. I highly doubt that ”more” all at once will speed up the displacing of heavier halogens. It’s more likely that you simply peed/sweated the excess out.
Guy Abraham, MD....on detoxifying the body of unwanted halides:
1,462 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: pHluoride
by wombat 17 y
First thing is, of course, avoidance. Even if you’re lucky enough to live in a non-fluoridated community, fluoride is everywhere in our food supply, from fluoride-based pesticides to the use of fluoridated water in the manufature of commercial foods/beverages. See
for sources of fluoride exposure.
And then, of course, there’s iodine.
”Is there a practical and simple way to lower the body’s burden of fluoride and bromide? It has been known for sometime now that bromide competes wit ...
1,643 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: serious answer
by wombat 17 y
Guy Abrahams, MD, on detoxifying the body from unwanted halides:
”Is there a practical and simple way to lower the body’s burden of fluoride and bromide? It has been known for sometime now that bromide competes with chloride in the extracellular space and that the total molar concentration of bromide plus chloride remains constant. (8) This concept has been used to decrease extracellular bromide levels by saline loading. However, the presence of bromide in the thyroid gland (9) and the central nervous system (10) ...
2,324 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Iodine information to get started- edit
by High on Water 15 y
”[Nascent iodine] will not saturate body tissues and has not been proven to detox halides such as bromide, fluoride, chloride or mercury as other forms have.” Proof? Your link didn’t work for me...perhaps it’s my computer.
KEY word here, also - ”has not been proven to detox halides ... AS OTHER FORMS HAVE.”
Perhaps because nobody wants to pay for such studies. Those who make Cayce’s iodine have TRIED to get it studied - to no avail. Ya gotta have the money to have something studied in depth. hmmm
Why do we continue to put faith in the studies when the studies are only as good as t ...
5,252 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Cool, you are SO much "ahead of the game" Edited to add a PS
by High on Water 18 y
You’ll be fine!
Yeah, when I found out (at the age of 46) that I was gluten-intolerant it was a mixed blessing.
When I found out THIS year that bromides have been added to most bread products, it was the first time that I was thankful to be gluten-intolerant! I’ve been avoiding bromides for 4 years now! (I gave up soda pop YEARS ago, and never did care for citrus-flavored Gatorade which also has bromides in it).
Good for you!
PS: Since constipation is a problem for you, you could get backed up with this addition of iodine, since it detoxifies the body.
These two things hav ...
12,195 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: iodine to the rescue
by High on Water 16 y
Hey MC!
I had an arrythmia and palpitations problem with my heart after several months of nursing that started back in ’96. I lived with it almost daily. When my daughter was almost 12 months old, I had a sudden scare (she screamed me awake one morning, I was extremely startled and then nursed her).
After I finished nursing her and then laid back down, I had my first episode of severe arrythmia where my heart started pumping so erratically and so slowly I felt myself starting to black out. I was already laying down. I was positive I was going to die but then remembered something my m ...
2,305 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: How will I know when I'm "done"?
by wombat 17 y
You’ll know when you’re done, nobody can answer that Q for you. As you go on you’ll see that the detox comes in waves. And, when you feel that you may be ”done”, you can always get a loading test. Info on that at
And, how much to take? Once again that’s up to you....No doubt that detox happens at 50 mg, or lower, doses. I remain unconvinced that MORE detox happens at higher doses as a rule of thumb. There has to be a point of diminishing returns...
Guy Abraham, MD....on detoxifying the body of unwanted halides. The dosage that he’s refering to he ...
1,544 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Urine Therapy & Iodine
by wombat 17 y
NO don’t use iodine & UT concurrently...and YES there are more toxins in one’s urine while supplementing I. Iodine liberates mercury and lead in addition to bromide & fluoride:
”Is there a practical and simple way to lower the body’s burden of fluoride and bromide? It has been known for sometime now that bromide competes with chloride in the extracellular space and that the total molar concentration of bromide plus chloride remains constant. (8) This concept has been used to decrease extracellular bromide levels by s ...
3,255 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Iodine displaces fluoride, Part 2 ~ Fluoride causes DNA d...
RN by wombat 18 y
View Entire Thread 6
”It seems to me that we must be aware of how fluoride does its damage. It is an enzyme poison....
”What is the result of these toxic effects? First the immune system. The distortion of protein structure causes the immune proteins to fail to recognise body proteins, and so instigate an attack on them, which is Autoimmune Disease....
”The enzyme poison effect extends to our genes; DNA cannot repair itself, and chromosomes are damaged....
”Fluorides are mutagenic. That is, they can cause the uncontrolled pr ...
5,211 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: question
by rainbowz 10 y
I would have hoped that iodine supplementation would protect against the baby being one of those 1 in 3,000 - 4,000.
If it is the detox of bromide and fluoride in the Mother while she is pregnant and taking iodine (high levels of bromide and fluoride in her bloodstream, resulting in a hypothyroid baby): then we need to know how long the Mothers in the study were taking iodine before getting pregnant, and how detoxed they were before starting iodine supplementation.
Assuming she is average in toxicity at the start of supplementing iodine, then I wonder how long she needs to take iodin ...
1,550 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Guy Abraham, MD....on detoxifying the body of unwanted ...
R by wombat 18 y
View Entire Thread 3
Time for a re-post!
”Is there a practical and simple way to lower the body’s burden of fluoride and bromide? It has been known for sometime now that bromide competes with chloride in the extracellular space and that the total molar concentration of bromide plus chloride remains constant. (8) This concept has been used to decrease extracellular bromide levels by saline loading. However, the presence of bromide in the thyroid gland (9) and the central nervous system (10) suggests that there is another intracellular ...
3,961 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
My main reason to "start slow" yet still work UPWARD!
R by High on Water 18 y
My main reason for stating to others to ”start slow” (yet still work UPWARDS) with iodine is because of the scary racing heart I got for increasing my own iodine too much too soon, and those who HAD, yes HAD a heart arrythmia like I DID...yes, DID, as in past tense.
I also HAD (yes, HAD) a slow heart-beat...only 60 beats per minute, which, btw, only a very healthy athlete-type should have...I’m no athlete.
However, I was impatient to get better, and on two occasions, took much higher doses of iodine than was my original ”work it upwards slowly” plan.
Both times I got a very scary ...
8,308 hits
2 of 2 (100%)
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Boron/Borax Questions
by jfh 18 y
Don’t forget that iodine will greatly help to eliminate the fluoride.
Dr. David Brownstein says that fluoride inhibits the ability of the thyroid gland to concentrate iodine and research has shown that fluoride is much more toxic to the body when there is iodine deficiency present. When iodine is supplemented the excretion rate of the toxic halides bromide, fluoride and perchlorate is greatly enhanced. Brownstein says that after only one dose of iodine the excretion of fluoride increased by 78% and this is very important for those w ...
9,867 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Borax, Boron
Re: Companion supps
by wombat 15 y
Well, from what you’re describing I would venture to guess that your heart palpitations are being caused by low blood sugar- eating concentrated simple sugars causes the blood sugar to spike and then you will crash- your blood sugar level will fall even lower than before. So yes, get a handle on those cravings! :)
Although, many posters have also experienced heart palpitations. A search of the term ”heart palpitations” within this forum nets these results, do some searching and learning...bring back any points of interest:) ...
2,558 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Iodine and hear palls thyroid meds
by Ginagirl 13 y
cfh; have you ever tried iodine in like 50-100 mg? If so, did it make your heart palpitate? (you would have to be on all companions of course)
I had a lot of palpitations when hypo T, they are uncomfortable and frightening. What helped me before iodine was loads of salt / water.
Also magnesium in the right dosage has helped tremendously.
Magnesium oil could be the right for you, as it contains both chloride (for the bromide) and magnesium.
When you take as little as 5 mg of iodine, dont take to much selenium. Not more than 50 mcg, especially if you live in a high selenium area.
If ...
1,427 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Side effects?
by Ferventer 11 y
bromide is a toxic halide that we are all exposed to, it competes with iodine in the body so even if someone is getting enough bromide it can be displaced if they have a high bromide load.
How much potassium a day do you get? Salt is often demonized for water retentions etc but the real enemy isnt so much the salt itself its that so few people get anywhere near the potassium they need. This throws off the bodies salt/potassium ratio.
960 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Can I rush bromide detox?
by elliotmtl 15 y
View Entire Thread 3
I have been working with iodine for about 6 months now. When I take a regular daily dose of 60-120mg of SSKI I feel fine, no noticeable detox symptoms, but I still suffer from health issues such as poor digestion, sinus congestion and heart palpitations.
When I bump the SSKI up to a gram or two per day, though, I get what I am assuming are bromide zits all over the place, in migrating patterns (i.e. recently it has been focusing on my scalp, previously it had been on my upper back, and before that my face).
So I am wondering, can I keep up the gram or two a day until the bromide zi ...
2,404 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Help with Iodine supplement side effects??
by wombat 16 y
”First off, I feel better today but read that the detox even from one supplentation can last for days?”
-what detox you experience depends on YOU, your history, your health issues. Yes, detox is an ongoing process. I experienced exactly what you described after my very first drop of lugol’s.
”OK so Bromide??? Do I have more than most maybe? Is is stored in your cells and once you detox you are ”better”?”
-Impossible for any of us to tell you how much bromide you have stored in your tissues. Bromide is everywhere. Easy suggestions to follow...stay away from ALL commercial baked goo ...
29,676 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Unexplained symptoms
by sman1109 10 y
Wow 2 months, I stopped the high 100mg dose of Iodine 1 month ago and am still getting detox as well. At least I know I have a good wait left from your experience. I read somewhere that it takes 3 months or longer for the thyroid to get used to the higher amount of Iodine in it, before the iodine-induced hyperthyroid symptoms go away.
As I sit here my kidneys feel sore, and I still urinate a lot. I’m guessing a lot of bromide was stirred up from that high dose, and I’m still passing it out this long after stopping Iodine.
I think waiting is the only thing we can do as it slowly get ...
1,263 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Re: not absorbing iodine?
by High on Water 15 y
Hi Terpol,
That’s why I believe the ’atomic’ iodines are more recognized by the body. Since I believe God made our bodies quite innately intelligent, it knows what to do when it is given something meant for it.
AFTER the occurrence with my heart (remember, I haven’t had any palpitations since~!), Vulcanel printed an article about bromides collecting in an area of the heart. I made an assumption that the iodine chased out the bromides. It was just too darn coincidental. If it wasn’t bromides, it sure was something that was there that didn’t belong there!
The iodine you found soun ...
11,131 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Racing heart suggestions please
by Dog Rose 15 y
View Entire Thread 6
In the last few weeks I’ve had episodes of palpitations and racing heart (as well as skipped heartbeats which Ive had for a while). My pulse is up from the mid sixties to low to mid seventies. I’d thought this was too high but have just read an old post by Wombat who says that low seventies is good - have I understood this right?
For the palpitations and racing heart, I think the possible suspects are -
- iodine (only 10 drops of 1% magnascent)
- salt (3/4 tsp plus lots of sea salt on food - I crave salt)
- B vits. (new protocol of taking one tablet every two hours to even out bl ...
1,850 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Borax & DMSO
by healthyhappyhippy 12 y
My point was that since Iodine, Fluorine, Bromine and Chlorine are all in the same group of the periodic table, they all have similar chemical properties. This is the reason why the other halides replace iodine in the body when we are Iodine deficient. As Boron works to detoxify the body from fluorides, bromides etc., my question referred to how this is actually done. If there is some specific mechanism that allows for the preferential removal of fluorides, bromides etc., then obviously there is no reason not to mix Boron and Iodine supplementation. If however, the detox mechanism is on ...
5,350 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation