Re: Unexplained symptoms
Wow 2 months, I stopped the high 100mg dose of
Iodine 1 month ago and am still getting detox as well. At least I know I have a good wait left from your experience. I read somewhere that it takes 3 months or longer for the thyroid to get used to the higher amount of
Iodine in it, before the iodine-induced hyperthyroid symptoms go away.
As I sit here my kidneys feel sore, and I still urinate a lot. I'm guessing a lot of bromide was stirred up from that high dose, and I'm still passing it out this long after stopping Iodine.
I think waiting is the only thing we can do as it slowly gets better, I also got checked out by doctors and they said I was fine. For the heart palpitations I had an old bottle of L Citrulline laying around, it produces nitric oxide which dilates the blood vessels to increase oxygenation. One reason the heart beats fast is a lack of oxygenation I read, and this has helped me bring it down. I still need to buy the magnesium oil though because its still high, and many here including you say it works well for this.
Good luck to you, sorry I couldn't be of much help.