In the last few weeks I've had episodes of palpitations and racing heart (as well as skipped heartbeats which Ive had for a while). My pulse is up from the mid sixties to low to mid seventies. I'd thought this was too high but have just read an old post by Wombat who says that low seventies is good - have I understood this right?
For the palpitations and racing heart, I think the possible suspects are -
- Iodine (only 10 drops of 1% magnascent)
- salt (3/4 tsp plus lots of Sea Salt on food - I crave salt)
- B vits. (new protocol of taking one tablet every two hours to even out blood sugar)
- toxins from Liver Flush (stones still coming out four days later)
I'd appreciate any thoughts. Shall I go back to square one and add in or is there a clear front-runner? Adrenals low from flush now shooting back up.