Re: iodine to the rescue
Hey MC!
I had an arrythmia and palpitations problem with my heart after several months of nursing that started back in '96. I lived with it almost daily. When my daughter was almost 12 months old, I had a sudden scare (she screamed me awake one morning, I was extremely startled and then nursed her).
After I finished nursing her and then laid back down, I had my first episode of
severe arrythmia where my heart started pumping so erratically and so slowly I felt myself starting to black out. I was already laying down. I was positive I was going to die but then remembered something my mother taught me. I sucked in air as hard as I could muster for the oxygen my heart needed to pump faster. It worked. I kept up the rhythmic breathing until hubby could get me to the ER.
They found nothing wrong, but later a 24-hour heart monitor revealed I had a "non"life-threatening heart arrythmia. The hesitation between heartbeats was too long. "Long QT syndrome" was another term for it. The doctor said that it usually happens after a "sudden scare" because the sudden rush of adrenaline had a certain effect upon the heart.
I basically lived with the palps on and off (I refused beta blockers) which always got worse with each change of my thyroid prescription.
When I started
Iodine supplementation, the heart improved. One day, when I was super cold, I "upped" my
Iodine by painting a huge spot of
"detoxified" iodine on my stomach at bedtime...I remember it was 15 drops' worth. Within ten minutes my heart was racing and pumped a bit erratically. I prayed hard, and started breathing rhythmically: in nose, out through pursed lips, evenly. (A count of 6 in, count of 6 out, etc). I was FINE in less than ten minutes.
I haven't had an incident with my heart ever since! (This was back in February of 2007).
Back then, about a week or two later, Vulcanel had posted an article about bromides taking iodine's rightful place in one of the chambers in the heart.
I personally believe that what happened was this: the extra
Iodine actually pushed the bromides out and took its rightful place in the chamber of the heart.
It's the only thing that makes sense to me. It also makes sense that the body would take the iodine and address the body's priorital need for its survival.