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Re: wabbitte, my reply to your question
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Re: wabbitte, my reply to your question


In regards to length of OJ fast, would like to go 14 - 21 days if possible. Actually, if things go as I think they might, I might not have any back teeth anyway and the juice fast might really speed the healing. However, I think I would like to do one quadrant at a time. Oh mercy, who knows how it will all go, but I would like to think my weight will equal out. I think sometimes that my weight loss has been related to my teeth to a large extent- my bite is not perfect & it is quite a chore to chew and then my teeth have been so sensitive, sometimes it's just easier not to eat. Maybe that's one reason I got to where I was drinking coffee all the time, the coffee didn't hurt my teeth and curbed my appetite. Since I have coffee only once a day now, my appetite is much better.

In regards to the cold/flu symptoms from flushing, usually passes pretty quick, within a day or two. It seems to be just mild symptoms and not the full blown flu. Now with the last flush & the plantar's wart on my foot, I'm hoping that dude goes away with the next flush. Would be nice to get all those bad viruses out of the body for good. Wonder if that can ever be accomplished?

Thanks for all your encouraging words too.




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