Re: I'm breaking the fast
This makes little sense to me, the stones were removed "BEFORE" the fast. If not, then you followed the medical book's way and that way would be correct food at this point. To answer anymore I would need to know each day what you did and see what was left out or altered. I have never met anyone that didn't feel great by day 7 and have their lives changed by day 14 and a new life by day 21. It all depends on our many short cuts a person does, you can't get more than you put into something. 99% refuse to make distilled water, 80% refuse to remove the metals and soaps out of their lives, many ignore the 3 days of Epsoms salts, few seem to know how to make the orange juice and how to drink it, the list is a long one. I have had a harvard MD not able to follow instructions, a host of MDs and professional people that can send rockets around the world, yet they can't squeeze an orange and drink it the way a old MD instructed, they skip over the rules and do it their way. You may not have any of these problems, I am just saying when done right, it changes lives for ever.
The medical book should be read and study guide filled out first i guess, too many people 1/2 try something they do not truley believe in and if they do not believe in it, it will never work.
The BAREFOOT Herbalist