Re: Hows your stress level?
I know its frustrating {SO very} why we get it and other people dont.
But everyone is made differently..its possible that for us, for whatever reason, our bodies just want to eliminate overloads of toxins through our skin, while other people dont. It may even be a good thing as far as getting toxins out of our bodies. Who knows? Either way I bet stress is a big factor in your still breaking out.
Two things about working out is it helps clean the lymph system, and helps relieve stress, two things that are SOOOO important. It drives me nuts though, knowing this, working out is STILL something I never seem to make time for, and am still suffering so much even though I know the benefits it would give me. You would think it would be my number one priority! Its odd how our minds work. Its that same negative cycle I mentioned before...
Depression and stress=acne=more
Depression and stress= hard to get out of bed to work out. I hate it! I swear Im going for a walk tomorrow.