Hows your stress level?
ive figured out that stress and my emotional issues {control issue, depression/anxiety, issues with things that happened in my childhood, etc} are creating an unhealthy environment within myself which I would say is at least 50% of the cause of my aggravated skin. I notice a direct relationship to when I have some type of mental breakdown or "episode" of whatever type..I can FEEL the stress hormones surging through my body and the inability to breathe deeply..and within an hour or two usually BAM there it is..a new cyst forming. Never fails!
The problem is working on these emotional issues and stress relief is much more difficult for me than working on the physical.
Liver Flushing and other cleanses and healing regimens and good nutrition have helped me but they can only do so much when my body and mind are so filled with this negative, looping energy.
Is it possible you have something similar going on? Skin problems in themselves are so stressful and cause such pain, it creates such a negative cycle, at least within myself. I see myself with cysts all over my face, I cry, I get angry, I get desperate, I try so many cleanses and things, when I try so hard and still see cysts I get SO mad, and stress so hard, and then more cysts come, etc etc.
Its very hard. I need something to relieve stress. Excercise is all I can think of but it hasnt worked for me yet..although it does help take some of the edge off of my emotional issues.