Re: Barefoot Herbalist is correct. ACV + Sodium Bicarbonate does not agree with me too.
No offense to you and if MH's theories are working for you then good. But I personally found his theories flawed in many respects.
a. He says Orange Juice fasting a a cure all. I completely disgree. Fasting is starvation and will do nothing to cure a person.
I followed MH's forum very closely for a year and found some very funny & unscientific things written by him. Finally I could not stand it and stopped reading his forum.
BTW, I did order the LBB capsules he raves abt and found them to be just average. Not a miracle product.
I have been reading a lot abt holistic health for the past 2 years. And some of the BEST CURES are the ones which are cheap and easily obtained by all.
There is absoultely nothing wrong with ACV and Baking Soda. BS is just neutralising the acids and converting the acetic and malic acid in it to Na-Acetate and Na-Malate. Same concept goes for converting Ascorbic Acid to Na-Ascorbate. Personally, just ACV was too strong for me. And long term use if just ACV will deplete the buffers. Hence the suggestion of Baking Soda.