May I ask why you would want to pay between $2,900 to $4,900 for a 66% chance of remission. Or why would you pay any amount of money for a remission? Why not go for the cure?
I had very bad asthma and allergies that kept me in the house with the windows closed and the air conditioning on. I could not even have a ceiling fan on without an adverse reaction. I developed asthma when I was in my early 40s. It did not make sense to me that I had developed asthma at that age. So I started researching...And now I don't have asthma or allergies anymore and NO MORE TOXIC INHALERS AND PILLS TO TAKE!!!
Have you done many colon, liver, and "PARASITE" cleanses? Have you stopped eating all grains. Have you changed your diet? You need to heal your gut. It is all about the terrain. Have you tried water fasting.
Good luck with your helminthic therapy. And I really mean good luck!