"I might not even need one if I'm Alkaline enough??"
Perhaps... but do not think of it as "alkalizing enough", think of it as alkalizing to achieve balance. You may need more "alkalizing" over a longer period of time to accomplish your goals. Too much too fast may give you the impression that this does not work when in fact it does for those who have been eating a poor diet, and/or poor quality food, and/or live/work in less than an ideal environment; which is most everyone.
Also keep in mind that IF your intestinal tract is a less than hospitable environment for the probiotics, you may not be getting much benefit from them. In this case, slowly using the alkalizing drink AND eating a good high quality (I would also suggest mostly raw, unless you use good mineral/bone broths) diet that includes lots of dark green foods may help to establish a better environment for them... BSM works too.