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Re: --answer--Can't think straight...Blood Sugar Crazy...Help!
leem9905 Views: 3,187
Published: 18 y
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Re: --answer--Can't think straight...Blood Sugar Crazy...Help!

Thanks for the head's up there. You're right that I have had these issues for a while. It certainly didn't start with your protocol. In fact, there are some things that have improved since I began Alkalizing.

The truth is, even if your protocol caused problems, I'd still be to blame for making the personal choice to follow it.

My intentions are soley to get help, so that I can get better and help others get better too - not to place blame. I'm sorry if my last post came off that way.

However, I have noticed some things since starting your protocol that I felt I should share and see if anyone has any advice.

I do wonder if the drink isn't a problem for folks (in the beginning) as their blood sugars become more and more stabilized. Is that common?

And, if anyone has any insight into why I had such a dramatic response to the colonic, I'd really appreciate it. My condition was livable before the colonic. Now it's totally out of hand.

Once again, I didn't mean to come off as blaming anyone. I'm here to learn and to get better. I'm sorry if I came across negatively, as that truly wasn't my intention.



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